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Thread: Myths

  1. #1
    Join Date
    3rd April 2011 - 10:20
    Yamaha FJR1300


    Ok 6 weeks in and stuck in motel in Nelson cause of rain storm. I have now spent 3 weeks on each island andI would like to dispel the myth that south is better then north. Did north island first and would hear about 10 times a day how the south island is so much better and friendlier. Absolutely not true. First off both island are just as nice just different and the people aren't any more or less friendly on either island. In fact I have come to find most Kiwis in general very standoffish and almost impossible to get out of their motel rooms to have a drink and a chat, with a few exceptions. The people I have had the most fun with have come from somewhere else i.e Dutch, Brits, Germans, Aussies and even met and had good time with some Finns and Belgians.
    I will say that there is obviously less traffic south island and the roads in general are in better condition but by far the more fun motorbike roads are on the north island unless of course you like to sometimes go in a straight line for hours at a time like many areas of the south.
    Also many effin bad Kiwi drivers who for some unknown fucking reason like to cut lanes even on blind corners. Lost count how many times this has happened and caused me an off by Raglan as I was going into a 35km blind curve and some punk came the other way doing about 70 halfway in my lane.

    Anyways nice country and mostly good rides and heading back north island for duration of trip to ride the more fun biking roads. And my favorite ride so far is hands down the Coromandel Loop.

    Let the debate and inevitable bashing begin.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    21st December 2010 - 10:40
    Kapiti Commute
    Generally reads like a fair summing up but sounds a bit like you have only done the east coast south island roads? I wouldn't have said the west coast ones were straight for miles.
    BTW I never considered Nelsonians as the most friendly examples, got to get down the west coast or into the southern areas

  3. #3
    Join Date
    24th June 2004 - 17:27
    So old you won't care
    Too many tourists is wearing us out......

  4. #4
    Join Date
    8th November 2004 - 11:00
    GSXR 750 the wanton hussy
    Not in Napier now
    Don't be too harsh...
    You pissy just cos we have weather?
    Do you realise how many holes there could be if people would just take the time to take the dirt out of them?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    17th April 2006 - 05:39
    Various things
    Quote Originally Posted by jmmk View Post
    . In fact I have come to find most Kiwis in general very standoffish and almost impossible to get out of their motel rooms to have a drink and a chat, with a few exceptions. The people I have had the most fun with have come from somewhere else i.e Dutch, Brits, Germans, Aussies and even met and had good time with some Finns and Belgians.

    That's odd. We have a hell of a lot of tourists come through the shop, and the one thing nearly all of them say is how friendly and welcoming Kiwis are.

    Maybe it's you?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    14th June 2007 - 22:39
    Obsolete ones.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crasherfromwayback View Post
    That's odd. We have a hell of a lot of tourists come through the shop, and the one thing nearly all of them say is how friendly and welcoming Kiwis are.

    Maybe it's you?

    +1 Unfortunately the same cannot always be said in return.

    I guess same as anywhere you get out what you put in & circumstances create an impression. Met plenty of un-engaging kiwis on my travels too & Aussies & Poms & Israelis etc.

    I do like the roads I have on my doorstep, though. Twistylicious. Oh, we also have plenty of corner cutters too. Mouth breathers.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    13th February 2004 - 06:46
    Forza 155 SE Pit Bike
    The makings of an epic thread right there. I'm beginning to think you may have a bit of a sense of humour after all
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    21st October 2009 - 11:23
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    its no myth JMMK........dont take the word of ya seeing eye dog and get some laser surgery done on ya eyes quick smart..............the bad drivers you describe are more than likely effin tourists i would suspect...........and as for not friendly...........when at the puponga camp at farewell spit recently all the european tourists,german carpenter dudes in their funny black outfits,french and belguim avoided us like the plague...........we had the barby goin and invited them to chuck on a steak have a beer and a chinwag..............nope...........retired to their tents/campers till we finished...........only then did they emerge to sit around and talk amongst themselves..........
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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Nothing like a good canook bitch thread. Similar to a Yank bitch thread but only half as good.

    nb: I am not a racist, I abuse all races the same. Agree with you that some kiwi's are wankers. But we can't distinguish them here unfortunately. They don't do something obvious like speak french over here.
    Reactor Online. Sensors Online. Weapons Online. All Systems Nominal.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    27th February 2005 - 08:47
    a red heap
    towel wronger

  11. #11
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    yeah well you can go now..... oopppppsss I think I just confirmed the Ops view

  12. #12
    Join Date
    11th January 2010 - 04:48
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    Fuck jmmk, you've broken the Golden Rule of visiting NZ....

    No matter what you experience, if any of it is bad, indifferent, not as good as back home or anything that could be in any way taken as a criticism of "God's Own", you will be told quick sharp to "fuck off back to where you came from then".

    Kiwis can be some of the most ignorant, small minded, arrogant and rude people you will ever meet. Sadly a lot of people don't realise this on their 4 week flying visit, when they fall in love with the scenery, great food and coffee and the magical lifestyle Kiwis seem to have... but discover this after they migrate here and start wondering why they weren't refered to as a "fucking whinging Pom" when they were here on holiday.

    I'm a Kiwi, I'm from Nelson, I know what small-minded Kiwis are, I grew up with them and they make me embarrased to call myself a Kiwi sometimes.

    On the flipside, there are some truely magical things about living here, I have spent half my life trying to live elsewhere in the world, but I only feel at home in NZ. Shame you haven't had the greatest experience, but hey "if you don't like it, why don't you fuck off back to where you came from"...

    Oh and yes, white Kiwis of Eurpean decent (i.e. not some Asian import, or tourist or brown fella or whoever else they chose to blame) are, by and large, awful drivers.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmmk View Post
    ... The people I have had the most fun with have come from somewhere else i.e Dutch, Brits, Germans, Aussies and even met and had good time with some Finns and Belgians. ...
    This could be less about the country they're from and more about them being similar people to you (travellers, whatever).

    e.g. I can imagine a Welshman staying in London calling English people standoffish and saying thos Aussie and Kiwi backpackers were great.
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by White trash View Post
    I'm off to shoot a dairy owner and steal a hundred bucks from his till, if he dies, it's the dumb curries fault for not wearing a bullet proof vest.
    Quote Originally Posted by maddad View Post
    New Zealand, where cows are happy, men are men, sheep are nervous and horses are fast because they heard about the sheep.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    6th January 2009 - 12:17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay GTI View Post
    I'm a Kiwi, I'm from Nelson, I know what small-minded Kiwis are, I grew up with them and they make me embarrased to call myself a Kiwi sometimes.
    you should be embarrased and ashamed

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