View Full Version : Tooth enamel erosion.

9th June 2009, 17:37
I visited the Tooth Doctor yesterday. Yaaay lucky me.
Whilst checking out my teeth he asked me If I smoked drugs.
I kinda sat up and gave him the evils. Anyone that knows me knows how anti any kinda drugs I am.
When I settled down He said that the enamel on my teeth was worn like a person who smoked a bit of weed.
Then he went through the list of other causes but none really fits.
The only possibility I can think of is that I drink a lot of tap water. Could that be a cause?

9th June 2009, 17:42
Is water flourodated where you live/grew up?


The Stranger
9th June 2009, 17:46
Whilst checking out my teeth he asked me If I smoked drugs.
I kinda sat up and gave him the evils. Anyone that knows me knows how anti any kinda drugs I am.
When I settled down He said that the enamel on my teeth was worn like a person who smoked a bit of weed.

I heard that semen erodes enamel. That could explain it.

Str8 Jacket
9th June 2009, 17:46
About 2 hours ago, I had a pooh. It had corn in it. Is that normal? I just wanted to see what you guys thought about it? :mellow:

9th June 2009, 17:49
How much Coke do you drink?

9th June 2009, 17:49
Is water flourodated where you live/grew up?

yep and smells of clorine. Nope dont drink coke.

The Stranger
9th June 2009, 17:50
About 2 hours ago, I had a pooh. It had corn in it. Is that normal? I just wanted to see what you guys thought about it? :mellow:

Sorry, no. Studying your shit is NOT normal.

9th June 2009, 17:51
About 2 hours ago, I had a pooh. It had corn in it. Is that normal? I just wanted to see what you guys thought about it? :mellow:

Well if it was still on the cob I'd be very very worried........

9th June 2009, 17:53
The only possibility I can think of is that I drink a lot of tap water. Could that be a cause?


If you have eliminated the others I'd say it was either brushing to hard (you man-beast you) for years or using a hard brush on your teeth.

I don't know why they even sell those hard tooth-brushes - only good for cleaning greasy engine parts.

The Stranger
9th June 2009, 17:54
About 2 hours ago, I had a pooh. It had corn in it. Is that normal? I just wanted to see what you guys thought about it? :mellow:

You would have to ask kornholio about that.

9th June 2009, 17:54
About 2 hours ago, I had a pooh. It had corn in it. Is that normal? I just wanted to see what you guys thought about it? :mellow:

It's only normal if you have been eating corn...if you haven't been eating corn, you're in deep shit...(looking for corn)

9th June 2009, 18:01
About 2 hours ago, I had a pooh. It had corn in it. Is that normal? I just wanted to see what you guys thought about it? :mellow:

Onya :lol:

9th June 2009, 18:02
I visited the Tooth Doctor yesterday. Yaaay lucky me.
Whilst checking out my teeth he asked me If I smoked drugs.
I kinda sat up and gave him the evils. Anyone that knows me knows how anti any kinda drugs I am.
When I settled down He said that the enamel on my teeth was worn like a person who smoked a bit of weed.
Then he went through the list of other causes but none really fits.
The only possibility I can think of is that I drink a lot of tap water. Could that be a cause?

You sure have been hard at work starting bollox threads lately...

You should try Twitter

9th June 2009, 18:02
About 2 hours ago, I had a pooh. It had corn in it. Is that normal? I just wanted to see what you guys thought about it? :mellow:

And you should try Shitter

9th June 2009, 18:08
If the evidence says you are user then your a user.

Why else did you have a pink bike ...... you aint from italy

9th June 2009, 18:46
.... Could that be a cause?

Did the dentist not consider pregnancy as a possible cause ?

9th June 2009, 18:53
Acid. Teeth are a calcium compound, like bones but tougher. The most common cause of tooth erosion is carbonated soft drinks. Fizzy stuff.

If you suffer from acid reflux that will work on your teeth. Bulimics also experience this problem through vomiting.......you needed to know that. :D

Has to be food/drink with most people. I suppose you might have some condition where you don't have enough saliva or your saliva is unusually acidic and lacking in calcium.

Got a will........? :buggerd:

9th June 2009, 19:03
I heard that semen erodes enamel. That could explain it.

That's hilarious!

Paul in NZ
9th June 2009, 19:34
That's hilarious!

No - it's penis self preservation...

9th June 2009, 19:38

The man said he didn't do drugs man :wacko:

9th June 2009, 20:25
The man said he didn't do drugs man :wacko:

Duh. :pinch: So he did, my bad. :doobey:

9th June 2009, 20:31


Could be a lack of saliva, according to this.

