View Full Version : What's Richard Worth been up to then eh?

3rd June 2009, 14:29
So Minister Richard Worth has been persuaded to jump before he was pushed...Wazzee done then?
Flamin' pollies...

3rd June 2009, 14:32
He went and put some “ministerial pressure” on the taxi driver who was the victim of a bashing from someone he knows.
That’s my guess anyway

3rd June 2009, 16:12
If that's true, it's good that he's gone then.

3rd June 2009, 16:21
He went and put some “ministerial pressure” on the taxi driver who was the victim of a bashing from someone he knows.
That’s my guess anyway

No, can't be that, otherwise it'd be Auckland plod investigating rather than Wellington...

3rd June 2009, 16:49
Apparently the Police investigation involves a complaint, women and inappropriate behaviour.

3rd June 2009, 16:50
He went and put some “ministerial pressure” on the taxi driver who was the victim of a bashing from someone he knows.
That’s my guess anyway


Reading inbetween the lines I'm picking there has been some kind of inappropiate behavour made towards a female.

Key is not saying much on this which is probably the right thing to do under the circumstances but that Key has taken so long to give Worth the
'shove' when it was obvouse by Worths other political indescetions suggests to me that Key needs to toughen up and show some leadership should any future minister act in a manner of 'self' interest in their buisness dealings.


3rd June 2009, 16:51
Apparently the Police investigation involves a complaint, women and inappropriate behaviour.

Those women with their inappropriate behaviour......

3rd June 2009, 16:53
Reading inbetween the lines I'm picking there has been some kind of inappropiate behavour made towards a female.

Are you sure they're not talking about Helen Clark?

3rd June 2009, 16:54
Must be a fiddler huh...book fiddler, kiddie fiddler, willy fiddler, titty fiddler...? Perhaps the last one...

3rd June 2009, 16:58
Are you sure they're not talking about Helen Clark?

He said "towards a FEMALE" , Finn...

3rd June 2009, 17:35
Typical bloody tory, only thing they can keep in their pants is their wallet.

3rd June 2009, 17:37
It wont be the standover thing with the taxi driver for sure. He admits it is a personal problem. Only a couple of things spring to mind that would make him jump before pushed, it will be either a woman or a child involved.

3rd June 2009, 17:41
He should have been a Poolice-man. They just sweep that kind of shit under the carpet and carry on....

3rd June 2009, 17:46
Prime Minister John Key today revealed he previously investigated an allegation of Richard Worth "making a nuisance of himself towards women".

I rest my case :sherlock:

3rd June 2009, 17:52
I suspect it involves a cream bun and a pair of latex gloves....

3rd June 2009, 17:59
I suspect it involves a cream bun and a pair of latex gloves....

Poo. I wanted it to involve creamy panties and a filled bun. Guess you can't win 'em all.

3rd June 2009, 18:01
I wanted it to involve creamy panties and a filled bun.

Are we still discussing your fan club??

3rd June 2009, 18:02
he's just an ordinary national party MP who got caught out.
don't trust any of them, they are all liars and thieves

3rd June 2009, 18:05
he's just an ordinary national party MP who got caught out.
don't trust any of them, they are all liars and thieves

As opposed to Field, Pope, Peters...

3rd June 2009, 18:10
He should have been a Poolice-man. They just sweep that kind of shit under the carpet and carry on....

yeah, Shipton, Rickards and co thought that too.....just don't depend on it.

3rd June 2009, 18:46
'shove' when it was obvouse by Worths other political indescetions suggests to me that Key needs to toughen up and show some leadership should any future minister act in a manner of 'self' interest in their buisness dealings.


like the way helen clark dealt with winnie...

3rd June 2009, 20:43
yeah, Shipton, Rickards and co thought that too.....just don't depend on it.

Do they use both ends of the broom or just the one?

3rd June 2009, 20:44
So Minister Richard Worth has been persuaded to jump before he was pushed...Wazzee done then?
Flamin' pollies...

Who gives a fuck?

