View Full Version : NZ police...

11th June 2009, 11:51
...too soft for the Army!

11th June 2009, 11:55
No they probably just feel like doing real work.

11th June 2009, 12:04
No they probably just feel like doing real work.

to true :niceone:

11th June 2009, 12:07
...too soft for the army!



11th June 2009, 12:18
...too soft for the Army!

Both too soft for civilian life

11th June 2009, 12:21
Seriously. They need more constructive critisism from the general public. Everyone says that you can bag the police until you need them... the only time I've ever called upon the services of the police is to recover some stolen property, which is what they should be focusing thier attentions on. That and gangs but they're too soft to tackle that one! The reason I started this post was to get people thinking about the comparisons between the attitude of NZ Army personnel and the NZ police staff. What if the NZ police recruits were taken from the Army in the first place, having been selected for having the right attitude for policing. You can't deny the fact that the NZ police are in need of a big fat bite of humble pie, and what better place than the Army.

11th June 2009, 12:27
Seriously. They need more constructive critisism from the general public. Everyone says that you can bag the police until you need them... the only time I've ever called upon the services of the police is to recover some stolen property, which is what they should be focusing thier attentions on. That and gangs but they're too soft to tackle that one! The reason I started this post was to get people thinking about the comparisons between the attitude of NZ Army personnel and the NZ police staff. What if the NZ police recruits were taken from the Army in the first place, having been selected for having the right attitude for policing. You can't deny the fact that the NZ police are in need of a big fat bite of humble pie, and what better place than the Army.

I don't understand how the army would help? As an electrician I have done a lot of work on the bases around New Zealand, work that was deemed to technical for their own sparkys. While I was there I noticed that most people just sit around doing nothing all day playing computer games in between eating meals.

11th June 2009, 12:29
Seriously. They need more constructive critisism from the general public. Everyone says that you can bag the police until you need them... the only time I've ever called upon the services of the police is to recover some stolen property, which is what they should be focusing thier attentions on. That and gangs but they're too soft to tackle that one! The reason I started this post was to get people thinking about the comparisons between the attitude of NZ Army personnel and the NZ police staff. What if the NZ police recruits were taken from the Army in the first place, having been selected for having the right attitude for policing. You can't deny the fact that the NZ police are in need of a big fat bite of humble pie, and what better place than the Army.

I agree with MattRSK - not the best population to choose from

11th June 2009, 12:35
Seriously. They need more constructive critisism from the general public. Everyone says that you can bag the police until you need them... the only time I've ever called upon the services of the police is to recover some stolen property, which is what they should be focusing thier attentions on. That and gangs but they're too soft to tackle that one! The reason I started this post was to get people thinking about the comparisons between the attitude of NZ Army personnel and the NZ police staff. What if the NZ police recruits were taken from the Army in the first place, having been selected for having the right attitude for policing. You can't deny the fact that the NZ police are in need of a big fat bite of humble pie, and what better place than the Army.

I've called on the services of the Police about three times. Twice they didn't do anything, and the last time they made it worse and I regretted contacting them.

I wouldn't ask the Police for help now unless I was really depeserate.

11th June 2009, 12:36
To be honest, I think I have a lot more respect for our armed services. They are also resource restrained, but still perform well.

11th June 2009, 12:46
When I have required the police they have been worse than useless. I don't blame the policemen though, its their lack of resourcing and that is the fault of the politicians.

These days I only go to the police if I need to make an insurance claim, or if I am in a situation where taking things into my own hands may be a possibility as I don't want to be asked in court why I didn't contact the police first.

I have known police officers socially, and they are no different to you and me (other than an increased degree of cynicism), they desperately want to be able to do a good job, but they are hamstrung. I don't believe that this is a problem that will be solved in the near future, and I don't believe it makes a jot of difference which political party is in power, they are all useless.

11th June 2009, 12:48
Everyone says that you can bag the police until you need them... And when you need them.... nah forget it. Waste of fucking time.

