View Full Version : Jokes and Humour

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  1. Playboy Breast test
  2. A Joke
  3. Yet more stuff you really need to know
  4. Rectum stretcher
  5. Funny flashes
  6. For all you office workers to help kill the boredom.
  7. Horoscope lightbulb jokes
  8. Rethink your Job
  9. In light of recent elections....
  10. Harley Davidson vs God
  11. Christmas joke thread
  12. When girls don't put out
  13. A gross, offensive, disturbing photo, do not view
  14. The "love dress"
  15. Joke for Wednesday
  16. Humor for the day!
  17. Mastercard - Priceless!
  18. The most unfortunate license plate I ever saw
  19. Joke Thread #6482292
  20. Aircraft logs
  21. Old people's song
  22. New words with old meanings
  23. Words women use
  24. pop goes the weasle...
  25. Comedy genius.
  26. song meanings
  27. My funnies for today
  28. A whole Fart??
  29. Biker Kitten
  30. Evil stationary
  31. Start 'em young... (funny pics)
  32. A Message From Iraqi Children
  33. You worked where?
  34. Smile
  35. Funny photos
  36. More dumbarse vids
  37. Womens Libs!!
  38. Mens Libs
  39. My bean....
  40. Beautiful people - Friday funnies
  41. Interesting Pharmacological study
  42. hide n seek with a jet..
  43. It had just turned yellow..
  44. OH GOSH... poor girl...
  45. Everyone Else Has Had More Sex Than Me....
  46. Slipstream Slipstream Slipstream
  47. My thought for today....
  48. Because I like to share!!!!!!!
  49. The Art of Coffee
  50. Office Pranks
  51. It's a penis - isn't it?
  52. My perfect woman
  53. Having a back day?
  54. Beauty tips from Beckham
  55. Grammar oops
  56. Dick in a ute
  57. Safety precautions for fireworks use....
  58. The bacon tree..
  59. Shamless photos of ladies.......
  60. One for the boys (girls will have a laugh to)
  61. A Joke
  62. the man song
  63. Want to stay slim, ladies?
  64. I can finally afford to fill up at the petrol station...
  65. An interesting newsletter
  66. Off to sea.
  67. Cat names.
  68. The Fartotron - Childish but fun.
  69. Pervert - the movie
  70. Tough German cars
  71. A question that gobsmacked me.
  72. Dilbert.
  73. Sex before marriage - For the ladies (Unsafe for work)
  74. Blonde revenge
  75. What advertisements would say if they were honest?
  76. Proof that men can multi-task
  77. an irish tale
  78. know how to get on top in the office?
  79. WORK Virus!
  80. Stupid Videos
  81. Marriage - It's a joke.
  82. one for NC
  83. US Politicians discuss important issues
  84. C U Next Tuesday
  85. FOrrty TWo BEe-low
  86. How to... Get your knee down - Pictorial
  87. GIX vs R1
  88. THE most stupid joke...
  89. ...walks into a bar...
  90. I must improve my anguish, gets you thinkin
  91. Karaoke for the deaf
  92. Old but cool
  93. Classic Resignation Letter
  94. Bad Hoff Joke (NC, you there?)
  95. Bad Golf Joke
  96. Worrying innit?
  97. Rhymes/Limericks
  98. 40 flavours
  99. Worrying innit? V2 Hijacked version
  100. A simple test of character for you...
  101. The difference between 'GUTS' and 'BALLS'
  102. The prawn
  103. German Engineering
  104. What my mother taught me
  105. Men really bugger up.....
  107. Ummm, spot the dumass
  108. Why men shouln't babysit
  109. That damn annoying frog!
  110. Another Joke
  111. Drunk Germans Online Game
  112. How to make friends...
  113. The Mighty Crusaders
  114. Buy a GOLDFISH
  115. Let's do lunch
  116. For Sth Island farmers & Taranakians..
  117. Favourite comedians etc
  118. How Fred got off his speeding ticket
  119. Top 20 ways to say your fly is undone
  120. Comeon now, be polite
  121. one of those days...