3rd June 2009, 21:27
Who gives a fuck?

obviously not the other party involved.

4th June 2009, 12:05
As opposed to Field, Pope, Peters...

Nope, just the same and as with all the Hollow Men whose lies won them an election but which are all becoming clearer every day

4th June 2009, 12:21
like the way helen clark dealt with winnie...

No, not exactly. It cost her.

Key had the oppertunity with Worth some time back and did not take it.

On the surface I don't think this will cost the Nats too much other than show Key's inepptitude on leadership.

For example Key has kept his mouth shut on the reasons for Worth's resignation. Something that I sort of agree on............in the 'civilian' sense but Worth was a Minister in Key's government and as such Key needed to take charge. By his silence he did not. Instead he has left himself open to political inuendo and speculation as to why he stayed silent.


4th June 2009, 13:44
Nope, just the same and as with all the Hollow Men whose lies won them an election but which are all becoming clearer every day

Hollow men? Oh ferchissake not that tripe again.

For example Key has kept his mouth shut on the reasons for Worth's resignation. Something that I sort of agree on............in the 'civilian' sense but Worth was a Minister in Key's government and as such Key needed to take charge. By his silence he did not. Instead he has left himself open to political inuendo and speculation as to why he stayed silent.

Nah. This is a police investigation, nothing to do with his conduct as a minister - comment should be left until the outcome is known.

Robert Taylor
4th June 2009, 16:58

Reading inbetween the lines I'm picking there has been some kind of inappropiate behavour made towards a female.

Key is not saying much on this which is probably the right thing to do under the circumstances but that Key has taken so long to give Worth the
'shove' when it was obvouse by Worths other political indescetions suggests to me that Key needs to toughen up and show some leadership should any future minister act in a manner of 'self' interest in their buisness dealings.


Well hes shown more leadership than the former priminister who failed to act on proven charges of forgery and destroying evidence and also let other people hang out to dry on speeding charges. Need I go on....
The Liarbour party are on thin ground on this one.
Key was dead right to get rid of Worth and to also make sure he had all his ducks in a row before doing so.
In Worths defence at least he likes girls, not boys like a former Education minister.

4th June 2009, 23:20
Well hes shown more leadership than the former priminister who failed to act on proven charges of forgery and destroying evidence and also let other people hang out to dry on speeding charges. Need I go on....

I don't know. But I'm picking you will.

You seem to be behind the times. Clarke was not the driver and the speeding charges were dismissed on appeal. Try and get it right for once.


Brian d marge
5th June 2009, 02:12

I am half a planet away ,,and even I know what happened

He was trying to get into the pants of a Korean lady , by basically stalking her , texts offering jobs , phone calls

He should have gone 12 years ago , he even lost a safe seat which was won by ACT?

As for Osama, Obama eerrr John Key. well you voted for him.... now the treasury are trying for capital gains tax, The budget wasnt much cop ( Standard and poors saw to that ) That insulation was a good thing though ,,,

but have to say Nationals true colors are coming out ...anything else that will rush past under urgency ????

It doesnt matter WHO you vote for , NZ hasnt any money and in Debt up to its ears, if they could fine a new form of income streaming they would they already have;

State owned enterprises
( that covers a lot right there ,,,doesnt competition bring down prices :rofl:... )

Good luck , I vote for Edward John Smith who was born in Hanley (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanley,_Staffordshire), Stoke-on-Trent (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoke-on-Trent), to Edward Smith, a potter, and Catherine Hancock, née Marsh, who married in 1841 in Wolstanton (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolstanton).<sup id="cite_ref-igi_0-1" class="reference">[1] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Smith#cite_note-igi-0)</sup> His parents later owned a shop. Smith attended the Etruria (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etruria,_Staffordshire) British School until the age of 13 when he went to Liverpool (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liverpool) to begin a seafaring career. He apprenticed on the Senator Weber owned by A Gibson & Co., Liverpool.

Couldnt think of a better man to captain this ship !