I've called on the services of the Police about three times. Twice they didn't do anything, and the last time they made it worse and I regretted contacting them. I wouldn't ask the Police for help now unless I was really depeserate.Yup.

The reason I started this post was to get people thinking about the comparisons between the attitude of NZ Army personnel and the NZ police staff. What if the NZ police recruits were taken from the Army in the first place, having been selected for having the right attitude for policing. You can't deny the fact that the NZ police are in need of a big fat bite of humble pie, and what better place than the Army.Not a dumb idea. Lets do it. :rolleyes:


11th June 2009, 12:52
...too soft for the Army!

Army and cops are bound by different rules. You would find that if the NZ Govt stops being such pussies and stopped worried about hurting gang members feeling, things might start being able to get done. Until then, bitching about it is about equal to bitching about the fact that you cant do 200kph regardless of how safe you believe you are.

No they probably just feel like doing real work.

Once again, blame the govt.



*Borat voice* Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicccccccccccccccce

My opinion, blah di blah blah..

11th June 2009, 13:03
Seriously. They need more constructive critisism from the general public. Everyone says that you can bag the police until you need them... the only time I've ever called upon the services of the police is to recover some stolen property, which is what they should be focusing thier attentions on. That and gangs but they're too soft to tackle that one! The reason I started this post was to get people thinking about the comparisons between the attitude of NZ Army personnel and the NZ police staff. What if the NZ police recruits were taken from the Army in the first place, having been selected for having the right attitude for policing. You can't deny the fact that the NZ police are in need of a big fat bite of humble pie, and what better place than the Army.

Different walks of life.

But funny you should make that suggestion. There are a considerable amount of police who are also in the TF (army reserve). I believe the two occupations used to cooperate well together (time off to attend army training was encouraged) but these days it's getting harder and harder for those people to get away from the police job. Another example of police being hamstrung by policy?

11th June 2009, 13:09
I've called on the services of the Police about three times. Twice they didn't do anything, and the last time they made it worse and I regretted contacting them.

I wouldn't ask the Police for help now unless I was really depeserate.

Afraid so. Didn't use to be so, but looking to the Police for help nowadays is a waste of time.

11th June 2009, 13:10
Different walks of life.

But funny you should make that suggestion. There are a considerable amount of police who are also in the TF (army reserve). I believe the two occupations used to cooperate well together (time off to attend army training was encouraged) but these days it's getting harder and harder for those people to get away from the police job. Another example of police being hamstrung by policy?

And there's a shot-load of ex-army people in the Police - I guess NDORFN and a few others on this thread didn't realise that though.

Oh, and on reading the comments about bad service from police? - all I can add is that I'm glad I'm down here and not in the greater Auckland area (or most of the North Island when it comes to that).

I guess there has to SOME advantage living up your way but it has eluded me so far - unless it's warmer weather.

11th June 2009, 14:05
And there's a shot-load of ex-army people in the Police - I guess NDORFN and a few others on this thread didn't realise that though.

Oh, and on reading the comments about bad service from police? - all I can add is that I'm glad I'm down here and not in the greater Auckland area (or most of the North Island when it comes to that).

I guess there has to SOME advantage living up your way but it has eluded me so far - unless it's warmer weather.

Moar skanky wimmenz :banana:

11th June 2009, 16:48
...too soft for the Army!
So instead of whingeing about it, why don't you be a man and join up so you can make that difference? Then you'll understand.

11th June 2009, 17:21
I would like to know why we even need an Army at all

11th June 2009, 17:30
So instead of whingeing about it, why don't you be a man and join up so you can make that difference? Then you'll understand.

Join parliment and become Minister of Police you mean?

11th June 2009, 17:41
Join parliment and become Minister of Police you mean?

Yeah, go for it.

