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Thread: Speed - what slows you down?

  1. #46
    Join Date
    7th January 2014 - 14:45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ninjacookie View Post
    and yes, im going to ride that limit in the right hand lane. Because that way I don't have to watch so many directions at once for crazy people trying to cut me off.

    You are going to sit in the overtaking lane, without overtaking?

    I try to always keep left, unless overtaking (yah know, like it says in the road code)
    Physics; Thou art a cruel, heartless Bitch-of-a-Mistress

  2. #47
    Join Date
    21st December 2006 - 14:36
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Dog View Post
    The other day I was headed out to Whitford and a dude who clearly thought he was gods gift to boganville (Auckland) was coming the other way mullet blowing out behind him. Panicked look in his eye as he came around the blind corner. Panicked because the boat he was towing had forced him wide. Completely into my lane at one point.

    No problem thinks I. I just stitch out to the fog line and carry on past him thinking to myself and that is why I don't speed much if at all any more.
    The fact that you survived had more to do with riding to the conditions than not speeding. I'd be willing to hazard a guess that the speed limit would've been too high for that blind corner.
    "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin (1706-90)

    "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending to much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it." - Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

    "Motorcycling is not inherently dangerous. It is, however, EXTREMELY unforgiving of inattention, ignorance, incompetence and stupidity!" - Anonymous

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  3. #48
    Join Date
    21st December 2006 - 14:36
    Quote Originally Posted by Madness View Post
    I found that having to ride as passenger with my woman driving for 28 days had an astounding effect on reducing my overall road speed.
    For some it has the opposite affect.
    "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin (1706-90)

    "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending to much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it." - Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

    "Motorcycling is not inherently dangerous. It is, however, EXTREMELY unforgiving of inattention, ignorance, incompetence and stupidity!" - Anonymous

    "Live to Ride, Ride to Live"

  4. #49
    Join Date
    21st December 2006 - 14:36
    Quote Originally Posted by AllanB View Post
    But rain spots on black paint make such a mess, or so I am told
    Nah, not a mess. It's the mark of the all-weather rider.
    "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin (1706-90)

    "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending to much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it." - Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

    "Motorcycling is not inherently dangerous. It is, however, EXTREMELY unforgiving of inattention, ignorance, incompetence and stupidity!" - Anonymous

    "Live to Ride, Ride to Live"

  5. #50
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gremlin View Post
    Excitement in riding no longer comes from speed, now it's the riding itself and executing a nice smooth and safe ride. Plenty of enjoyment to be had within speed limits in the back roads. Anyone can twist the throttle on a straight stretch...
    Smooth is the new fast.

    Anyone can point a bike down a long straight road and go fast.

    But it takes skill to wind good speed out of a bike in the twisties.

    I'm wit chew, Grem

  6. #51
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ninjacookie View Post
    So topics like this make me wonder...

    Am I the only one who actually enjoys sticking to the speed limit (or even slightly under) for a nice scenic ride?

    I had 2 bikes and 4 cars all getting whingey with me the other day for riding at 100 down the motorway. Yes, I'm going to stick to the speed limit and yes, im going to ride that limit in the right hand lane. Because that way I don't have to watch so many directions at once for crazy people trying to cut me off.

    Stick to the right lane if you go slow, I love people like you, it leaves the left hand lane completely empty and so much faster than the right lane.

    Also do you even road rules?

    Just because you don't speed, doesn't mean you can ignore other road rules and stay safe. That's the same mentality the elderly people have when they crash and die at 70km/h in a back country road. I don't break a single traffic rule when I ride/drive, except speed limits. I've indicated wrong probably 3 times this year.

  7. #52
    Join Date
    23rd January 2006 - 17:24
    aprilia Tuono
    Quote Originally Posted by FJRider View Post
    40 over a posted speed limit (this includes temporary [roadworks] speed zones and passing stopped school buses [20 km/hr] ) and you get an automatic 28 days suspension of your license. Plus the (minimum) 3 months loss of license after your court case.