5th June 2009, 07:00
I don't know. But I'm picking you will.

You seem to be behind the times. Clarke was not the driver and the speeding charges were dismissed on appeal. Try and get it right for once.


she said she didnt realise the car was going fast,,,,,,yea rite

5th June 2009, 07:07
Those women with their inappropriate behaviour......

I agree....clearly not rape as this would have been mentioned...I mean he is an old geezer and probably just did something tame but regarded, in this ever so PC world, that is now considered inappropriate

5th June 2009, 07:09
Do they use both ends of the broom or just the one?

I hear that the bristles are more fun

5th June 2009, 07:11
No, not exactly. It cost her.

Key had the oppertunity with Worth some time back and did not take it.

On the surface I don't think this will cost the Nats too much other than show Key's inepptitude on leadership.

For example Key has kept his mouth shut on the reasons for Worth's resignation. Something that I sort of agree on............in the 'civilian' sense but Worth was a Minister in Key's government and as such Key needed to take charge. By his silence he did not. Instead he has left himself open to political inuendo and speculation as to why he stayed silent.


Surely he does not have to explain if it's a resignation....same as any job...if he had been sacked them he would have to explain...

5th June 2009, 07:12
Hollow men? Oh ferchissake not that tripe again.

Nah. This is a police investigation, nothing to do with his conduct as a minister - comment should be left until the outcome is known.

I agree..............

5th June 2009, 07:15

I am half a planet away ,,and even I know what happened

He was trying to get into the pants of a Korean lady , by basically stalking her , texts offering jobs , phone calls

So how did he get her cellphone number then...

5th June 2009, 07:28
So how did he get her cellphone number then...

Yes, and its taken how long? for this surface? 5-6 months?

5th June 2009, 07:37
Yes, and its taken how long? for this surface? 5-6 months?

Took her that long to say "honja naebeoryeo dushipshio"...mmm...what ever happened to the slap to the face response....probably too bloody PC EH.

5th June 2009, 07:58
He was trying to get into the pants of a Korean lady , by basically stalking her , texts offering jobs , phone calls

Methinks you are confusing and combining the police investigation and Phil (in) Goff's allegations from a Liarbour party member...

5th June 2009, 08:05
There's a bit more in the Harold this morning (http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10576545&pnum=0), they've now spoken to the complainant directly. Dunno why, but this para stood out:

Her friend, who helped her to go to the police, then to the office of National MP Tau Henare so it could tell Prime Minister John Key, outlined her allegation of a serious sexual nature, using a whiteboard to explain the events around the incident.

A whiteboard? :eek:

Naki Rat
5th June 2009, 08:24
No, not exactly. It cost her.

Key had the oppertunity with Worth some time back and did not take it.

On the surface I don't think this will cost the Nats too much other than show Key's inepptitude on leadership.

For example Key has kept his mouth shut on the reasons for Worth's resignation. Something that I sort of agree on............in the 'civilian' sense but Worth was a Minister in Key's government and as such Key needed to take charge. By his silence he did not. Instead he has left himself open to political inuendo and speculation as to why he stayed silent.


Or maybe John was a tad too busy trying to steer the country through a recession to notice the seriousness of a delinquent MP's activities :spanking:

5th June 2009, 08:58
Nope, just the same and as with all the Hollow Men whose lies won them an election but which are all becoming clearer every day

These would be the hollowmen who won an election after 9 years of economic growth to find the treasury empty, and 3 Billion dollars of undisclosed IOUs ?

The same hollowmen who managed to come up with a budget that didnt slash a single benefit ?

The same hollowmen who have managed to get electricity prices capped after Labour presided over 9 years of obscene profits by the state run generators but turned the other way ?

The same guys who cancelled Labours $500 motor-vehicle rego increase, yet have managed to find an extra 100 ambulance officers ?

I guess it must be !

5th June 2009, 11:09
she said she didnt realise the car was going fast,,,,,,yea rite

It makes no difference. She was not the driver and as such not responsible. What part of this do you not understand.


