View Full Version : Gunnyrob's Beemer breaks down again again

27th July 2009, 15:19
Well to some of you, this tale will come as no surprise, as I have told a similar one in May '08 in "Gunnyrob's beemer breaks again". In that sordid story of woe and gnashing of teeth, I recounted my adventures when Mighty Max, my trusty steely steed, bred from the finest teutonic technology, shat his clutch, pressure plate & gearbox input shaft to leave me stranded in the middle of the Gentle Annie, a place more isolated in the North Island I couldn't possibly have found if I tried. (or so I thought)

However I digress:Offtopic:

The present day, Friday 24 July 09. Max & I knocked off work and headed down South to meet the other KB dual sport adventure riders for the MMMMM ride, through the heart of Te Urewera. We managed to avoid most of the absolutely filthy weather smashing into the Waikato, but eventually got punished at Taupo, where the weather gods took great pleasure in soaking us both in nothing flat. Undeterred, we pushed on to Rangitaikei Pub on the Taupo-Napier Road, where we rendezvoused with the other hardy souls who were to make out touring group so much fun.:drinkup:

After a cold, but alcohol induced sleep, we rose early as the remaining group members arrived. Clint gave us our brief, and we were off, off into the wilderness!!!!!:jerry:

27th July 2009, 15:27
Off we went, 23 hardy blokes, and Rosie. We turned off the highway and into the forestry, heading north east. Sunstrike was a bit of a problem, noted for the unique way that it only seemed to hit when we hit some really rough ruts. Max took umbrage at being woken so early, and gave me a demonstration of how he can be induced into a tank slapper at 90km/h on gravel.:shit:

Having watched one of my conrades lose it on a corner, I took things easy on the real nasty bits, but even then I almost got thrown when Max's front wheel succumbed to the silky smooth grip of a raggedy rut.

After passing through some entertaining forestry, we popped out near Minganui and seal, A quick sprint to give Max his head led to a meet of motorcylists for a regroup. After some "No shit, there I was...." stories, Clint pointed South and it was off to Wairoa!

27th July 2009, 15:40
No sooner had we set off, a sign announced "Seal repairs". Max stumbled on some pea gravel, and wouldn't you know it, next thing I knew I was skating down the road on my back!! Max was in a ditch and as I picked him up, the others came by wondering why I was facing the wrong way. There was no way in hell I was going to tell them I had binned on tar seal!!! (oh, I guess I just did:shutup:)

No damage was done and it was off up Waikaremoana. As we climbed higher and Higher, it began to snow & was quite picturesque. As we came through a clearing, I noted some cows....waitaminute...those are PIGS....BIG PIGS:confused: We eyed each other up & we pottered on.

Over the next 70km we saw more pigs, horses & pheasants, then had another regroup at the lake. Next was Wairoa, my home town. Having left the others in my wake on the seal, I had a quick pootle around town to check up on my Nana & Gran's houses, and my old house in Apatu street. Pies and coffee was on the menu for lunch at Ostlers on Marine Parade, and are highly recommended.

Hunger sated, it was uo to Tinorito for a quick stop at the pub. It seems we crashed a baby shower as there were a lot of farming ladies, some of whom were very preggers. (well that or there isn't anything else to do at Tinorito :love:)

So again, it was off up North, past Rere Falls to our accommodation at the journeys end station. Our hosts put on an excellent feed and made sure we were well looked after. Thanks everyone! (It was a good job it was a good feed, 'cos I'd have sweet FA tomorrow!!!)

27th July 2009, 15:42

27th July 2009, 15:59
Up we got, it was light misty rain, and set off to Matawai for fuel and pies. Someone ran out of gas 400m from the pump and not realising it was just around the corner, had someones KTM leant over so they could decant fuel into a container.

By the time I was there, there was only a fish or mussel pie left, so I had that & set off early, knowing the others would soon catch up on the rough Motu road.

The raod was pretty cool, with lots of bush, occasional glimpses of the Motu river and we met a family mountain biking up the opposite side of the hill. I also saw some young hunters, just dropped off by dad, heading into the hills, rifle slung over shoulders, in search of a stag.:Punk:

Dropping off the main hill, I noted an audience gathered around a ford, awaiting the carnage sure to follow (note to self, next time, lower your visor!!!)

27th July 2009, 16:03
The road after the ford was pretty rough. Max bounced around a bit, and 5 kms after the ford he cried "enough!!"

Well he didn't really, all he did was turn off. and not start. not even go through diagnostics. Fuck.

Luckily, I was only SECOND to last, and Clint asked if I was OK.

"No" I replied. "I think I'm fucked"

"Goodness me" said Clint & he shot off to summon the BMW riders......