Mind you, yer about 20 years too young at the moment.:(

(And too full of idealism)

11th June 2009, 17:46
Idealism is the philosophical theory that maintains that the ultimate nature of reality is based on mind or ideas. It holds that the so-called external or "real world" is inseparable from mind, consciousness, or perception. You calling me a nut case?

11th June 2009, 17:51
To anyone claiming that the NZ police are under-resourced... check out those blinged-out, worked HSV's !!! Are you fucking kidding me? Is that kind of extravagance neccesary?

11th June 2009, 17:52
When Aunty Helen decided to buy a few hundred Pinzgauer's (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pinzgauer_High_Mobility_All-Terrain_Vehicle) for the Army a few years ago, it was the first time ever in 40-odd years that the manufacturers assembled them with an automatic transmission. The logic behind this requirement, which lead to some cooling (rather overheating) issues, is because there was a belief that the majority of "grunts" in the Army couldn't use a manual trannie.

I doubt wether most of our soldiers would have the intellect to be a poo-lice officer, not that the poo-lice are overly bright either (sorry Scummy).

11th June 2009, 17:53
The fact that in your lives you can only count a few times you have required the police shows what a good job they do in general.

11th June 2009, 17:56
Nothing wrong with idealism.

Good on you,how about you join the Police force then ask for a transfer to South Auckland so you get a slice of reality.

There have screeds of threads like this,all whiners,my favourite one from some numpty immigrant who when his families not secure,non alarmed home was broken into and they expected the police to be there within the hour and find the stolen gear. :laugh:

The only police force that works is in a police state.
Who here is prepared to be digitally photographed,give a DNA sample and be finger printed so crime really could be solved quickly in a lot of cases.
My bet is almost none would do so but would still whine from the safety of their computer chair.

Nothing chances, i see threads whining about Kiwi cops,i see threads whining about Aussie cops,i see threads whining about Brit cops,i see threads whining about Yank cops.
About all it says in this office worker/IT BS world is there are a lot of whiners.

11th June 2009, 17:56
Idealism is the philosophical theory that maintains that the ultimate nature of reality is based on mind or ideas. It holds that the so-called external or "real world" is inseparable from mind, consciousness, or perception. You calling me a nut case?

If the cap fits......

11th June 2009, 17:59
What if the NZ police recruits were taken from the Army in the first place, having been selected for having the right attitude for policing. You can't deny the fact that the NZ police are in need of a big fat bite of humble pie, and what better place than the Army.

Oh...kay thats maybe one recruit a year. Most regular army recruits need leadership to think. Maybe if they started recruiting fuzz when they had some life experiences first, like minimum age of 30 plus.

P.S Have you ever travelled and seen armed police ? And noticed that they generally have past the acne stage. Not like the Israelli soldiers

11th June 2009, 18:05
The fact that in your lives you can only count a few times you have required the police shows what a good job they do in general.

No it doesn't, it shows that we live in New Zealand, where it is a socialogical trait that we are by nature honest people. How about this though... the fact that YOU, Mr or Mrs Average, Honest, Good-Natured, Well-Meaning Citizen, have had more interaction with the police involving YOUR OWN traffic infringements than you have required assistance from them. And you know you have, we ALL have. So basically, as far as the police are concerned, we're ALL criminals.

11th June 2009, 18:15
seem to be alot of armchair experts on the forces here. Having done 8 years I disagree with most of it.

11th June 2009, 18:15
No it doesn't, it shows that we live in New Zealand, where it is a socialogical trait that we are by nature honest people. How about this though... the fact that YOU, Mr or Mrs Average, Honest, Good-Natured, Well-Meaning Citizen, have had more interaction with the police involving YOUR OWN traffic infringements than you have required assistance from them. And you know you have, we ALL have. So basically, as far as the police are concerned, we're ALL criminals.

Your going to enjoy KB'r Cop bashing is pretty popular JUST wait to see who has repped you (240 posts). Have you noticed how Harley riders don't wave to sprots bike riders. That would be a good thread to start.

