- How much fun are wheelies
- 10 mile wheelie..
- Lucky first
- The Wheelie
- The Stunting Thread
- How not to do a wheelie!
- exxxxxxxcelent
- Some ill shit from abroad.
- Girls showing how it's done - part 2
- If I told you, I'd have to kill you...
- Road bike stunts - worth watching
- Stage one.
- Wheelie / Stoppie physics
- Stunts with a purpose.
- Cool Stunt Video
- Up close and personal with HRC CBR stunt-ah!
- Taupo trackday wheelie pics
- I concede defeat...........
- Blade
- Self Gratification Shots
- I've seen bigfoot!
- First wheelie photo
- Very Very Cheap Stunt DVD's
- gear change
- Stoppies
- from another forum... why its important to practise stunts
- So who is keen.........
- jealous as hell..
- want to learn to wheelie?
- The 'How to Wheelie' Video
- Chicks Dig Scars DVD
- My stoppie clips
- some wheelie tips pls..?
- Short vid of 3 of us.
- Stunt Day! April 8th!
- Be in the next Chicks Dig Scars DVD!
- Another practice video.
- Sunday 5th March
- wheelies on 250
- Another practice day,
- Difference between me and Loosebruce...
- Manly shed stuff
- Crazy balance points...
- Sunday 19th March
- Can Someone Help Me Out on the 8th?
- The rat is black!
- Vid Clip
- Wheelie on a Suzuki A100 !!
- Jandal Wheelie!
- What NOT to do with a gixxer ! streamed vid
- whats the plan for the 8th
- WT's stoppie vid
- On board with Dover
- Put your money where you mouth is.
- Support those who support us.
- Beyond balance point
- play time this weekend
- Sunday Cameraman
- XR100 action
- Bike prep' for Saturday 8th April
- Meeting before the 8 th ( 8.15 AM)
- The transformation
- More messing around
- The first outing of the hawaiian shirt
- Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicccccccccccccked!
- To those who video'd stunt day
- stuntn bop stylez
- Likeminded Welly Lunatics
- the 1000k ride (or there abouts)
- Stunt picture contest to win a crash cage!!!
- How to wheelie, a MUST read.
- When a stoppie goes wrong
- North Shore Stunter'z?
- Chicks Dig Scars on Tele..........
- cbr 600rr - mad skillz
- Stunt clips from the makers of Chicks Dig Scars
- How to.....
- ice
- got a new bike for the drags
- 12 oclock and going over--
- Im getting road bike
- 6'0 clock gone wrong
- I have a Dream
- Hows this for a Stunt Spr....
- Mike Metzgers Record Backflip
- Just for Texmo
- Cool vid from Stuntwars
- Stunt Skills and Dragwars Vid
- Sunday Play
- hey larrikin wassup wit cds2
- Hmmm too much, u cunning stunt rider
- Well Done Larriken (Stunt skills DVD)
- Nice break
- Possible stunter - ZX9
- gs1200ss playtime pics
- Another crack at it
- Stunt Day writeup in Rapid Bikes Magazine
- Possible Stunter - GSXR600
- Last Call
- Our own Trash is world famous!!!
- Sunday pix
- Stand Ups
- New BMW F800 Stunt bike
- CDS on XSTV Part Two
- Clutching VS. Power wheelies: Chain wear
- motorbike lesson with pro shawn king
- I've lost it O_o
- Couple more pics
- CBR 250R brake pads?
- What Kitty Did
- 250cc stunters
- Kiwi rider write up
- Best pics of you...
- Saturday 29th Akld - *POSTPONED to August*
- Stoppie
- Best squid machine is...
- Popped my Wheelie Cherry!!!
- Can a Katana do it?
- Long wheelie
- Not a bad movie
- Stunting is a funny sport
- Wheelie missions, any1 keen?
- Christian at it again.
- Matt - 'RUN FMX' - How not to wheelie video
- Chris Pfeiffer - coming to NZ
- Zimbabwean burnout clip (.wmv)
- Off Topic - but this is some funny shit
- Some pix of me :)
- Mad 250cc stand ups
- Standing donut help!