    Having hypothetically just had this experience, the rules are 40km/h over a permanent speed limit or 50km/h over a temporary speed limit results in an instant suspension for 28 days and a walk home.

    Then, you will have an appearance in traffic court (probably in front of a JP rather than a judge) charged with exceeding the permanent speed limit by more than 40km/h, resulting in a fine and 50 demerit points. Depending on how the charge has been laid, you could be up for a grand, or 10 grand.

    Depending on where you are in the country you will probably find that you will also be charged with dangerous driving - this is up to the police prosecutor and policies of the local police force. It is the dangerous driving charge, not the excess speed charge, that that carries the disqualification which is a minimum of 6 months.

    You may find that you have been charged with careless instead of dangerous, which carries a minimum of 3 months.

    If you haven't been charged with careless or dangerous, the JP can if he wishes add a charge of careless to the charge sheet (but not dangerous), although most JP's don't know that they can do this. The police prosecutor can also ask for the case to be withdrawn so that he can lay further charges of careless or dangerous if he doesn't agree with the cop who laid the charges.

    two points of interest...

    1) the demerit's don't get added onto your licence until you pay the fine, so if you have some points expiring soon, you can delay your payment so that you don't get banned on the 100 point accumulator. allegedly

    2) the auto number plate recognition system that is being rolled out on the cars at the moment is not a live feed. I allegedly got pulled over because the system in the car flagged that the bike was owned by a suspended driver even though i had allegedly had my licence back for 2 weeks at that point.

    EDIT: Passing the Attitude Test at the roadside may have the effect of a serious reduction in charges. However your mileage may vary

    Quote Originally Posted by Madness View Post
    I found that having to ride as passenger with my woman driving for 28 days had an astounding effect on reducing my overall road speed.
    This.... and the fact that i may or may not have many points left on my licence now
    "For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen" Douglas Adams (1952-2001) - not riding a TUONO then!

  8. #53
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    23rd January 2006 - 17:24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metastable View Post
    It depends. I've seen roads in NZ where you'd have to be a great driver/rider to keep up to the posted 100kph speed limit. Conversely you get a multilane motorway that carries the same speed, yet would be very safe at 120kph. It's sad you guys now have a 40 over licence suspension, various provinces in Canada do too. Hopefully you have a court date first.

    (I have to give the American's credit with regards to how they often set speeds using an engineering study. Sometimes it shows a reduction is speed is appropriate, however the opposite often occurs and they increase the limits. IMO, that is how it should be done, as opposed to having some town councilors without proper training, being the individuals who pick arbitrary speed limits that don't make sense. Various states have 80 mph sections on the interstates and a stretch in Texas is actually 85mph = 137kph.)
    There are some research from Canada that raising the speed limit where appropriate actually reduces the road toll. But there is no way in hell that the ptb here would be that intelligent.

    to my mind, if it's safe enough to do 100km/h on a one carriageway road with traffic travelling in both directions, then it must be safer to do more than 100 on a multi lane highway with dividing barriers... needless to say i didn't mention my theory to the copper that pulled me up recently.
    "For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen" Douglas Adams (1952-2001) - not riding a TUONO then!

  9. #54
    Join Date
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    Your reg/rectifier burning out halfway to the middle of fucking nowhere.

  10. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ninjacookie View Post

    I had 2 bikes and 4 cars all getting whingey with me the other day for riding at 100 down the motorway. Yes, I'm going to stick to the speed limit and yes, im going to ride that limit in the right hand lane. Because that way I don't have to watch so many directions at once for crazy people trying to cut me off.
    No one made you the speed police did they? You sound like a right prick.

  11. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by breakaway View Post
    The speed limit is designed to account for all skill levels and all machine types.