27th July 2009, 16:13
Almost an hour later (now about 1300), Three riders turned up. One of whom was John Glaswell, the NZ BMW Motorad rep who knew lots about such things. We tore Max to bits, seeking out water or moisture, for that was what we opined was wrong. Unfortunately, nothing worked (including a rather spectacular battery voltage test that involved screwdrivers and sparks).

Thinking "I've done this before", I duly scribed a note to summon the AA at all haste, and, take note that I have paid an extra premium to become one of the hallowed AA PLUS members!! (This means they will take me home and Max to a nominated reapir shop, instead of just Opotiki)

Colin roared off to summon assistance, and when he returned at about 1430, told me that the AA dude would be no longer than half an hour.

Delighted, I sent my would be rescuers on thier way, having felt that they had gone beyond the call of duty to help a fallen comrade.

All I had to do now was wait for the AA. So I waited. And waited. a breeze came up, and still I waited.

The mountain bikers came past. "you all right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, the AA is on the way."

So they left and I waited.

I cleaned the mud of my boots & panniers, and by the time 1800 rolled around it was getting dark.............

Kiwi Graham
27th July 2009, 16:23
:wait::corn::wait::corn::wait::corn::wait::corn::d rinkup:

27th July 2009, 16:23
"Fuck", I said, "this is bad" I scoffed the Moro bar John had left (the second thing I had eaten that day) and broke out my gloves and a survival blanket (next time I'll bring my tent)

Some hunters who were spotlighting drove by, and I passed them a note to please ring the AA and let them know that the stranded biker was still there & please hurry.

At 2100 a ute pulled up & Sefton, the AA man alighted.

"Sorry about that, the clowns at AA were trying to ring you to see how you wanted to get to Auckland before they got me on to the job"

Fuck me, sure enough when we got to civilisation there were three missed calls. Shame you can't get coverage in the wops.

We muscled Max onto the back of the ute, no small feat. Sefton's aluminium ramps were twisted & buckled under Max's weight. "Fuck" he said.

After an hour (we were being very careful), we pulled into a motel. the lady running it offered me a toasted sandwich. This was quickly devoured.

Sefton was great. He gave the AA lady an earful for being stupid, and pulled some strings to get me sorted for Monday. He bade me farewell, and it was time for a shower and sleep after letting Colin know that I was OK.

27th July 2009, 16:34
Monday was glorious. But instead of doing a Coro loop, I was stuck in a ute with Max on the back, heading to Experience BMW with Sefton's assistant, Paul.

Sebastian was bemused to see us again, and to his credit, didn't laugh. He had a quick look and again sucked through his teeth (it's ALWAYS a bad sign when the chief BMW mechanic sucks through his teeth)

"Well Rob, it doesn't look good. If it's the central computer, it will cost about the samE as your last job." (That was $4500!!!!) "You'll be happy to know it doesn't happen very often, but you may be my first."

"Fuck," I thought, "here we go again!!!!"

So, in summary, I'm home, Max is getting fixed. GET AA PLUS EVERYONE, it saves a shitload of fucking around. During a call out you get $800 to get you and your vehicle home. It works big time.

Thanks very much to Sefton & the team at Opotiki Mitsubishi, and hopefully Sebatian can work his magic in time for me to lead the Aucklanders to the Cold Kiwi.

BMW= Biker Must Walk!!!

Sorry about the lack of pics, I'm on dial up. See the MMMMM thread for photos. have fun, ride safe.

tri boy
27th July 2009, 16:53
Bad luck mate.
Glad AA, (finally) got someone to you.
Hope the bill is small (is there such a thing with Bavarian Machines?).

James Deuce
27th July 2009, 16:54
Bloody hell.

Here I was getting all excited about an almost affordable R1200S I'd found.

I hope you get Max going again with a minimum of financial battering.

27th July 2009, 17:02
Sorry to hear that, glad you survived tho!

Just when you think a can of CRC can fix anything.......

This the begining of the end you think?
<a href="http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v496/jeb441/?action=view&current=Grob.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v496/jeb441/Grob.jpg" border="0" alt="grob"></a>

27th July 2009, 17:06
Bad luck Rob, hope it doesnt cost tooooooooooooooo much to fix !!!!!!

Maybe I should sell my one before I have problems like you.

That looks like fun
27th July 2009, 17:06
Good to hear you are safe :sunny: mate got to admit that when I left you the last time and hadn't passed a tow truck by Opotiki I was starting to think you could be in for a long wait. :blink: When you didn't reply to my text I got nervous, and when I tried to ring about 6:30 I got the next thing after nervous. Rang AA again and spoke with Jill who said she would check up on you and I told her I wanted confirmation you were ok so could they ring me back. So at 7:20 when the towey called and said he had not been out to get you :shit: I bet it was getting pretty cold and dark with only pigs and possums for company. :love: When the towey asked if the bike would fit on a ute I told him he would need a good ramp plus he would have to be a tough bugger to push the bike up, Assumed you would be hypothermic by that stage and not up to pushing a beemer. :shutup: Let us know what they find mate, hope its not another Bust My Wallet moment :Punk:

27th July 2009, 17:11
Bad luck once again! However nice photo there.