5th June 2009, 11:25
It makes no difference. She was not the driver and as such not responsible. What part of this do you not understand.


She didn't paint that fucken picture either mate... and then lead the buyer buyer to misunderstand... *oopsie*

I thought lying was bad from an MP... and really bad for someone in Cabinet. I guess being PM makes it ok for some reason?

5th June 2009, 11:28
Goff is losing the plot, he is so desperate to get into he news these days!

Setting up his own little PC melodramas with his trusty little flock of Skyryders (read devotees) playing their role to perfection.

Helen didn't invest our tax money in the ARTS for nothing, the actors are supporting mediocre Phil all the way!

The worst crime silly old Worth has committed is reacting to his heterosexual urges!

As a male, how dare he fancy the attentions of a female! :nono:

Key is looking better than I thought he would, I am warming to him as a leader on this so far! :niceone:

5th June 2009, 12:24
Goff is losing the plot, he is so desperate to get into he news these days!

Setting up his own little PC melodramas with his trusty little flock of Skyryders (read devotees) playing their role to perfection.

Helen didn't invest our tax money in the ARTS for nothing, the actors are supporting mediocre Phil all the way!

The worst crime silly old Worth has committed is reacting to his heterosexual urges!

As a male, how dare he fancy the attentions of a female! :nono:

Key is looking better than I thought he would, I am warming to him as a leader on this so far! :niceone:

Agreed. Key has acted very promptly to this matter - normally Worth would have been suspended, but nope - he's gone.

As for the other allegations regarding the texts, job offer etc, all very sleezy but no names, no affidavits, no evidence when it was first raised. It simply looked like a guy who had too much testosterone and thinks he's a ladies man. :argue: No fool like an old fool.

As for Phil Goff, I've come to respect him over the years. However he's making more of this than is warranted, because he wants the publicity. Understandable but it seems a bit desperate.

Max Preload
5th June 2009, 12:41
So the guy likes a bit of kung pow coochie... who doesn't?

Robert Taylor
5th June 2009, 12:49
It makes no difference. She was not the driver and as such not responsible. What part of this do you not understand.


She was instructing the driver to break the speed limit and what is totally reprehensible is she felt no moral obligation to carry the can for it. What a bitch.

5th June 2009, 13:17
Hollow men? Oh ferchissake not that tripe again.

you should extract your head from the cave or dark smelly place its in and read the book. tripe it aint.

Nah. This is a police investigation, nothing to do with his conduct as a minister - comment should be left until the outcome is known.

hilarious! if he'd been labour you'd have been at the front of the friggin bandwagon

har fukkin har, wodda joke

Brian d marge
5th June 2009, 13:41
So how did he get her cellphone number then...

No thats a mystery, I try it with all the women I meet and not a single phone number, Yup thats one of the Mysteries in life , how to get their phone numbers... Ive even tried asking ! :doh:

Brian d marge
5th June 2009, 13:46
Methinks you are confusing and combining the police investigation and Phil (in) Goff's allegations from a Liarbour party member...

Well I am just quoting from National radio news... and the odd thing is that Liarbour party doesnt appear with the usual red line under it denoting a misspelt word, that could only mean one thing

My computer has turned, and is using the force for evil :eek:


5th June 2009, 13:52
She was instructing the driver to break the speed limit and what is totally reprehensible is she felt no moral obligation to carry the can for it. What a bitch.

Where is the evidence for the above. As I recall cabinet discussed havingt a whip round for those convicted.

As I a have already mentioned in other posts the drivers eventually got off.

Move on on this. I have.

Bottomline on Worth is that this is a Key and Nat's mess not Labour's or Goff's.