    Basically the road rules are in place to cater to the lowest common denominator.
    Nope, it's a made up number nothing more & the road rules/layout creates the lowest common denominator
    If people are told not to think, they're not going to think

    Quote Originally Posted by Ninjacookie View Post
    I had 2 bikes and 4 cars all getting whingey with me the other day for riding at 100 down the motorway. Yes, I'm going to stick to the speed limit and yes, im going to ride that limit in the right hand lane. Because that way I don't have to watch so many directions at once for crazy people trying to cut me off.
    uncourteous knob... have some fucking manners on the road. It's not only written in legislation what you're doing is illegal (doubly so in-fact) but it's uncourteous & just a wank move, like people who cut lines.
    Science Is But An Organized System Of Ignorance
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  12. #57
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gremlin View Post
    Excitement in riding no longer comes from speed, now it's the riding itself and executing a nice smooth and safe ride. Plenty of enjoyment to be had within speed limits in the back roads. Anyone can twist the throttle on a straight stretch...
    I am with Grem 100%. Too many rozza collecting road tax these days.

    Any fool can open the throttle and go fast on a straight road. I enjoy riding a relatively underpowered bike with poor road manners relatively quickly. Its a bit more of a challange than riding a powerfull bike with great handling relatively slowly.

    If I want to get some where quickly I will take the car.
    Just another leather clad Tinkerbell.
    The Wanker on the Fucking Harley is going for a ride!

  13. #58
    Join Date
    22nd October 2002 - 11:00
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scuba_Steve View Post
    Uncourteous knob... have some fucking manners on the road. It's not only written in legislation what you're doing is illegal (doubly so in-fact) but it's uncourteous & just a wank move, like people who cut lines.
    Discourteous and dumb most definitely, but written in legislation... I don't think so. From what I understand from the training sergeant in south Auckland, each lane is treated as a separate road and there is no such thing as an "overtaking lane" or similar connotations. That means that you can "undertake" to pass a slower vehicle in your lane provided that normal safe practice is adhered to. Can any of the police on this forum confirm that?

  14. #59
    Join Date
    23rd January 2006 - 17:24
    aprilia Tuono
    Quote Originally Posted by Ninjacookie View Post
    So topics like this make me wonder...

    Am I the only one who actually enjoys sticking to the speed limit (or even slightly under) for a nice scenic ride?

    I had 2 bikes and 4 cars all getting whingey with me the other day for riding at 100 down the motorway. Yes, I'm going to stick to the speed limit and yes, im going to ride that limit in the right hand lane. Because that way I don't have to watch so many directions at once for crazy people trying to cut me off.
    Really? Really?????

    I have nothing against you if you want to ride to the speed limit. whatever floats your boat. but sitting in the outside lane at 100 is just plain stupid.

    Keep left. Ever heard of that?
    What about this one - Don't hold up traffic wanting to pass you.

    You SHOULD be watching in all directions. it's called PAYING ATTENTION.

    so you'll comply with an arbitrarily chosen speed limit not based upon any ratio of safety to vehicles travelling on that road, but you won't comply with other rules designed to reduce frustration of other drivers, which then cause them to make rash decisions and potentially drive dangerously to get past you???

    take a look at your riding and how it affects those around you before you get caught up in an incident that you have helped create
    "For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen" Douglas Adams (1952-2001) - not riding a TUONO then!

  15. #60
    Join Date
    23rd January 2006 - 17:24
    aprilia Tuono
    Quote Originally Posted by Blackbird View Post
    Discourteous and dumb most definitely, but written in legislation... I don't think so. From what I understand from the training sergeant in south Auckland, each lane is treated as a separate road and there is no such thing as an "overtaking lane" or similar connotations. That means that you can "undertake" to pass a slower vehicle in your lane provided that normal safe practice is adhered to. Can any of the police on this forum confirm that?
    you should probably read that rode code again.

    you must use the left most lane available to you - here's a direct link to the road code.

    i can't believe this is not being taught properly
    "For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen" Douglas Adams (1952-2001) - not riding a TUONO then!

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