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  1. Welcome to Auckland Uni SMC
  2. Deristricting a 50QT Scooter
  3. I want to join SMC?
  4. SMC Website
  5. I'm in U of A's MC and I ride a...
  6. Ride pictures
  7. Ride this Saturday, 28 July
  8. AUSMC Neighbourhood watch
  9. Scooter Racing-Mt Wgtn Kart Track, Auck.
  10. Benefits that the members enjoy
  11. The Bloody AGM!!!!
  12. Parking at uni sucks!!!
  13. GIJoe's organising a ride on 11/08/07
  14. Putting fliers on bikes - Annoying?? YES. Illegal?? You tell me.
  15. Sign-up stand on Wednesday, 15/08/07
  16. Ride this weekend (18-19 August)
  17. Action on Symonds St today (17 August)
  18. Hey guys
  19. Ride this weekend! (25-26 August)
  20. No air, no money - Sat's ride
  21. Ride on Sat 1 Sept
  22. BUSTED!!! Honesty sucks!!!
  23. A bliming car took me out!
  24. Missing bikes Uni area
  25. Get people out of cars and onto bikes campaign
  26. Bike thefts around UofA
  27. Battle of the amateurs stunt riding
  28. 250 Bandit for sale...
  29. WHO'S KEEN? - ride tomorrow (2 September)
  30. Ride this weekend, 7-9 September
  31. Whangarei ride pictures: Sept 1st
  32. Anything happening this week?
  33. Rotovegas ride
  34. Ride on 9 Sept, Sunday
  35. Saturday offroad ride - Woodhill Forest (8 September)
  36. ride saterday
  37. Website
  38. ride this thursday 13th september
  39. A student-friendly mechanic
  40. ride this sunday.
  41. Taupo Ride to watch races (13 October)
  42. i swear this is not my year for motorcycling
  43. A quickie (ride 11 Sep)
  44. Have You Seen This Car?? Assholes trying to steal Bikes
  45. University onsite bike servicing etc??
  46. Fixing my Bikes Sat - Come along
  47. AGM & BBQ @ Wildwest - Sunday 30th 1:30pm
  48. Which SMC club members have and haven't crashed?
  49. Off road parking?
  50. Ride 18 Sep- 19/20/21?
  51. Perhaps this is something they need to see/read
  52. Poll for learners : L plate or na?
  53. Ride on Sunday, 23rd Sept
  54. Friday Night Chiller
  55. Fixing my GN's part two - Sat&/Sun
  56. Ride Sunday the 30th
  57. 250+ ride 13 october!
  58. North and South Island Tour this summer
  59. Whangamata Ride on Sunday 7th Oct
  60. Internal University Parking
  61. Pre-Pink Ribbon Ride meet - 14th Oct
  62. daylight savings today!
  63. Crazy old guy at Uni
  64. Ticketing of Bikes - Footpath and Wof/Rego tickets
  65. Wet roads + wind = OMG
  66. bloody cagers!
  67. noob cager
  68. Sat 6 Oct Ride 11am departure
  69. Following slow cars be a lesson for you all - a near miss...
  70. VTR250 Rider
  71. Grrr!
  72. Does your pet ride?
  73. Parking at Uni should be easier and safer!
  74. Sleeping with my new babe
  75. Can cops pull you over.......?
  76. Wild West Honda ride to Dargaville on Sun, 21st Oct
  77. A Convoy for Raj Friday, 19th Oct
  78. Saturday ride? (20th)
  79. End of the year!!! BBQ at my place on 15 Nov!!!
  80. Wild West Ride round the Coro Loop on Sun, 4th nov
  81. Who's attending the Cheesecutter Ride Saturday 3 Nov?
  82. Kaiaua for lunch on 31st Oct
  83. Anyone keen for rides??
  84. Cheesecutter Photos
  85. midweek rides
  86. wrecked FXR for sale - always have insurance
  87. Ride Thursday 8 Nov (6.30pm)
  88. so i got pulled over tonight.....
  89. Evening newbie rides?
  90. Ride: Friday 9 Sep (Piha) 3pm
  91. Ambient Work
  92. Ride: Sun 11 Nov
  93. Ride 12 November round the Coro
  94. Shove that up your XXXX State Insurance!
  95. Drag wars
  96. Friday 16th - Servicing time?
  97. Anyone Keen for a spin this saturday (17th)
  98. Ride round the Coro Loop on Sun, 18th nov
  99. Ride & Races: Sun 18th Nov
  100. Advice Time
  101. Permanent Newbie Ride Post
  102. It's alive! (The KTM) Let's ride!!!!!!!!!!!
  103. Heading to Hamtown tomorrow 24/11
  104. what the fuck
  105. Where'd everyone go?
  106. Ride: 10.30 am Wednesday 27 Nov
  107. Ride: Thursday 29 Sep (6pm)
  108. Crashed! I hate my luck
  109. Ride: Vegas Baby! 7th or 8th of Dec
  110. Work...sucks!
  111. Ewen in hospital
  112. Ride: Thursday 6th December 6pm
  113. Ride: Wednesday 5 December
  114. Ride this weekend (8/9th december)
  115. drinks at issacs
  116. Ride: 8th Dec Saturday 10am
  117. Too many bins
  118. Anyone cruisin' tomo Sun 8th?
  119. Rides this week, 10-17 December
  120. Meeting with Council Transport Committee- Thursday
  121. Plastic welding
  122. Two Rides: 12 Dec (Wed)
  123. Learner lesson (12 December)
  124. ATTN all SMC Members: Riding skills bulletin
  125. Being one with the bike
  126. Merry Christmas!
  127. Ride Saturday 15th December
  128. Club Ride - Saturday 22 December. Recommended for learners
  129. Sunday 16/12: Watch the races for free!!
  130. SOS: Transport a bike 5km?
  131. Great ride everyone! and a merry christmas to all!
  132. Merry Xmas - Free jacket to an SMC club member
  133. Surprise!
  134. Travelling Dates
  135. Need new riding gear?
  136. Heading Coro way wednesday 16th Jan?
  137. Learner ride on 12th jan *next sat*
  138. Friday Night Chiller 2008
  139. Coro Loop Thurs or Fri (10/11 Jan)?
  140. 2008 SME newbees' ride. Sat 12 January. Meet at Botany BP 10am.