Any other interpretation............ I can only conclude is that you see no wrong in what Worth has done............acted in a manner unbecoming a Govt Minister.............as he did with his trip to India in which Key did not act when he should have. Key is undecisive under pressure and this is one of his weaknesses


5th June 2009, 15:30
Try not to nest your replies inside my quotes - it's a real fuckin pain. I'm not going to read Hagar's lefty crank spin, and I'm not going to read Wishart's righty crank spin. It's a waste of my time.

hilarious! if he'd been labour you'd have been at the front of the friggin bandwagon

har fukkin har, wodda joke

Damn right I'd have been at the front of the queue calling for a police investigation, but under the previous regime it was always an internal investigation with tight-as terms of reference timed to report versus a major news event in six months time...and if it did get as far as the police "a prima facie case, not in the public interest to pursue".

If you're looking for a joke, there it is.

Truism: If you want to know what the left are doing, look at what they're accusing their opponents of...

5th June 2009, 15:35
I don't see this as a major news worthy issue to be honest...takes 2 to tango

5th June 2009, 15:36
Key is undecisive under pressure and this is one of his weaknesses


Yet if he was any more decisive he would be called dictatorial

5th June 2009, 15:37
I don't see this as a major news worthy issue to be honest...takes 2 to tango

Perhaps he was engaging in Autoerotica...

5th June 2009, 15:37
Bottomline on Worth is that this is a Key and Nat's mess not Labour's or Goff's.

Yeah, and Goof's been sitting on this waiting for the right time to get some political mileage. JK's cauterised it nicely..."oh noes! He waited a week!" Goof's known about the allegations since before Christmas!

Random impertinent questions:
1) How did Worth get the phone number of the liarbour woman in the first place?
2) Why did she allow it to go on for so long, if not to build up a dossier to use against Worth at a later date?
3) What was her husband doing for three months?

How about a female perspective - Cactus Kate (http://asianinvasion2006.blogspot.com/)

I think you'll find JK sacked Worth, not for what he may or may not have done with/to either of these women, but because he lied or hid stuff from Key...I think he was probably on a final warning after the India trip stuff.

5th June 2009, 15:39
Perhaps he was engaging in Autoerotica...

Q: How many Richard Worths does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: None, Richard Worth only screws in ministerial limos...

5th June 2009, 15:39
Yeah, and Goof's been sitting on this waiting for the right time to get some political mileage. JK's cauterised it nicely..."oh noes! He waited a week!" Goof's known about the allegations since before Christmas!

Random impertinent questions:
1) How did Worth get the phone number of the liarbour woman in the first place?
2) Why did she allow it to go on for so long, if not to build up a dossier to use against Worth at a later date?
3) What was her husband doing for three months?

How about a female perspective - Cactus Kate (http://asianinvasion2006.blogspot.com/)

I think you'll find JK sacked Worth, not for what he may or may not have done with/to either of these women, but because he lied or hid stuff from Key...I think he was probably on a final warning after the India trip stuff.


5th June 2009, 15:40
Q: How many Richard Worths does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: None, Richard Worth only screws in ministerial limos...

Don't give up the bar job eh?

5th June 2009, 15:47
Swinging aye.....nice to know NZ didn't change while i was gone.
but does this need to go to court?

Robert Taylor
5th June 2009, 20:24
Where is the evidence for the above. As I recall cabinet discussed havingt a whip round for those convicted.

As I a have already mentioned in other posts the drivers eventually got off.

Move on on this. I have.

Bottomline on Worth is that this is a Key and Nat's mess not Labour's or Goff's.

Any other interpretation............ I can only conclude is that you see no wrong in what Worth has done............acted in a manner unbecoming a Govt Minister.............as he did with his trip to India in which Key did not act when he should have. Key is undecisive under pressure and this is one of his weaknesses


Wrong again because you are drowning in red mist.

The driver got put through the wringer for weeks to ''save face'' for the fraudster riding in that car who ''didnt know they were speeding'' WHAT A LOAD OF BOLLOCKS. The same bitch who elaborately manipulated the resignation of the then police commissioner when she first came to power, all because he wouldnt beat to her political drum.

Worth was worthless so he had to go, fair call. The National party have a tough act to follow in terms of dead wood, corrupt members and political manipulation. They also have to deal daily with a predominantly left wing news media.