  122. Postcard Secrets
  123. Whats the difference?
  124. You think it's easy reading news items? hehehe
  125. Bad Parenting
  126. If General Motors were like general Microsoft
  127. Court testimony
  128. A complete waste of time!
  129. Bored males do strange things
  130. Cartman Sound Board
  131. Vir die Suid Afrikaaners hier. Voetsak as jy nie van SA kom ;)
  132. A few great docs for when you're bored!
  133. bachelor?
  134. thought for the day
  135. New Lawn Mower
  136. Don't run with sissors.
  137. Why Isrealies dont run from the police
  138. Some funnies for today
  139. Funniest thing I've ever seen.
  140. A Penis and A Lesbian
  141. bad endo
  142. Why bikes are better than sex...
  143. Iranian Edition of Guess Who
  144. Grandpa's Trout - Not Work Safe
  145. Ideal Job Predictor
  146. Irish Vasectomy
  147. Prescription Cyanide?
  148. Cows with guns.
  149. what women want..
  150. clever Aussies
  151. Brick layer
  152. Some funnies for today
  153. Buy of the month
  154. Why Motorcycles are better than Women.
  155. Funny vids
  156. for the kwaka lads
  157. Gin
  158. A friendly message from bp
  159. Novice training
  160. Work Evaluations
  161. The Pope is travelling...
  162. Warning from the American Med Assoc
  163. Store Wars
  164. Dear Audrey
  165. What's.....
  166. Children, they're smarter than we think . . .
  167. Phunny fotos
  168. Sexual harassment
  169. The mystery is gone ... How was I born?
  170. wash your hands......???
  171. ANOTHER complete waste of time
  172. For all cricket lovers, the gentleman's game .......
  173. Annoy Everyone
  174. 69 Things to do at K-Mart
  175. more pics you don't see every day
  176. A joke that needs downloading and audio
  177. The ultimate diet?
  178. TV commentator quotes
  179. Revenge
  180. Fresh Engrish
  181. some Ideas
  182. You have sold out to The Man
  183. Funny pics
  184. Investments
  185. Motorway Patrol
  186. in a WWI psychiatric ward
  187. shot the kitty :D
  188. The Laka
  189. Bite you in the 'ass' + Free Ipods + XBOX
  190. Men and women jokes
  191. TEST- Are you a "physchopath"
  192. Two Wheels in the Wet
  193. Women...
  194. New Weebl and Bob
  195. Saucy t-shirts
  196. Sensitive body..
  197. Little Johnny
  198. Canadians Versus Americans
  199. Poke the Penguin
  200. The logic of a child.....
  201. A perfect Day
  202. Shopper KO'd by vibrating undies
  203. On whaling.....
  204. BUSTED!
  205. Your salary review
  206. Left Brain verses Right Brain
  207. Here's a joke......
  208. Ever wondered....
  209. Cheap mobile phone hands free kits
  210. How Shit Happens.
  211. Camel Foot
  212. oh no!!! NC!!!!!
  213. wear suncream
  214. Some people are like slinkies...
  216. The 11th commandment
  217. Cool digital pix
  218. Words of Wisdom
  219. confession time
  220. Job wanted
  221. knee touchdown
  222. Microwaved Gerbil
  223. Women vs Men - taking a shower..
  224. another new iPod...
  225. I'm keen for the job
  226. elocution lessons....
  227. So now we know who ate the pies!
  228. dunken night at the pub
  229. Here's One For The Girls!!
  230. Little Jonny
  232. Fuel prices
  233. When a fast car isn't enough...
  234. Can you do this?
  235. Pillsbury dough boy
  236. A beach in Brazil
  237. Some Biker jokes...
  238. Euphemisms for Teachers
  239. Use of the f word
  240. My new paint job
  241. 10 things men understand about women
  242. Misleading advertising
  243. Now that it's all over...
  244. 4 all u poms
  245. Shopping for a rod and reel
  246. As suspected
  247. More trademe funnies
  248. google....
  249. BUggy and other mac freaks
  250. love bite...