- Saturday Stunt Practice
- Michelin man servin' it up!
- More 250 action
- My new bike.
- Throttle control wheen pulling wheelstands
- Gots ta get some brakes.
- Sik scooter stunting.
- Sum blurry pix
- Private practice
- Can you wheelie the farm quad?
- Matt Blankstrom
- Chicks Dig Scars II DVD "Spontaneous Destruction"
- Highchair Stoppie
- Nice talent...
- Chris Pfeiffer on TV1 and Aotea Square 9 Nov.
- "Oh s**t" is right!
- This is worth a look
- Mountain Bike Trials
- How to wheelie a gsxr1100?
- Riding Dirty....
- Indian Stunters
- How to wheelie: The Basics (instruction vid)
- Clips Of The Week
- When stunt filming....
- Some good vids
- Scared sheep
- Norfland stunt day
- What stunt bike? VF750 ok?
- Judgement Day
- Competition for wheelie pics
- Fogarty to break NZ record
- Supermoto stunter
- Finally bought a vid cam!
- Becman KTM Show
- This is a bike made for 8-year-olds...
- Mexico's HD stunt riding team
- Tekter Arif - nice.
- 'ere it is then!
- Stunt vid - NZ made
- Dedicated stunt bike!
- Squidly noob
- Faaaaaark!
- A wheelie wheelie bad tosser
- Rolling burnouts?
- Crazy stunt video
- kevmo7 you naught little boy!
- Any good carparks in Auckland?
- Front-end wheelie
- Are there any stunt riding schools in NZ?
- Cool wheelie pic of the day
- Left-hand rear brake?
- How much longer must we wait?
- Some funny stunts
- Stuntbike: FZR400 Tail...
- Found this. Hope it's not a repeat
- Fuckin squids are getting younger and younger
- Looking for a stunt rider
- Another wheelying guide
- Comittment.
- 07.07.15 - Sunday in Hamilton - Car-lot practice
- Stoppies - upping the pace..
- Anyone after a rear handbrake kit?
- "On Any Stuntday" Stuntoberfest2006 DVD
- New thread : Sliding the rear
- Ghost rider
- Sum pix from 2day
- I rode it!!!
- You have small balls
- Pics. Stunting on a CRF50
- Stunt Bikes?
- more sunday pix
- very avg pit bike wheelies
- I'll be doing a show!!!
- Stunts gone wrong
- Pesky kids......
- Geriatric stunt starter.
- what is better for stunting 600cc or 400cc
- Velodrome Riding
- sum pics from the spot today
- Anyone visiting England.....
- Spontaneous Destruction DVD
- CDSII Finally!
- Teach me!
- Specifically for Katman
- Problem With Stoppies
- Stoppies. My new best friend
- Stunting DVD's
- cool youtube vid
- Raj is at it again!!!
- Kevmo and Dan 12 o clock vid!
- Any stunting groups around ?
- cold outside? still can pull wheelies..
- And one for the stunters...
- Ducati Hypertard with Ernie Vigil.
- Little something
- Summers Day Stunting
- noob stunt+track bike - which bike et al ?
- Help needed
- Adequate bike control
- No skills at all
- Swissmoto 2008.. And the winner is...
- Champion Stunter
- Wheelie lessons/Stunt school
- Anyone keen?
- Hmm. In two minds about this...
- 600 Hornet?
- Cool vid
- I ain't no stunter but...
- Wheelie Weenie
- Somewhere to practice stunts in Welly area?
- Modified oil pick-up for wheelies?
- I just saw this pic and it looks to be a cock up
- K4 GSX 600 tilt sensor - Wheelies?
- Places to ride in Auckland?
- Strange Honda stunt
- Motorcycle stunts scare motorists
- Here ya go Carver.....
- Stunt or is it short for Stupid *unt ?
- Cities are fun to ride in
- Uh Oh now what?????