Keys only ''crime'' is that he demonstrably doesnt have the same ruthless streak as the ''bitch from belsen'' that preceded him. And hes actually a likable guy, that makes a change.

I hope Clark burns in hell in perpetuity, and I truly mean that.

5th June 2009, 20:52
Wrong again because you are drowning in red mist.

The driver got put through the wringer for weeks to ''save face'' for the fraudster riding in that car who ''didnt know they were speeding'' WHAT A LOAD OF BOLLOCKS. The same bitch who elaborately manipulated the resignation of the then police commissioner when she first came to power, all because he wouldnt beat to her political drum.

Worth was worthless so he had to go, fair call. The National party have a tough act to follow in terms of dead wood, corrupt members and political manipulation. They also have to deal daily with a predominantly left wing news media.

Keys only ''crime'' is that he demonstrably doesnt have the same ruthless streak as the ''bitch from belsen'' that preceded him. And hes actually a likable guy, that makes a change.

I hope Clark burns in hell in perpetuity, and I truly mean that.

I asked for evidence of instructions to speed, instead I get a diatribe. I don't think I have ever wished ill on Key or for that matter any one. And some on here think I'm the the KB political bigot...........on this score I willingly concede defeat.


5th June 2009, 22:37
Wrong again because you are drowning in red mist.

The driver got put through the wringer for weeks to ''save face'' for the fraudster riding in that car who ''didnt know they were speeding''

I'm not a fan of Helen Clark and her lack of public support of the drivers and officers involved removed my previous respect for her.

However - fair play. Unknown to most of us, the PM did try to support the drivers. Frankly I think she should have offered to give evidence for the defence but that is a tough call. Not a good look to have the PM whom the police are ultimately answerable to, joining in to help defend a case.

Politics. :doh:

5th June 2009, 22:51

Reading in between the lines I'm picking there has been some kind of inappropiate behavour made towards a female.

Key is not saying much on this which is probably the right thing to do under the circumstances but that Key has taken so long to give Worth the 'shove' when it was obvious by Worths other political indescetions suggests to me that Key needs to toughen up and show some leadership should any future minister act in a manner of 'self' interest in their buisness dealings.


Back on topic, Goff is moaning that Key didn't act quickly enough when from a public perspective, this was lightning fast.

Contrast Key's action with Helen Clark's craven clinging to the oleaginous Winston Peters. That debacle went on for weeks and weeks and showed up Labour as grasping power at all costs. So much for integrity. :argue:

Similarly with Phillip Field who stayed on and on. If Key had been PM, Field would have been gone by lunchtime....:niceone:

5th June 2009, 23:00
Back on topic, Goff is moaning that Key didn't act quickly enough when from a public perspective, this was lightning fast.

Contrast Key's action with Helen Clark's craven clinging to the oleaginous Winston Peters. That debacle went on for weeks and weeks and showed up Labour as grasping power at all costs. So much for integrity. :argue:

Similarly with Phillip Field who stayed on and on. If Key had been PM, Field would have been gone by lunchtime....:niceone: Good point W and well put,back off topic.....bring back Rob,least the rich got richer and nobody gave a fuck about the lazy cunts,subsidies were the best thing since sliced bread.:niceone:

5th June 2009, 23:23
I'm at a loss as to why Clarke even gets a mention with this. The point that I am making is that Key had the chance to sort Worth out over his India debacle. He did not. If he had Key may, and I stress may, have been in a better positon to ward off any polical flak that Goff has thrown at him. On this score I think Goff has flunked but having said that he was hamstrung in the fact that the woman did not want to be named. I suspect that Goffs initial concerns was to warn Key of Worths behavour and get him to have the harrassment stopped. The second complaint is a direct result of Key doing nothing.

As things now stand Goff informed Key of his concerns about
Worths behavour. Did Key ask for any evidence of this. No he did not. Instead he did nothing and it was not untill the second complaint and this went to the police that Key acted.
This is not the actions of a decisive leader. Instead it seems to me one of man who sweeps the 'too hard basket' under the carpet. But hey if some of you want to keep bitching about Clarke go for it. She's history as Key will be one day.


