View Full Version : Family snow opportunity near Christchurch?

31st May 2009, 19:38

Taking the kids to Christchurch this week. Hoping to show them snow somewhere.

Not keen on looking like a bunch of dorks on some skifield full of nicely dressed folk looking balanced and skilfull and stuff.

Can anyone suggest a nice family friendly place where general non-ski-bunny folk can go and maybe see snow and maybe slide a bit on a bit of plastic bag?

(Went to Hanmer springs one winter; bad timing and all the kids got to see was some very frozen puddles.)


31st May 2009, 19:45
(Went to Hanmer springs one winter; bad timing and all the kids got to see was some very frozen puddles.)


Bummer, when I took my kids it snowed while we were sitting in the pools! Friggen cold getting out and getting dressed again though to be fair :eek:

James Deuce
31st May 2009, 20:02
Porter's Pass.

31st May 2009, 20:21
Porter's Pass.

Here: http://www.teara.govt.nz/NR/rdonlyres/90FAF277-C98A-4A6D-B038-4A01818FD6A5/171112/m10251enz.jpg

James Deuce
31st May 2009, 20:23
Yup. Just park on the side of the road, take some bin liners with you and have fun.

31st May 2009, 21:15
Yeah go there! as long as theres enough snow(should be now) theres a great slope which is absolutely perfect for it

Sounds fun

31st May 2009, 21:22
We did snow ball fights in Lewis Pass too! Ultimate fun for kids that have never played in snow

1st June 2009, 02:23
a girl from work was told there is snow in oxford so she is taking her kids there tomorrow. maybe get confirmation first tho before u head out