Waihou Thumper
27th July 2009, 17:14
Shit, I had no idea, feel for ya Rob. I am going to the AA site right now as my subscription is due.....overdue!
Hope things work out for you and the yellow monster really owes you big time! Post the diagnosis won't you when it is received, and a look at the bill too....:shit: (kiddin)

Best of luck. I remember the story you were telling me the night before too of your Gentle Annie excursion.....:shit: Geez, talk about a bad run mate...

James Deuce
27th July 2009, 17:17
:shit: Geez, talk about a bad run mate...

He's one of the few people I can think of who doesn't deserve any bad luck, at all, ever.

27th July 2009, 17:20
...and my, how I laughed when you called me last night :laugh::laugh: (twice)

One word bro....BUELL!!!!!!!!

None of this fancy pants, computer controlled, anti-lock braking, systems diagnostic, auto-arse scrubbing...just turn it on and GO!!

P.S. Will it be fixed by the time the Cold Kiwi rolls around, or do I need to order that pillion kit? :stupid:

27th July 2009, 18:55
You do know I had a trailer and tie downs at clints don't ya??

27th July 2009, 19:16
I know its wrong Rob but that gave me the best laugh I have had all day.

Shit mate I hope its not the same as last time and you are back on the road quick start.

27th July 2009, 19:31
From what all are hypothesising (fuck, that's a big word after a bottle of vino) The fix will be quick, once they get the really expensive part. (a German super computer.)

Still, the ride was good eh!!!?????

27th July 2009, 19:33
One word bro....BUELL!!!!!!!!
None of this fancy pants, computer controlled, anti-lock braking, systems diagnostic, auto-arse scrubbing...just turn it on and GO!!

I can't help but be a bit skeptical, a buell with no mechanical problems? :Offtopic:

But seriously, good to hear that the AA guy looked after you Rob, it's a bit hit-and-miss with them if they don't 'get' motorcycles. Have you been able to diagnose Max's illness yet?

27th July 2009, 19:44
you are giving Beemers a bad name...See you at the Cold Kiwi :-)

27th July 2009, 19:53
What about a used "super computer"?

27th July 2009, 20:05
BMW = Bummer! More Walking!!

27th July 2009, 20:41
I would be extremely pissed off at the AA for not sending someone straight away... I would rip their balls off for not using common sense and knowing you where in the middle of no where with no reception. surely after the third call straight to answer phone you would realize and your mate having to ring for you to explain the situation...

28th July 2009, 08:51
At 2100 a ute pulled up & Sefton, the AA man alighted.

"Sorry about that, the clowns at AA were trying to ring you to see how you wanted to get to Auckland before they got me on to the job"

Fuck! 9 hrs on the side of the road! You poor bastard. If I had'a known that was going to happen I would have sent John off with a few sandwiches as well as that moro bar & can of V. Double bummer that we had 2 vehicles with trailers back at my place & could have easily mounted our own rescue mission. I guess one lesson is that when calling the AA to rescue someone out in the wops, demand a call back to confirm that they have actually despatched someone.

Personally I gave up on the AA after I had twice fixed my own vehicle on the side of the road before the breakdown contractor arrived on the scene.

Best of luck with the repair, fingers crossed it's something cheap.


28th July 2009, 09:02
I would quite happily have come and picked you up and brought you back to Auckland.... Still all sorted now and you got to spend a quiet afternoon in the countryside :lol:

28th July 2009, 09:38
Hey all...I just called Experience, and they have done the diagnostics and found this:


28th July 2009, 12:04
Hey all...I just called Experience, and they have done the diagnostics and found this:



28th July 2009, 13:27
Sorry... couldn't resist...

good luck with the fix

Kiwi Graham
28th July 2009, 13:46
Ruben Xaus had a bit of trouble with his beemer this weekend too :chase:

28th July 2009, 13:56
Who's Ruben Xaus? Is he from Taihape?

28th July 2009, 14:09
Dude.... what happended to two values, a set of points and those suction things.. what do they call them??? Oh yeah.. carburettors!!!

Computers.... rule.... while the power is on!!!

Sorry to hear gunny and yes I get that my personal (current) steed is in fact a Cray computer disguised inside supporting hardware :shutup:

28th July 2009, 18:15
Note to self, buy a tent and a satellite phone with beemer.

28th July 2009, 18:22
Some Classic replies & Photoshops, Keep 'em coming, it's cheering me up!

28th July 2009, 19:24
oh bugga Rob...

here is an idea for you....

