View Full Version : Biker Politics & Law
- Rego Rises Again
- 40 demerits is it worth it?
- Another Bike running from the cops
- Does anyone know the fine for riding a bike outside your licence CC restriction?
- Speed Camera's go covert
- Learner restrictions
- speed cameras:doin 51 or more over limit
- UK Police to reduce speed cameras
- Lane Splitting
- Anyone know anything about this new licence trial starting soon?
- 200 + o.k who was it !!
- The right hand rule
- What to do about tailgaters?
- Tailgating: are you guilty
- How many demerits?
- Licencing and Eye Tests
- Licencing
- Police are planning...
- Toll charges
- Why do we need the LTSA?
- Write a letter - save some money
- Speeding and Prostiution
- Paying For Your Rego Online
- Good cop.... and no bad cop :)
- Law makers/breakers
- RANT: F*&#ing Cagers who park in bike spaces.
- Midday WOF & COF Check Tuakau area
- Questions about lane splitting
- CBTA Full License course
- ARC forum topic
- What's up with Auck City bus lanes?
- Lane-Splitting offence
- WOF advice
- ACC increase again
- possible 250cc expemtion?
- 250cc law change?
- Suggestions for speed limit enforcement
- Gear and ACC
- Fines Anyone?
- qualified lawyer please, can I beat this ticket?
- Speeding, ouch..................
- Are these legal in nz?
- Well, I knew it had to happen...
- Can I ride a bike over 250cc? (licence question)
- Lower Speed Limits
- Licensing HELP!!
- VIN /Vehicle compliance regulations???
- Licence Restrictions - WTF?
- Mobile Speed Cameras
- Expired WOF
- Upcoming Law Change - Bus Lanes, Us, Yes :)
- Police and their questions
- New road rules
- Speed Cameras in NZ
- WOF stipulations for light lens?
- new reglations brought in
- OK road rules experts.
- Breath testing and motorbikes
- Rego and W.O.F question...
- Speed and the law
- Anyone sat the full licence test recently?
- Is there a period which you must get ur learners on?
- The law and Lane-Splitting/Filtering
- The $1300 speeding ticket...
- These people are entrusted in enforcing the law?
- A bit of surprise on the vehicle registration
- Road tax, road works
- Fine Payments
- Bus lanes / lane splitting
- New rules from Aunty Helen coming
- 12 interesting safety facts...
- Restricted to Full course. Not CBTA
- Holding different classes of license?
- 2 speeding tickets in 2 minutes
- Bummer
- Progress..or just a true Wannabe?
- Flashing orange lights
- Police concerned about dangerous antics
- Hooray for Greg!
- Speeding is Bullshit
- Ok legal beagles -sort this out.
- A Nice Cop :-)
- latest ticket
- Tax return? $1300 ticket - the aftermath.
- Auggh! He got me!
- Wheres your "legal stuff?"
- the ever popular topic: can I get out of my ticket
- LTSA, thats just plain greedy!
- Street Talk and Defensive Driving
- L-Plate Mufti Cop
- yay - biker politics
- A letter to the Govt
- Defensive Driving Courses?
- Is turning yourself in a good idea?
- CBTA Information
- Where is the biker lobby?
- Rego question
- Traffic police paradise!!!
- Passrite & the LTSA have pissed me right off!
- whats the truth
- Licence tests - is this shonky or what
- NICE highway patrol officer!
- Exhaust- WoF issues
- Off road going on road
- Use of Emergency Vehicle Lanes
- Government Morons
- Is getting a motorcycle licence in NZ too difficult?
- AA = Anti motorcycle Association!
- Cyclists bubble burst
- Courts problem
- F'wits and losers
- 2stroke emisions
- An exclusive club?
- Interesting comment by junior copper
- Confirmation required on new lane splitting rules
- Maybe we can regain confidence in our Police
- Your ACC Levy
- Have finally found a good part of ACC
- Light at the end of the tunnel?
- Failing to stop USA style
- Restricted license test
- pillion on restricted
- Running a red light
- This isn't right FFS!!!
