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Cycling my way to being a biker....

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I decided that now the feeling has returned to my ass that I would sit down and write about my journey to becoming a biker.

I borrowed a mountain bike from a friend, my thinking that was since I haven't been on two wheels for about 6 years it might be a good idea to reaquaint myself with a saddle. So anyway this morning I jumped on the bike and thankfully the sun was out and I have a quiet housing estate on my doorstep, thank goodness I did. Talk about shaky!! I honestly thought that I was going to fall off! If you have seen TG in Vietnam, Jeremy Clarkson was very shaky, well that was me!

After about 5 mins I got into the stride and started enjoying it. Having a new found confidence, I ventured out onto the road. It is such a strange feeling being on a bike and having cars driving by. I was somewhat nervous but managed to keep my cool.

The things I realised quite quickly was that having baggy track pants on doesn't work, they get caught up in the chain cogs I'm glad that I wore gloves and you do have to have eyes on the back of your head! And also that you do have to have alot of confidence.

I think I will continue to build up my confidence on the mountain bike (probably a month) before even thinking about getting on a motorbike!

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  1. allycatz's Avatar
    No baggy pants not good...learnt that while I was learning that you dont get off the right hand side of a bike or you end up with pants leg stuck on pedal and motor bike in lap...duh!