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Life in Urkadurkastan...

Wed May 20th..Suicidal Englishman?

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Well I am glad that week is over. At least all the new equipment we brought for the Tribology lab is working, now to start getting results. I do get nervous when the management make statements like…We can now run the equipment until the oil analysis tells us it is time to repair.

Driving down today Kiwis in one car Aussies in another…no Kiwi baiting today. Wife tells be it is 25 to 30 in Bishkek today, it was snowing at the mine last night. I have been up here..4000M for the last 10 days, time for a break…only 4 days. Little scotch, big sleep tonight, dentist tomorrow for a culturally correct Kyrgyz gold crown. Maybe a little golf at our little golf course, trip to super market, Friday afternoon pool session at the American bar….Now why would any clear thinking person name their business the “American Bar” in an Islamic country? You would almost have to have a death wish. And it is owned by an Englishman, …Indian restaurant Friday night, maybe more golf on Sat depending on Friday nights dinner reaction. Burger, fries and vodka screw up for lunch, vege out for the arvo. Sunday may be the Alamadin Bazaar browsing for treasures like the whopping great glass bottle with the glass stopper, over 2 foot high for 50 com ($1.50), and back to work Monday.

Living here has its quirks. 9 or 10 days on and 4 or 5 off for 3 1/2 months then 3 week holiday.
Endless cycle of work, recover, work, recover work, holiday, work recover, work, recover, work, holiday….etc

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  1. MIXONE's Avatar
    Plase keep up the posts as every little thing you see or do there is so different to life back here at home.