  141. 17 February street races?
  142. Coro Overnighter (Tues 15th or Wed 16th Jan)
  143. Gentle ride this weekend lol (19-20 January)
  144. Honda GB250 outside Uni gym now (16 January)
  145. Madison's Birthday Party
  146. Summer sunset BBQ by the beach (26 January)
  147. Sat 19 January ride to Kaiaua
  148. Can I get a ride to Wild West Honda?
  149. Ride: Sunday 20 Jan
  150. So I crashed!
  151. Actual ride on Sunday 27th of January
  152. ffs!
  153. New hypothesis
  154. Miss me??
  155. Ladies'-only scooter training days
  156. FFS! Episode 2: The RG Strikes Back
  157. Ride this arvo/evening? (24 January)
  158. I've been schooled and spanked by my two stroke lol
  159. AWNMR - come and have a good time practicing!!!
  160. M/C Stuff this weekend (2&3 Feb)
  161. Always remember
  162. Ride this arvo (3rd Feb)
  163. Always listen to squiggles
  164. Coro loop this Saturday! (9 February)
  165. I binned. Lesson of the Day...
  166. Two-smoker ride?
  167. Anyone riding today or want help fixing their bike?
  168. Westpac helicopter ride this Sunday!
  169. Scooter rider wasted on Dom Rd
  170. Get one: Forcefield Back Protector
  171. Mean!
  172. Anyone with spare time on Wednesday?
  173. Tues Ride 26 Feb
  174. Round The Bays
  175. 2008 Affiliation
  176. Ride: 1/3 Saturday AM
  177. Help tomorrow arvo?
  178. Screaming Hornet
  179. I need a ride (8 March)
  180. Midweek Rides
  181. Dressing the Viffer, plus I need a WOF
  182. Spanner evenings offered
  183. SRC Meeting, next wed
  184. Second pair of hands?
  185. Parking Noobs?
  186. Easter Tour - do it!
  187. SMC Call To Arms: Further bike parking removal by Council/ARTA
  188. Sat Avo ride: 15 March
  189. Suzuki FXR Headlight bulb replacement
  190. Basic Handling Tests in Auckland central area
  191. Doh...
  192. anyone else lookn at buyn a new chain?
  193. At least they have Registration books.
  194. need my bike rereged......
  195. Biking.....the manual kind
  196. Calibration of Digital Speedometers...
  197. Club Ride - Saturday 29th March
  198. JIALING HONDA 50cc? or other bike for begginer with "limited" budget
  199. Ride Right Ride Safe Course - June 29th
  200. Ahhhh! Grrrrrrrrrr!...... Meow??
  201. What would you do if...
  202. Any upcoming rides?
  203. Putting nickname to the face...
  204. Are there any rides on Sunday? (6 April)
  205. Loose part noise coming from my engine!
  206. Buying more riding gear (Quasimoto this time)
  207. Ride this Sunday 13 April
  208. Club Ride - L friendly - Sun 20th April
  209. SO, theres no "scooter" rides huh?
  210. "Fix it" arvo/evening this Sat, 12 April
  211. AU/AUT - Anyone wanna come give blood with me?
  212. WANTED: Budget learner bike $1000 or less...
  213. Operation Awesome Bike!
  214. Well here we go : 2-minute 2 colour paint job! Woohoo!
  215. Where to from here?
  216. Pool night?
  217. Fix up night, this Friday (25 April)
  218. Assorted parts offered
  219. Help. finished the carby but the battery has carked it!
  220. Honda=Perfectionist, Yamaha=Design conscious, Kawasaki=Wild, Suzuki= HENTAI???
  221. 12-hour ride event?
  222. wtf? free helmet?
  223. We need more girls...definately need more girls
  224. Can anyone plz help me buying gears?
  225. Comedy night anyone?
  226. Party/get together (10 May)
  227. Got me a restoration project
  228. FFS: 5 weeks and still no bike!
  229. End of Exams Ride - Sunday 6 July
  230. I should be dead by now
  231. Later SM
  232. Just wondering... Cold bike starts?
  233. Sat ride to WWH to pick up my baby?
  234. Fucked off beyond words....a new level of fucked off-ness
  235. Engineering M/C parking
  236. Need pics of my bike...
  237. Hanne hospitalised: Were-sheep strike again
  238. BANZAI's TO DO list for GN250!!
  239. The SMC social KB group
  240. SMC L-Plate riders' practice thread
  241. Ride - 18 May 2008
  242. Road trip
  243. Anyone have a rivet tool?
  244. Ride this Friday 23rd May, who's keen?
  245. How does one go about joining the Uni Motorcycle club??
  246. RRRS course for you guys?
  247. If anyone knows about electrical stuff PLEASE HELP!
  248. Sign-up stand 27/5 - anyone free?
  249. Any rides this weekend? (24-25th May)
  250. Ride tomorrow (Sunday 25 May)