View Full Version : KR 150 cutch

6th October 2007, 21:02
hey people..
i really need help with the clutch on this 150...

anyone know anything about it?????


6th October 2007, 21:09
What's wrong with it?

6th October 2007, 21:17
when i pulled it apart...( it was slipping).. i ruffened up the plates.. but when i went to put it back together.. i don't seam to have it right.. the clutch rod will not work right!!...

i will strip it down again to morrow.. to tiered at the moment..

and see if i have forgotten ( no parts left in tray!!:clap:) OR PUT IT TOGETHER WRONG??:Oops:

Racey Rider
6th October 2007, 21:23
hard to know without seeing how YOU'VE STUFFED IT.

but check the vertical lever (that comes out through the caseing) was in the correct position to engage the push rod.

9th October 2007, 08:25
New clutch kits are cheap man.
I think i paid $130~ for my 88 cbr600 clutch kit and chucked it in myself was piece of piss