View Full Version : RIP Harry Patch

tri boy
26th July 2009, 18:54
The last British WW1 infranty solider has past on aged 111.
I guess some will care, and some not give it a second thought. But maybe, just for one minute, we should think about what this old fulla saw, and went through.
Death, mud, fear, and much more death.
The RSA obviously continues the memory of these old guys, and there are one or two American's/Canadian's still alive, but Harry was the last that survived Passchendaele.
Makes our easy existence seem even easier.
RIP Harry. You certainly earned it.

26th July 2009, 19:00
He did indeed ... Rest in peace fella...

It was the war to end all wars he went to fight.

26th July 2009, 19:01
Lest we forget.

26th July 2009, 19:12
What a champion. A REAL champion. Not a "First to climb the worlds highest mountain" champion or a "Hollywoods' sexiest man" champion... but a "Fully-fledged, authentic, put his arse on the line for his loved ones and country... and obviously didn't spend the rest of his life seeking acknowledgement for it (I've never heard of him, have you?)" champion. I'm glad he lived long.

26th July 2009, 19:15
He saw alot and out lived a whole generation and era of our history. The last living link severed. Very sad. At least he will have no more bad dreams.

Onya tommy.

26th July 2009, 19:20
RIP Mr Patch.
Lest we forget.

26th July 2009, 19:22
I saw him last week I think, laying a wreath. Remarked to Maha at the time. RIP Harry.

We will remember them all.

26th July 2009, 19:25

26th July 2009, 19:26
yes,most of us could never immagine the terror and stress he went through,not only in the war,but after aswel.
a true hero and warior.
rest in peace

26th July 2009, 19:30
Lest not forget what he also did the other 100 years of his life

27th July 2009, 08:06
Thanks Mr Patch!
Rest In Peace, you certainly have earned it!

27th July 2009, 08:13
He attributed his longetivity to whiskey,smokes and wild woman!

Boob Johnson
27th July 2009, 08:38
He attributed his longetivity to whiskey,smokes and wild woman!
Ha ha, nice one Harry.

111, not a bad innings at all.

Lest we forget, RIP

ynot slow
27th July 2009, 09:42
Saw him on tv last week and impressed at his take on life.

Man the things he could have taught people,much better than the dulled down history in schools,imagine if the government asked ex soldiers if they wished to speak about war in schools after ww1 and ww2 etc,the admiration of what they went through for us would live on and on.And the kids might think twice about bashing them later on.

27th July 2009, 12:10
RIP, Sir. He deserves the respect.