- Glory to Dallas and Mike a big f**k u to the others
- Dob in a driver
- Botany Honda
- Legality of a home built speedo/odo
- Licence questions
- hypothetical situation # 427
- Motorway Bus Lanes
- checking legalities of vehicles using frame numbers
- Speed Camera?
- Well that's it then...
- Can i knock off 6 months??
- Need an excuse for crashing - Slippery when wet
- Distance based rego fees for bikes
- Speeding? Spit please....
- Regulations for end cans
- give way situation.
- Aussie Filtering Petittion
- Vehicle tracking in the UK
- Instant Loss if Licence
- New Laws
- help!!
- LTSA - shorten licence period for me....please?
- New helmet after its 5 years old LAW.
- Why are licence tests available in Maori?
- Whats with the speed limit lowering
- Incentives for fuel efficient vehicles?
- So whats different in NZ?
- Members of the Road Safety Council
- Land Transport Ammendment act 2005
- Paranoia re LANE SPLITTING??
- What are my chances???
- Cars Lane splitting bikes?
- Making One BIke from two
- UK "L"'s
- plate size
- Proposed 80kph limit on Coastville Riverhead Hwy
- Petition for removal of L plate and 70km/hr limit????
- Bike noise
- Motorcycle Restricted Licence Test (Scam)
- Bike protest at parlimant ground,,, Would you come,,
- Boy Racer Act
- Restricted Licence HELP (invercargill)
- Restricted Advice
- Has anyone had a ticket doing 100km/hr on Learners???
- Govt process and us.
- Black Forest road.
- To the bike cop that stopped me this morning...
- Wellington Free bike parking
- I have a vision*
- bike leaners license, courses?
- The Big Dave Files
- Nice Policeman issues lenient ticket!!
- Has anyone had any experience with applying for a limited license?
- Radar Detectors, Whats best,
- How to get a Limited License! for under $400.00
- Radar gun accuracy
- JAFA Tax
- The Phurrball puts another paw forward in the graduated licence system.
- WOF Problems
- Nodman catches Brain surgeon
- Auckland Road Tax - Lets Do Something About It!
- Cruising for a ticket
- OK guys the game is up...
- Bloody bike transporters
- New number plate 'font'?
- how is a wheelie/stoppie breaking the law?
- how many driving lamps allowed
- So what are YOUR issues.
- Loss of Licence
- These nice biker chaps
- Learner License Conditions
- Are There Any Statisticians here?
- Hills & the highway collection agency
- Submission on proposed Auckland congestion charges
- Ticketing by radar
- Politics
- My Friends - Insurers
- Busted! How do you contest it?
- Demerit point letters... with additional speed kills letter?
- General LTSA Stupidity
- Orewa Policing ineffective
- A licence to exceed 100km/h
- Unbundling of the local loop
- Cops Playing games
- Petition time...
- Splitting Q
- Uh-oh, this is bad, Andy is watching us, lads.
- Speeding ticket
- Tougher restrictions on foreign drivers in NZ
- New rego prices
- Aussie bikers defeat anti-lanesplitting law!
- Question for the cops, lawyers and othe knowledgable parasites on here.
- Another question for the upholders of the law?
- Driving at a dangerous speed - any hope of keeping my license?
- is there a link between oz & nz for licence information?
- Practical Defensive Riding Course Information for those on Restricted License
- Mercer St, Wellington Motorcycle park on Sundays.
- Sitting your Restricted License
- Challenge to Transit re mway bus lanes...
- OK legal beagles --figure this one
- New LTSA Add
- Akl BRONZ meeting
- BRONZ Buslane action plan
- Sometimes persistence pays off
- 170 km an hour
- Legalities of bike buying
- Cautioned for Lane Splitting today.
- Commuters read this.
- Not quite bike-related but
- Police working to a quota?? Surely not...
- Uh-oh, watch out lads
- ACC going up?
- New Exhaust Laws
- Passing on the inside..
- A question for parking wardens
- Licencing question
- Wanted Solicitor / Lawer to help in bike related dispute
- Another police memo
- Road testing bikes with reg on hold
- Are KB rides now Gang Related?
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