9th June 2009, 20:56
About 2 hours ago, I had a pooh. It had corn in it. Is that normal? I just wanted to see what you guys thought about it? :mellow:

Great reply.......but just in case you're serious...normal,only if you've been eating corn :2thumbsup

9th June 2009, 21:08
About 2 hours ago, I had a pooh. It had corn in it. Is that normal? I just wanted to see what you guys thought about it? :mellow:

That reminds me of a song called 'Peanuts' by a North Shore band named Dogbite. The crunch-line was; "I know you stole my peanuts coz I saw them in your shit".

The mind boggles.

9th June 2009, 21:09
Great reply.......but just in case you're serious...normal,only if you've been eating corn :2thumbsup

......and it came out his corn hole?

9th June 2009, 21:36
About 2 hours ago, I had a pooh. It had corn in it. Is that normal? I just wanted to see what you guys thought about it? :mellow:

Have you by any chance been "corn cobbed" recently? That could explain it.

9th June 2009, 21:36
I've heard of people managing to brush the enamel off their teeth from over using a hard bristle toothbrush (over time).

9th June 2009, 21:49
I visited the Tooth Doctor yesterday. Yaaay lucky me.
Whilst checking out my teeth he asked me If I smoked drugs.
I kinda sat up and gave him the evils. Anyone that knows me knows how anti any kinda drugs I am.
When I settled down He said that the enamel on my teeth was worn like a person who smoked a bit of weed.
Then he went through the list of other causes but none really fits.
The only possibility I can think of is that I drink a lot of tap water. Could that be a cause?

Magnesium deficency could be a factor. Seriously! :yes:

9th June 2009, 22:53
About 2 hours ago, I had a pooh. It had corn in it. Is that normal? I just wanted to see what you guys thought about it? :mellow:

If you haven't eaten any corn lately I'd say no its not normal and how come you are producing that stuff?

Are you losing any teeth enamel too?

9th June 2009, 22:55
I've heard of people managing to brush the enamel off their teeth from over using a hard bristle toothbrush (over time).

Frosty's not wire brushing is he?

9th June 2009, 23:11
Frosty's not wire brushing is he?

Either that, or as someone else has already mentioned...... Semen... lol

10th June 2009, 00:05
Use fluoride treatments to slow it down.
Or a product called "tooth moose". Active ingredient super saturates tooth surface with minerals needed to form hydroxyapetite (units making up enamel), this remineralises your teeth while you sleep. And it tastes pretty good...

But yea acid erosion is common, every time the pH in your mouth drops below 5.5, your teeth begin to demineralise. This happens pretty much every time you eat or have a sugary drink.
Do you drink fruit juices? These are the worst thing for your teeth -worse than fizzies and beer. They contain a weak acid which is harder to neutralise with saliva.

Or as mentioned, saliva pathologies can cause. You may have a decreased flow rate (xerostomia / dry mouth), or a decreased buffering capacity, both of which make it harder to raise the pH back to normal in your mouth.

Do you have lots of fillings in your mouth?

10th June 2009, 10:00
Who'd'athort a thread about tooth enamel could be one of the funniest of all time?

10th June 2009, 10:17
But yea acid erosion is common, every time the pH in your mouth drops below 5.5, your teeth begin to demineralise. This happens pretty much every time you eat or have a sugary drink.

What about Coke-Zero ?? Must be good for me :)

10th June 2009, 10:23
What about Coke-Zero ?? Must be good for me :)

have you looked in the mirror lately?

10th June 2009, 10:24
What about Coke-Zero ?? Must be good for me :)
With all those artificial sweeteners in it?
With such a high level of orthophosphoric acid, to make it tangy and give it a longer shelf life? :wacko:

10th June 2009, 10:27
About 2 hours ago, I had a pooh. It had corn in it. Is that normal? I just wanted to see what you guys thought about it? :mellow:

It's only normal if you have been eating corn...if you haven't been eating corn, you're in deep shit...(looking for corn)

I hardly ever eat corn, never eat cubed carrots - so how come every time I have a chunda - out comes corn and cubed carrots? What's that all about then?

Oh and on the tooth thing; fruit juice or oranges and lemons erode tooth enamel

10th June 2009, 10:31
I hardly ever eat corn, never eat cubed carrots - so how come every time I have a chunda - out comes corn and cubed carrots? What's that all about then?
There's some clown that wanders around, with his trench coat pockets full of Watties mixed veges, ready to sprinkle around as required.
Strange job, but I guess someone's gotta do it.

10th June 2009, 10:34
What about Coke-Zero ?? Must be good for me :)

Aspartame is used to sweeten diet coke - and coke zero - aspartame consumption can lead to worrisome build-ups of blood methanol or formaldehyde, and give you brain cancer dude

If you are using aspartame ... and you suffer from fibromyalgia symptoms, spasms, shooting pains, numbness in your legs, cramps, vertigo, dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, joint pain, depression, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, blurred vision, or memory loss - you probably have aspartame disease.

