View Full Version : Help in transporting Manequin fm P.N to CHCH

10th July 2009, 22:56
Hey all, after a bit of a bender:drinknsin have just bought a mannequin off trademe... all I need now is someone heading through Palmy down to CHCH or beyond in a car or truck who is willing to have a dumb passenger.
Any help would be reciprocated with a dozen beer or something....please though...dont want any stains on the dummy....:buggerd:

Cheers all,

10th July 2009, 22:59
What kinda mannequin?

Can't help out, sorry, just interested :clap:

10th July 2009, 23:07
What kinda mannequin?

Can't help out, sorry, just interested :clap:

A woman mannequin.....one of them ones ya see in storefronts etc....will look good after airbrushed w/ tattoos....could be an interesting conversation piece...

10th July 2009, 23:08
if you dressed it in bike gear, no one would know.
dumy bike tour..passed on by biker..