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Bike Gear

Keeping your skin on your body

  1. Monday 4th : Failure to spend money on biking gear

    Now please I ask for your forbearance and patience in regards to my musings for Monday, in hindsight, which is always perfect and wonderful, I would have done things scantly different. As those who know me, I have a predilection for being able to use any pretext, no matter how flimsy as an excuse to go ride my bike.

    I am reminded of an old samurai/ronin apocryphal story where a lone samurai (I shall dispense with the ronin appellation since samurai evokes a much more epic sentiment) ...
  2. draggin jeans

    hey out there fellow bikers.
    has anyone brought draggin jeans only to find all the stiching start to come undone in all the important areas like zips and shit,
    imean go the kevlar but you think these fucking aussie's would at least keep there product in one piece especially with the price you pay for them. well thats my rant. cheers
  3. The creation of jubba the bucket

    So it has begun the day of birth is set to be sunday the 9th of aug little jubba the rg 250 frame is ment to be droped off to its new home to start its new life as jubba the bucket.
    so the idea so far it to put a loncin 150 engine in to it but as this is my first project i dont no how i am going to get the mounts on for the new heart as the frame is alloy.if any1 can help with this it would but geatly aprecated.
    so ive been saving for bike bits an gears and have ...
  4. Choosing the right safety gear

    My jacket and pants are about 10 years old now, and in need of replacement. But trying to decide what to replace them with has been challenging as their are so many options.

    First I decided what I wanted the gear for. I mostly ride on the streets, and want to go to track days and be safe.
    So I decided I wanted a two piece that can be zipped together. Because I do mostly street riding, and New Zealand being what it is, I also want something that will keep be dry for at least ...

    Updated 15th June 2009 at 23:09 by p.dath (Changing category.)

    General Bike Ravings , Personal entry , Bike Gear
  5. M50 Riders.

    Hey guys. I need some help with some gear for my ride.
    Does anyone know of a sporty looking windsheild that might fit my bike.(M50). I want one thats more for looks than effect. Not to high, smoked for example. Ive been looking and looking but cant find find anything. Cheers
  6. I'm here at last!!!!

    I ride a Ducati Monster 2001 series with custom bits on it. I'm 37 and now live in Feilding( well...15km from Kimbolton!) The sticks! I'm a caseworker for Mental Health company. Help, i need people to ride with and where i am the roads are good.
  7. New boots

    I finally got some waterproof boots today, and right in the middle of a typhoon too, so I used them straight away. I've been wanting to get a these for about a year now but whenever I go and check they never have my size. My feet aren't even huge or anything (a little over size 10) but finding shoes of my size in Japan is bloody hard. They offer to order them for me but I'd have to buy them and I didn't want to do that without trying them first. ...
    Bike Gear
  8. Moto-guzzi a pipe and slippers bike?

    This gentleman certainly seems to think so, for the slippers anyway. Maybe he left his pipe at home. This is a great example of how people here are pretty carefree with what they wear while riding - this fellow's gear could almost pass for pajamas. Rather than ATGATT, it's more like NGATT. On the other hand though, they don't go around crashing bikes anywhere near as often as Kiwis do, at least from what I can tell reading the forums here! ...
    Bike Gear
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