10th June 2009, 10:38
About 2 hours ago, I had a pooh. It had corn in it. Is that normal? I just wanted to see what you guys thought about it? :mellow:
its normal if you have been eating corn....if you havn't had corn in ages...then I reckon its odd!!

10th June 2009, 10:56
About 2 hours ago, I had a pooh. It had corn in it. Is that normal? I just wanted to see what you guys thought about it? :mellow:
I'd rather not think about pooh. :pinch:
If you really want to know, corn is largely cellulose, which yuman beans don't process very well, so unless you chew it very thoroughly, it's going to pass through your system largely undigested.

10th June 2009, 10:57
Aspartame is used to sweeten diet coke - and coke zero - aspartame consumption can lead to worrisome build-ups of blood methanol or formaldehyde, and give you brain cancer dude

If you are using aspartame ... and you suffer from fibromyalgia symptoms, spasms, shooting pains, numbness in your legs, cramps, vertigo, dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, joint pain, depression, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, blurred vision, or memory loss - you probably have aspartame disease.
Guess I had better revert back to the Coke-standard then :)

10th June 2009, 11:34
I visited the Tooth Doctor yesterday. Yaaay lucky me.
Whilst checking out my teeth he asked me If I smoked drugs.
I kinda sat up and gave him the evils. Anyone that knows me knows how anti any kinda drugs I am.
When I settled down He said that the enamel on my teeth was worn like a person who smoked a bit of weed.
Then he went through the list of other causes but none really fits.
The only possibility I can think of is that I drink a lot of tap water. Could that be a cause?

I used to suffer badly from bleeding noses and had my nose cauterised (imagine a red hot poker shoved up your nose... but worse!) and it worked for a while. A few years ago the bleeding noses started again so I went to the doctor and was seen by a young locum who was really obnoxious and said my septum was missing - the bit that runs inside your nose between your two nostrils. He said "the only people I've seen that on are people who use cocaine". I was really pissed off as I've NEVER done drugs of any sort and this prick was implying I regularly snorted cocaine! I said I'd had my nose cauterised years earlier and he said he doubted that would have caused it. Well, something did, arsehole, and it wasn't snorting cocaine!

10th June 2009, 14:22
its normal if you have been eating corn....if you havn't had corn in ages...then I reckon its odd!!

If str8 changed her name to cornpoos would that make her a relative of yours?

10th June 2009, 14:37
I heard that semen erodes enamel. That could explain it.
Maybe - depends how fast it's delivered and how bad the "splash effect" is.

Sorry, no. Studying your shit is NOT normal.
... bugger... are you sure?

its normal if you have been eating corn....if you havn't had corn in ages...then I reckon its odd!!

I thought that's the appendix' job - to store a little "surprise" bundle which puts the corn on your poo, and carrot in your vomit. It's just the way it works.

10th June 2009, 16:15
Did you use the same dentist as in previous visits?
Maybe your teeth have been like that for ages.
My back teeth have no enamel as a result of Glandular Fever when I was little.
Otherwise, overvigorous brushing...get yourself an electric toothbrush with a timer on it...about $40 fom Briscoes for a Braun...could protect what enamel you have left.

10th June 2009, 16:23
What about Cock-Zero ??

Mate I'd keep that sort of thig off a public forum if I werev you. I have some SPAM I can pass on ... assuming the pills actually deliver that extra 3 to 6 inches...

10th June 2009, 19:57
My back teeth have no enamel as a result of ...

No enamel?? are you sure?? is that even possible?

11th June 2009, 15:29
No enamel?? are you sure?? is that even possible?

Systemic stress (such as severe infection causing fever or malnutrition) can cause enamel hypoplasias, a defect in enamel formation. The teeth effected depends on the developmental age of the person when the stress occurred. This may show up as small grooves to large pits in enamel

11th June 2009, 15:32
No enamel?? are you sure?? is that even possible?

Definitely posssible! I am not that much of a freak :Pokey:
Glandular Fever stopped enamel forming properly on my teeth loooong before they erupted.

Naki Rat
11th June 2009, 15:44
Aspartame is used to sweeten diet coke - and coke zero - aspartame consumption can lead to worrisome build-ups of blood methanol or formaldehyde, and give you brain cancer dude

If you are using aspartame ... and you suffer from fibromyalgia symptoms, spasms, shooting pains, numbness in your legs, cramps, vertigo, dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, joint pain, depression, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, blurred vision, or memory loss - you probably have aspartame disease.

Add nitrates by using aspartame to wash down that preserved meat and you really have a problem.

Bacon burger with Coke Zero on the side? You don't get much more toxic than that :bye: It's pretty much what they feed lab rats to generate tumours.