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  1. Some more stuff (Part 3)

    Well I finally got off my ass and did some more.
    I took the forks apart and changed the fluid because the front felt a bit so so. What a difference. Previously it felt like the bike wanted a fight when going around every corner. Now it goes where I tell it.

    I took the flaking paint off and gave a good shine with a scotch pad left to right until I got the finish I wanted (not mirror) and then clear coated (can't be bothered painting).

    So now ...
  2. My NC 30 so far: getting her home

    So I get her home in the van; what a mission almost dropped it off the plank getting it into the van and getting it out.

    What can I say, it looked so bad but I knew it could be so good. I had been spending literally every minute I should have been studying working out how much it would cost to bring it to perfect condition. $2000 max I reconed.

    After posting on KB I knew the Rectifier was fucked, so I couldn't really ride it without fucking up the battery. Someone ...