6th June 2009, 00:34
Heh. Tories and their sex scandals :laugh:

Still, this being New Zealand, it's pretty tame... did he even get into her pants?

From a lefty, well done Key for turfing him out quick-smart. He gave his word during the election that he'd have high ethical standards for all his ministers... and that's what he's done.

Brian d marge
6th June 2009, 02:59
would you lot focus on the real picture, your broke , your productivity isnt worth a hill of beans, poverty is causing a heap of problems, and you lot are worried a bout Dr worthless getting it on with a Indian/Korean / insert next media mistake,

bout time you started to hold these politician to account, Dear Mr Key/Clark osame bin lying, How does a country of 4 million people , get a growth of and a tax rate of,..... and raise merry hell if they dont give a satisfactory answer, None of this political speach ( I was listening to Roger Douglas in parliment about the budget,,Mans gone and smoked himself simple ...) I mean even the nation of Surrender monkeys get off their arse when it comes to national politics


still mustnt grumble eh , Im ok , I have me bike ..........

Robert Taylor
6th June 2009, 10:41
I'm at a loss as to why Clarke even gets a mention with this. The point that I am making is that Key had the chance to sort Worth out over his India debacle. He did not. If he had Key may, and I stress may, have been in a better positon to ward off any polical flak that Goff has thrown at him. On this score I think Goff has flunked but having said that he was hamstrung in the fact that the woman did not want to be named. I suspect that Goffs initial concerns was to warn Key of Worths behavour and get him to have the harrassment stopped. The second complaint is a direct result of Key doing nothing.

As things now stand Goff informed Key of his concerns about
Worths behavour. Did Key ask for any evidence of this. No he did not. Instead he did nothing and it was not untill the second complaint and this went to the police that Key acted.
This is not the actions of a decisive leader. Instead it seems to me one of man who sweeps the 'too hard basket' under the carpet. But hey if some of you want to keep bitching about Clarke go for it. She's history as Key will be one day.


Unfortunately that bitch is not history due to her influential position in the UN, where she can spread her particularly toxic poison further. That organisation is top heavy with pseudo communists.

This is a good old fashioned battle of the left and the right and at the moment its also fascinating to watch whats happening in Britain. Brown and his party are being shown up for the bunch of idiots they are. But just across the ditch credit where credits due, Kevin Rudd has made some very good decisions.

So we may naturally lose a couple of ministers or so in time ( that certainly happened in the previous Government ) Keys only ''misdemeanour'' is that he hasnt followed the same ruthless streak.

Bigoted against the Labour party, yes I am and Im not apologising for it for one second.

6th June 2009, 11:25
Unfortunately that bitch is not history due to her influential position in the UN, where she can spread her particularly toxic poison further. That organisation is top heavy with pseudo communists.

This is a good old fashioned battle of the left and the right and at the moment its also fascinating to watch whats happening in Britain. Brown and his party are being shown up for the bunch of idiots they are. But just across the ditch credit where credits due, Kevin Rudd has made some very good decisions.

So we may naturally lose a couple of ministers or so in time ( that certainly happened in the previous Government ) Keys only ''misdemeanour'' is that he hasnt followed the same ruthless streak.

Bigoted against the Labour party, yes I am and Im not apologising for it for one second.

This thread is about Worth, not Clarke, the UN, Brown or the Brit Labour Party so why you try and muddy the waters with inconsequential matters suggests to me that you are unable to defend Keys actions on this his inability to deal decisively on Worth.

Another example of Keys flip flop is his statement that he was prepared to ‘reorganize’ his schedule, that was yesterday (5-6-09) to meet with the Indian woman. He made much of his willingness to meet with her then on the advice of some minion on his staff changes his mind and places conditions on the meeting. Apart from yet again where Key’s word is not ‘worth’ anything, anyone with any common sense on political matters has got to ask who is in charge? I have alluded to this in other posts. Key is but a puppet. He has a smiley face a smooth tounge but as for honesty integrity Key fails in the biggest department of all Trust.