11th June 2009, 18:56
I've called on the services of the Police about three times. Twice they didn't do anything, and the last time they made it worse and I regretted contacting them.

I wouldn't ask the Police for help now unless I was really depeserate.

I can't say my experiences with them have been great either, whether it be me on the receiving end of their b/s or someone else. I've even saw accident an site made more dangerous by one dork.

I'm told there are some good cops out there, somewhere. I've yet to meet them though. Megalomaniac bullies mostly. The rest are liars.

11th June 2009, 18:58
Your going to enjoy KB'r Cop bashing is pretty popular JUST wait to see who has repped you (240 posts). Have you noticed how Harley riders don't wave to sprots bike riders. That would be a good thread to start.

Yes I do, it's quite the reverse in my experience. SB riders look to be the snobs, not us. Sorry, off topic, back to cop bashing.:jerry::jerry::jerry:

11th June 2009, 19:00
And there's a shot-load of ex-army people in the Police - I guess NDORFN and a few others on this thread didn't realise that though.

Oh, and on reading the comments about bad service from police? - all I can add is that I'm glad I'm down here and not in the greater Auckland area (or most of the North Island when it comes to that).

I guess there has to SOME advantage living up your way but it has eluded me so far - unless it's warmer weather.

There NO advantages to living in Auckland, none, nada, zip, fuck all or less. The place is a shit hole and it's just going to get worse. Stay well away from the dump.

11th June 2009, 19:02
There NO advantages to living in Auckland, none, nada, zip, fuck all or less. The place is a shit hole and it's just going to get worse. Stay well away from the dump.

Stop agreeing with me.

People will talk....

11th June 2009, 19:05
Stop agreeing with me.

People will talk....

Lap it up, it doesn't happen very often.

Great thread though, don't you think? Something new and novel. Had a good wave thrown at ya lately?

11th June 2009, 19:15
Just wave ... f*&k'em if they don't wave back!

Be the bigger person! Lol. Do unto others .... if you don't want them to wave back ... don't wave at them.

Talking of cops, riding on Hamilton roads is good at the moment, most of the cops are tied up at Field Days, but yes otherwise, I am yet to meet a decent, non-power/authority hungry pig with a moderate amount of discretion.

11th June 2009, 19:17
Auckland is the Harley capital of NZ. We have more bike accidents because we are busy waving all the time

11th June 2009, 19:18
Just wave ... f*&k'em if they don't wave back!

Be the bigger person! Lol. Do unto others .... if you don't want them to wave back ... don't wave at them.

Talking of cops, riding on Hamilton roads is good at the moment, most of the cops are tied up at Field Days, but yes otherwise, I am yet to meet a decent, non-power/authority hungry pig with a moderate amount of discretion.

That's cos you're silly enough to live on the North Island.

11th June 2009, 19:20
Yep Rodney is doing his best to depopulate the city while Key is busy putting up add-ons to the waterfront. Is Auckland 'worth' it??


11th June 2009, 19:27
Yep Rodney is doing his best to depopulate the city while Key is busy putting up add-ons to the waterfront. Is Auckland 'worth' it??


Yup, if your town has all of or any combination of traffic lights, roundabouts or parking meters it's waay too big for me - and too big for cruisy living

11th June 2009, 19:51
Yup, if your town has all of or any combination of traffic lights, roundabouts or parking meters it's waay too big for me - and too big for cruisy living

Dam straight! The day Matamata puts up it's first set of traffic lights I'm out.

11th June 2009, 19:57
Yup, if your town has all of or any combination of traffic lights, roundabouts or parking meters it's waay too big for me - and too big for cruisy living

You wont know know what hit you when you get cell phone coverage.

11th June 2009, 19:58
No it doesn't, it shows that we live in New Zealand, where it is a socialogical trait that we are by nature honest people. How about this though... the fact that YOU, Mr or Mrs Average, Honest, Good-Natured, Well-Meaning Citizen, have had more interaction with the police involving YOUR OWN traffic infringements than you have required assistance from them. And you know you have, we ALL have. So basically, as far as the police are concerned, we're ALL criminals.

