View Full Version : Jokes and Humour
- Playboy Breast test
- A Joke
- Yet more stuff you really need to know
- Rectum stretcher
- Funny flashes
- For all you office workers to help kill the boredom.
- Horoscope lightbulb jokes
- Rethink your Job
- In light of recent elections....
- Harley Davidson vs God
- Christmas joke thread
- When girls don't put out
- A gross, offensive, disturbing photo, do not view
- The "love dress"
- Joke for Wednesday
- Humor for the day!
- Mastercard - Priceless!
- The most unfortunate license plate I ever saw
- Joke Thread #6482292
- Aircraft logs
- Old people's song
- New words with old meanings
- Words women use
- pop goes the weasle...
- Comedy genius.
- song meanings
- My funnies for today
- A whole Fart??
- Biker Kitten
- Evil stationary
- Start 'em young... (funny pics)
- A Message From Iraqi Children
- You worked where?
- Smile
- Funny photos
- More dumbarse vids
- Womens Libs!!
- Mens Libs
- My bean....
- Beautiful people - Friday funnies
- Interesting Pharmacological study
- hide n seek with a jet..
- It had just turned yellow..
- OH GOSH... poor girl...
- Everyone Else Has Had More Sex Than Me....
- Slipstream Slipstream Slipstream
- My thought for today....
- Because I like to share!!!!!!!
- The Art of Coffee
- Office Pranks
- It's a penis - isn't it?
- My perfect woman
- Having a back day?
- Beauty tips from Beckham
- Grammar oops
- Dick in a ute
- Safety precautions for fireworks use....
- The bacon tree..
- Shamless photos of ladies.......
- One for the boys (girls will have a laugh to)
- A Joke
- the man song
- Want to stay slim, ladies?
- I can finally afford to fill up at the petrol station...
- An interesting newsletter
- Off to sea.
- Cat names.
- The Fartotron - Childish but fun.
- Pervert - the movie
- Tough German cars
- A question that gobsmacked me.
- Dilbert.
- Sex before marriage - For the ladies (Unsafe for work)
- Blonde revenge
- What advertisements would say if they were honest?
- Proof that men can multi-task
- an irish tale
- know how to get on top in the office?
- WORK Virus!
- Stupid Videos
- Marriage - It's a joke.
- one for NC
- US Politicians discuss important issues
- C U Next Tuesday
- FOrrty TWo BEe-low
- How to... Get your knee down - Pictorial
- GIX vs R1
- THE most stupid joke...
- ...walks into a bar...
- I must improve my anguish, gets you thinkin
- Karaoke for the deaf
- Old but cool
- Classic Resignation Letter
- Bad Hoff Joke (NC, you there?)
- Bad Golf Joke
- Worrying innit?
- Rhymes/Limericks
- 40 flavours
- Worrying innit? V2 Hijacked version
- A simple test of character for you...
- The difference between 'GUTS' and 'BALLS'
- The prawn
- German Engineering
- What my mother taught me
- Men really bugger up.....
- Ummm, spot the dumass
- Why men shouln't babysit
- That damn annoying frog!
- Another Joke
- Drunk Germans Online Game
- How to make friends...
- The Mighty Crusaders
- Let's do lunch
- For Sth Island farmers & Taranakians..
- Favourite comedians etc
- How Fred got off his speeding ticket
- Top 20 ways to say your fly is undone
- Comeon now, be polite
- one of those days...
- Postcard Secrets
- Whats the difference?
- You think it's easy reading news items? hehehe
- Bad Parenting
- If General Motors were like general Microsoft
- Court testimony
- A complete waste of time!
- Bored males do strange things
- Cartman Sound Board
- Vir die Suid Afrikaaners hier. Voetsak as jy nie van SA kom ;)
- A few great docs for when you're bored!
- bachelor?
- thought for the day
- New Lawn Mower
- Don't run with sissors.
- Why Isrealies dont run from the police
- Some funnies for today
- Funniest thing I've ever seen.
- A Penis and A Lesbian
- bad endo
- Why bikes are better than sex...
- Iranian Edition of Guess Who
- Grandpa's Trout - Not Work Safe
- Ideal Job Predictor
- Irish Vasectomy
- Prescription Cyanide?
- Cows with guns.
- what women want..
- clever Aussies
- Brick layer
- Some funnies for today
- Buy of the month
- Why Motorcycles are better than Women.
- Funny vids
- for the kwaka lads
- Gin
- A friendly message from bp
- Novice training
- Work Evaluations
- The Pope is travelling...
- Warning from the American Med Assoc
- Store Wars
- Dear Audrey
- What's.....
- Children, they're smarter than we think . . .
- Phunny fotos
- Sexual harassment
- The mystery is gone ... How was I born?
- wash your hands......???
- ANOTHER complete waste of time
- For all cricket lovers, the gentleman's game .......
- Annoy Everyone
- 69 Things to do at K-Mart
- more pics you don't see every day
- A joke that needs downloading and audio
- The ultimate diet?
- TV commentator quotes
- Revenge
- Fresh Engrish
- some Ideas
- You have sold out to The Man
- Funny pics
- Investments
- Motorway Patrol
- in a WWI psychiatric ward
- shot the kitty :D
- The Laka
- Bite you in the 'ass' + Free Ipods + XBOX
- Men and women jokes
- TEST- Are you a "physchopath"
- Two Wheels in the Wet
- Women...
- New Weebl and Bob
- Saucy t-shirts
- Sensitive body..
- Little Johnny
- Canadians Versus Americans
- Poke the Penguin
- The logic of a child.....
- A perfect Day
- Shopper KO'd by vibrating undies
- On whaling.....
- Your salary review
- Left Brain verses Right Brain
- Here's a joke......
- Ever wondered....
- Cheap mobile phone hands free kits
- How Shit Happens.
- Camel Foot
- oh no!!! NC!!!!!
- wear suncream
- Some people are like slinkies...
- The 11th commandment
- Cool digital pix
- Words of Wisdom
- confession time
- Job wanted
- knee touchdown
- Microwaved Gerbil
- Women vs Men - taking a shower..
- another new iPod...
- I'm keen for the job
- elocution lessons....
- So now we know who ate the pies!
- dunken night at the pub
- Here's One For The Girls!!
- Little Jonny
- Fuel prices
- When a fast car isn't enough...
- Can you do this?
- Pillsbury dough boy
- A beach in Brazil
- Some Biker jokes...
- Euphemisms for Teachers
- Use of the f word
- My new paint job
- 10 things men understand about women
- Misleading advertising
- Now that it's all over...
- 4 all u poms
- Shopping for a rod and reel
- As suspected
- More trademe funnies
- google....
- BUggy and other mac freaks
- love bite...
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