As for me being blinded with 'red mist' you need to clear your own eyes before you make accusations in which you yourself admit to being a bigot .


6th June 2009, 12:25
Took her that long to say "honja naebeoryeo dushipshio"...mmm...what ever happened to the slap to the face response....probably too bloody PC EH.

Being a pinko she'd be anti smacking:girlfight:

6th June 2009, 13:38
I see Goof has described the woman as "strikingly attractive".

What does this tell us?

That he's trying to keep the issue in the media by titillating the public?
That any average woman would look attractive after working with Helen Clark for 20 years?
That he's jealous of Worth?
That he fancies a bit of bollywood?

Robert Taylor
6th June 2009, 16:03
This thread is about Worth, not Clarke, the UN, Brown or the Brit Labour Party so why you try and muddy the waters with inconsequential matters suggests to me that you are unable to defend Keys actions on this his inability to deal decisively on Worth.

Another example of Keys flip flop is his statement that he was prepared to ‘reorganize’ his schedule, that was yesterday (5-6-09) to meet with the Indian woman. He made much of his willingness to meet with her then on the advice of some minion on his staff changes his mind and places conditions on the meeting. Apart from yet again where Key’s word is not ‘worth’ anything, anyone with any common sense on political matters has got to ask who is in charge? I have alluded to this in other posts. Key is but a puppet. He has a smiley face a smooth tounge but as for honesty integrity Key fails in the biggest department of all Trust.

As for me being blinded with 'red mist' you need to clear your own eyes before you make accusations in which you yourself admit to being a bigot .


A Tory bigot thankyou and immensely proud of it. Your side lost, get over it.

6th June 2009, 16:51
A Tory bigot thank you and immensely proud of it. Your side lost, get over it.

I have but your side seems to bring up the 'past' in trying to defend the present. Odd that.


6th June 2009, 17:01
I have but your side seems to bring up the 'past' in trying to defend the present. Odd that.


Its 'cause they were out of power for 9 years:yes::laugh:
Id bet the Farm that the Nats wont be in that long:whistle:

6th June 2009, 17:11
This thread is about Worth, not Clarke, the UN, Brown or the Brit Labour Party so why you try and muddy the waters with inconsequential matters suggests to me that you are unable to defend Keys actions on his inability to deal decisively on Worth.

But the only way to reach your conclusion of "indecisiveness" is to compare Key's actions with past Prime Ministers. Has Key defended Worth and dithered for months before asking for his resignation?

What did the previous PM do when faced with Ministers in trouble? In the case of Phillip Field she kept him on until forced to act. In the appalling case of Winston Peters she persisted in accepting the "honourable members word" despite hard facts.

Key has acted promptly, indeed too quickly in some peoples eyes given that he's destroyed a mans career. He could have simply suspended Worth. The contrast with Clarks clinging to power at all costs is stark. That is why the comparison is valid.

6th June 2009, 22:26
But the only way to reach your conclusion of "indecisiveness" is to compare Key's actions with past Prime Ministers. Has Key defended Worth and dithered for months before asking for his resignation?

What did the previous PM do when faced with Ministers in trouble? In the case of Phillip Field she kept him on until forced to act. In the appalling case of Winston Peters she persisted in accepting the "honourable members word" despite hard facts.

Key has acted promptly, indeed too quickly in some peoples eyes given that he's destroyed a mans career. He could have simply suspended Worth. The contrast with Clarks clinging to power at all costs is stark. That is why the comparison is valid.

Indecision has nothing to do with comaprison. Period. One is either decisive or not. Yes Key makes decisions but then changes them. It is the overall aspect of his decision making process that is indecisive.

If you want to support Key do so but support what he has done and give some reasons............not all this bullshit on..... Clarke did that or this or whatever.