So youd like to have more assaults, murders, burgs, rapes, arsons, kidnapping to average it out more? Or are you wanting the roads to not be policed? And if so would you want to ride on roads that werent policed?

Cheshire Cat
11th June 2009, 20:00
Your going to enjoy KB'r Cop bashing is pretty popular JUST wait to see who has repped you (240 posts). Have you noticed how Harley riders don't wave to sprots bike riders. That would be a good thread to start.

250posts Mr Pillion.

11th June 2009, 20:13
Good on you,how about you join the Police force then ask for a transfer to South Auckland so you get a slice of reality.

There have screeds of threads like this,all whiners,my favourite one from some numpty immigrant who when his families not secure,non alarmed home was broken into and they expected the police to be there within the hour and find the stolen gear. :laugh:

The only police force that works is in a police state.
Who here is prepared to be digitally photographed,give a DNA sample and be finger printed so crime really could be solved quickly in a lot of cases.
My bet is almost none would do so but would still whine from the safety of their computer chair.

Nothing chances, i see threads whining about Kiwi cops,i see threads whining about Aussie cops,i see threads whining about Brit cops,i see threads whining about Yank cops.
About all it says in this office worker/IT BS world is there are a lot of whiners.

1:That numpty imigrant shouldn't have been let in. Also, THAT'S the exact kind of crime the police should be focusing on. We can't all afford alarms, but we do all pay tax.

2:I am digitally photographed, finger printed AND have submitted a DNA sample.

3: Regarding policing in South Auckland... I bounced at a shit box bar down a dark alley. It was a total gang-banger, dole-bludging, pokey-addicted, pregnant-teenage-drinking-smoking, my-Black-Power-boyfriend-will-fuck-you-up-if-you-don't-let-me-in, scum-of-society magnet. I delt nightly with fights between opposing gangs, dudes trying to knock around thier women, women starting fights between thier men. It could've been absolute chaos, but it wasn't, because I kept it under control (for the most part). I used diplomacy backed by force if neccessary (nothing nasty, usually an infliction of intense pain without bruising), but above all, I never, not once exhibited any notion of superiority. All patrons knew from the moment they encountered me at the door that I was essentially one of them, just another low-income man trying to bring home the bacon for his family (it was a second job obviously). I eminated that demeanour, and it's what saved me on many occassion from having the shit kicked out of me by ten big black men. Anyway, it was as South Auckland as you get. Example... one night a couple of guys were having a bit of an arguement, I broke them up and sent them in opposite directions. Next thing one of them comes back with a group and litterly stomp the other guy. When I pulled him up off the ground, his scalp from his crown down to the top of his neck was hanging off the back of his head like a dirty chamois. My boss called the police (which I was against because I didn't want to waste thier time on gang-banger losers fighting... they were street rats and street-justice had been served!), and when they turned up two hours later they were more interested in counting patron numbers, the licence conditions, and checking for underage drinker (of which there were no infringements of course).

11th June 2009, 20:21
Unfortunately for some Auckland is the only real place with a job market for them. Which is a pity because I'm getting pretty solidly sick of it myself.

11th June 2009, 21:26
1:That numpty imigrant shouldn't have been let in. Also, THAT'S the exact kind of crime the police should be focusing on. We can't all afford alarms, but we do all pay tax.

2:I am digitally photographed, finger printed AND have submitted a DNA sample.

