View Full Version : Body position

31st March 2005, 11:05
Hey all,

I've recently started to shift my body on the bike so most of it is on the left hand side while taking a left corner and the right side of the bike when taking a right corner.

I've noticed that when i do this, most of my weight is on the inside peg, with a little bit on the seat and hardly any on the outside peg.

Is this what i should be doing or should i try to keep more weight on the seat?

31st March 2005, 11:08
Try putting most of your weight on the outside peg and hardly any on the inside one. It should give you a heap more stability while cornering.

James Deuce
31st March 2005, 11:26
Point your shoulder at the apex of the corner - makes a substantial difference. And look where you want to be, not where you are.

31st March 2005, 11:31
I think with the shit factory tires and suspension on the SV, might prevent you from putting your weight on the outside?

I have tired... but always more weight on the inside, in case the front end runs wide and requires more lean

31st March 2005, 12:07
I think with the shit factory tires and suspension on the SV, might prevent you from putting your weight on the outside?

I have tired... but always more weight on the inside, in case the front end runs wide and requires more lean

putting weight on the outside peg can prevent rear wheel spin and putting weight on the inside can cause it. so unless you want a highside id try getting the weight off the inside peg and onto the outside. personally i dont hang off the bike on the road if you need to change direction quickly its just another thing to do, but if you got it sussed i cant see it being a problem.

31st March 2005, 12:08
you are doing the right thing shifting your weight, keep it on the pegs(and off the seat) as this lowers the CG and gives better stability, putting as much weight on the outside peg will help too.
try getting right off the seat then sitting to the apropriate side of the bike (ie left hander sit on your right butcheek with all your wieght off the side of the bike and if keen get your knee out while at it... )

Sparky Bills
31st March 2005, 12:30
Yes-Shifting your weight inside the corner is good.

And you should ALWAYS have weight on the seat!!
Helps you control the bike if the back slids out, and keeps the back end more stable.
If you do shift your weight around, make sure its slow smooth movments. The shocks are working hard enough as it is without having to deal with an extra lot of weight jumping around on them on the entry of a corner.

Happy riding.

31st March 2005, 12:35
If I want the bike to steer quickly into a short/tight corner I put my toes and quite a bit of weight on the inside peg. If I'm on a longer/flowing corner and hanging off the seat I put more weight on the outside peg.

31st March 2005, 13:36
I've noticed that when i do this, most of my weight is on the inside peg, with a little bit on the seat and hardly any on the outside peg.

Sounds like you are going too slow for the amount you are hanging off. As you pick up speed the centrifugal force will hold you in the seat. My outside leg (tank/seat) area takes most my weight at speed but the slower I go the more that weight moves to my inside foot.

31st March 2005, 23:54
I am generally happy. My positioning changes a fair bit though when I'm in a hurry. End up kind of hanging off the bike... (I need a real sports bike!)

1st April 2005, 14:41
Putting more weight on the outside peg does seem make more sense now that i think about.
I tried it for a bit on the way home last night, seems a bit akward at first, but it'll probably improve with parctice.

I know i'm not a fast rider but i thought this would a good habit to get into, besides everyone has a favourite corner/set of corners that they like to give it a bit of stick around.

Thanks for the replies

3rd April 2005, 13:52
weight put onto the outside peg helps improve control and stability. Also seems to make me drop the knee that much more also...

3rd April 2005, 13:59
Try putting most of your weight on the outside peg and hardly any on the inside one. It should give you a heap more stability while cornering.

Who taught you that? :innocent:

3rd April 2005, 16:52
helps if you want to keep up a good speed in the wet as well... as you'll be leaning the bike less, hence more traction and hence safer and faster in the wet

4th April 2005, 09:35
Hey Chickenfunkstar
Here's two books that will answer just about every question on riding techniques.

A twist of the wrist 2 - Keith Code
Total Control High Performance Street riding techniques - Lee Parks

Once you understand how the bike interacts with its suspension, then you'll understand how hanging off helps the bike corner faster with more stability.
( as long as you've assumed the position before the corner and are on the gas
as soon as possible in the courner )

That and the books won't fill you with any F.U.D
( Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt )

Hope it helps