3: Regarding policing in South Auckland... I bounced at a shit box bar down a dark alley. It was a total gang-banger, dole-bludging, pokey-addicted, pregnant-teenage-drinking-smoking, my-Black-Power-boyfriend-will-fuck-you-up-if-you-don't-let-me-in, scum-of-society magnet. I delt nightly with fights between opposing gangs, dudes trying to knock around thier women, women starting fights between thier men. It could've been absolute chaos, but it wasn't, because I kept it under control (for the most part). I used diplomacy mixed backed by force if neccessary (nothing nasty, usually an infliction of intense pain without bruising), but above all, I never, not once exhibited any notion of superiority. All patrons knew from the moment they encountered me at the door that I was essentially one of them, just another low-income man trying to bring home the bacon for his family (it was a second job obviously). I eminated that demeanour, and it's what saved me on many accassion from having the shit kicked out of me by ten big black men. Anyway, it was as South Auckland as you get. Example... one night a couple of guys were having a bit of an arguement, I broke them up and sent them in opposite directions. Next thing one of them comes back with a group and litterly stomp the other guy. When I pulled him up off the ground, his scalp from his crown down to the top of his neck was hanging off the back of his head like a dirty chamois. My boss called the police (which I was against because I didn't want to waste thier time on gang-banger losers fighting... they were street rats and street-justice had been served!), and when they turned up two hours later they were more interested in counting patron numbers, the licence conditions, and checking for underage drinker (of which there were no infringements of course).

I rest my case . :laugh:

11th June 2009, 21:29
1:That numpty imigrant shouldn't have been let in. Also, THAT'S the exact kind of crime the police should be focusing on. We can't all afford alarms, but we do all pay tax.

2:I am digitally photographed, finger printed AND have submitted a DNA sample.

3: Regarding policing in South Auckland... I bounced at a shit box bar down a dark alley. It was a total gang-banger, dole-bludging, pokey-addicted, pregnant-teenage-drinking-smoking, my-Black-Power-boyfriend-will-fuck-you-up-if-you-don't-let-me-in, scum-of-society magnet. I delt nightly with fights between opposing gangs, dudes trying to knock around thier women, women starting fights between thier men. It could've been absolute chaos, but it wasn't, because I kept it under control (for the most part). I used diplomacy mixed backed by force if neccessary (nothing nasty, usually an infliction of intense pain without bruising), but above all, I never, not once exhibited any notion of superiority. All patrons knew from the moment they encountered me at the door that I was essentially one of them, just another low-income man trying to bring home the bacon for his family (it was a second job obviously). I eminated that demeanour, and it's what saved me on many accassion from having the shit kicked out of me by ten big black men. Anyway, it was as South Auckland as you get. Example... one night a couple of guys were having a bit of an arguement, I broke them up and sent them in opposite directions. Next thing one of them comes back with a group and litterly stomp the other guy. When I pulled him up off the ground, his scalp from his crown down to the top of his neck was hanging off the back of his head like a dirty chamois. My boss called the police (which I was against because I didn't want to waste thier time on gang-banger losers fighting... they were street rats and street-justice had been served!), and when they turned up two hours later they were more interested in counting patron numbers, the licence conditions, and checking for underage drinker (of which there were no infringements of course).

Go Auckland.....:clap:

11th June 2009, 23:48
Idealism - theory that maintains that the ultimate nature of reality is based on mind or ideas. It holds that the so-called external or "real world" is inseparable from mind?

What you think not see is what you get, you mean? I think police need to think on rebelling more against misuse of their talents, and learn to say screw you Oz style. Mutiny, fail to cooperate with mindless plans - publicly bitch more to media on the sly. Public safety may depend on making a stand.

Qld police accused of fake breath tests
AAP, October 8, 2007

Queensland's crime watchdog will investigate claims police officers are faking alcohol breath tests so they can meet a quota of three million drink-driving checks a year.
The Courier-Mail newspaper reported that overworked frontline police were faking the tests by frequently blocking airholes on the devices with their fingers or straws, resulting in a negative alcohol reading.
An unnamed police officer told the paper he had faked the tests for two years and had witnessed hundreds of bogus tests.
"The quota system is purely a statistical exercise and that exercise is a stupidity:Pokey:," he was quoted as saying.
Police Minister Judy Spence said she was not aware of the practise.
"However, they are very serious allegations :clap:and I've talked to (police) commissioner (Bob Atkinson) this morning," she told ABC radio. "He will launch an investigation immediately".

There really seems relatively lukewarm interest in nabbing crims here as Police are cooperating with plans to ramp up quotas - a 5 year old part of a large family theft team slipped behind the counter grabbing my concealed handbag with bulk wages in and ran. As Mum / Dad and 3 or so more kids (oddly not matching their genetic makeup) had been trying to distract me, posing as a customer for half an hour, I could offer Police a great description - interest level zero. Tho the system was quite interested in imprisoning me for speeding fines belonging to someone of the same name as me, forcing me as an innocent to travel to a far court to clear my name lest they came knocking as promised.

I was offered a session with the community constable on security only after the theft by just graduated toddler. Useless, my bag was well hid, I had my eye out noone was going behind counter (more concerned re till) but they worked it by spreading out and eventually the kid musta slipped behind and ferreted round fast, with my view briefly obstructed by an adults body in line of view I think.

Theres too much of this crim kid training. Prior bad experience was visiting a grave at Taupiri and a kid of 5 odd mysteriously on his own was over keen indeed anxious to chat and asking "trained questions" like "how long did you know the person you're visiting"!!. Got me suspicious so I headed down to find P freak types picking my car lock. Slightly better response - they took prints. But I figure the tolerance of non murder level offences ends in bad habits forming.

12th June 2009, 00:20
There NO advantages to living in Auckland, none, nada, zip, fuck all or less. The place is a shit hole and it's just going to get worse. Stay well away from the dump.

the advantage of living in Auckland is around $80000 per annum. If that goes, outta there , SOOOOO fast.

12th June 2009, 06:43
the advantage of living in Auckland is around $80000 per annum. If that goes, outta there , SOOOOO fast.

You'll need every cent of it too, so that you can afford to pay your rates after this fuckup.


12th June 2009, 07:00
...too soft for the Army!

NZ has an army?

12th June 2009, 07:14
NZ has an army?

apparently ...

12th June 2009, 07:16
apparently ...

cmon .. next you'll be telling me you have a navy and air force ...

12th June 2009, 07:20
cmon .. next you'll be telling me you have a navy and air force ...

We even have a Coastguard ... they're not allowed guns though.

12th June 2009, 07:21
We even have a Coastguard ... they're not allowed guns though.

i call bullshit bro.. never seen any evidence of any of that

12th June 2009, 07:29
i call bullshit bro.. never seen any evidence of any of that

They are civilian run though...

Do you have a boat ???

12th June 2009, 07:31
They are civilian run though...

Do you have a boat ???

nope .. 2 bikes ...

i hate fishing unless i can do it with explosives

12th June 2009, 07:37
nope .. 2 bikes ...

i hate fishing unless i can do it with explosives

I've been known to use lead spinners ... :innocent:

12th June 2009, 16:40
NZ has an army?

That's handy..........

12th June 2009, 16:44
I've been known to use lead spinners ... :innocent:

and fluffers

12th June 2009, 20:12
Talking of cops, riding on Hamilton roads is good at the moment, most of the cops are tied up at Field Days,

Yeah, but they're not fuckin doing much. Went there on Wednesday and half the cars ended up doing u-turns etc as the cops were just standing there like plebs instead of directing traffic.

Honda stand. Very good as usual. Blagged honda rain overall thingie.

Kwakasaki stand. Average.

Yammy stand. OK. Like the new divvy but it'll fail miserably in NZ. The new R1 may sound nice but it's as ugly as sin.

Suzuki stand. Very loudly I said...

Top marks to Boyd motorcycles. Teensy weensy bit of fraying on new jacket, boots (for the girliefriend) and gloves and I got the whole lot for a hundy bucks :clap:

12th June 2009, 20:33
hmm...just need to finish my degree so i can get outta nz for a decent job..then come back to retire hopefully..