<img src="http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=136207&d=1248765805"> </img>

28th July 2009, 19:39
Here's a photo of Rob from when he just got his Beemer...sums up the typical BMW rider quite well I think <_<

28th July 2009, 23:30
Fuck! 9 hrs on the side of the road! You poor bastard. If I had'a known that was going to happen I would have sent John off with a few sandwiches as well as that moro bar & can of V. Double bummer that we had 2 vehicles with trailers back at my place & could have easily mounted our own rescue mission. I guess one lesson is that when calling the AA to rescue someone out in the wops, demand a call back to confirm that they have actually despatched someone.

Personally I gave up on the AA after I had twice fixed my own vehicle on the side of the road before the breakdown contractor arrived on the scene.

Best of luck with the repair, fingers crossed it's something cheap.


Yea I had the same problem, partners CV joint slipped out as we pulled out of a parking lot. AA said he was 15 mintues away. couple hours later he turns up. then says it too big a job to fix in the parking lot and needs to be towed home.. another two hours later after half an hour quoted. Get home and it takes me half an hour to slip back in...

AA is not worth it....

29th July 2009, 17:26
AA is not worth it....

I have been thinking the same, but am most impressed that they came out the Motu Road to pick him and his Bike up - all beit after a lengthy wait on the road side. :clap:

Am starting to wonder what I have got myself in for by buying a BMW though.

29th July 2009, 17:46
AA plus is certainly worth it. they saved me a lot of grief getting home...

29th July 2009, 17:49
AA plus is certainly worth it. they saved me a lot of grief getting home...

I guess that is why you pay them.
Thinking about AA plus now that I don't qualify for Honda Riders Club - their rescue has helped a few people I could name.

Good luck with the fix.

30th July 2009, 18:38
AA plus is certainly worth it. they saved me a lot of grief getting home...

I have a few people I could call on with a trailer or van. Sounds like a few would of helped you and prob got there quicker.

Whats an AA membership? $80 odd bucks?

30th July 2009, 21:05
Thanks for the offer. Compared to the drama I went through in May 08 (see gunnyrobs beemer breaks again) this episode went waaaay smoother. I highly recommend aa+

31st July 2009, 13:48
So any news yet?

31st July 2009, 20:20
Am starting to wonder what I have got myself in for by buying a BMW though.

BMW's don't break down... they fail to proceed... or words to that effect.

All part of the fun of owning a bike that is not the same as all the others larf..



31st July 2009, 20:24
BMW's don't break down... they fail to proceed... or words to that effect.

All part of the fun of owning a bike that is not the same as all the others larf..



No cause to regret buying it yet, no hurry for that aspect (better still never).

2nd August 2009, 08:05
Good news everyone! Max will rise again. Thanks to Devil who kindly brought his Adv in so Sebastian could swap bits around, it has been determined that water splashed up to some chafed wiring, which in turn fried the ignition switch. No control units were harmed in the making of this war story.

Max should be back on the road in a couple of weeks, and the bill should be under $1k. (that may sound like a lot, but is much better than the worst case scenario). See you on the road soon!

James Deuce
2nd August 2009, 08:12
Owning a BMW is as expensive as being married.

2nd August 2009, 08:27
but nowhere near as expensive as being divorced

2nd August 2009, 08:35
AA said he was 15 mintues away. couple hours later he turns up. then says it too big a job to fix in the parking lot and needs to be towed home.. another two hours later after half an hour quoted. Get home and it takes me half an hour to slip back in...

AA is not worth it....

Dont know Ive been stuck on the side of the road with problems where its needed a trailer. Still waiting to get it home from the sth island after the monkey. Cost $208 to get it recovered from Hawea to Wanaka 35 km. AA is on my list of to do's. :confused: Only worry is that there was no cell phone coverage usually when its happened.

2nd August 2009, 14:17
I for one will take this story to mind and go slow through fords etc from now on.

But when the cameras come out......... :laugh:

2nd August 2009, 23:53
great stuff Rob, and Big UP to devil for his help. Good dude.

Should be good to lead the cold kiwi team then ? :)

3rd August 2009, 08:26
So glad my Ktm hasn't got an ignition switch. :bleh:

3rd August 2009, 09:12
Dont know Ive been stuck on the side of the road with problems where its needed a trailer. Still waiting to get it home from the sth island after the monkey. Cost $208 to get it recovered from Hawea to Wanaka 35 km. AA is on my list of to do's. :confused: Only worry is that there was no cell phone coverage usually when its happened.

I guess it depends on what you ride, how far you travel. and who you know..

I own a jappa so I never break down :sunny:

3rd August 2009, 09:54
Glad I could help. I know it sucks having a bike off the road!

3rd August 2009, 21:38
but nowhere near as expensive as being divorced

and a shitload more fun

3rd August 2009, 21:42
Note to self, buy a tent and a satellite phone with beemer.


You want one...I know.

We need to touch base re. Cold Kiwi :wari:



9th August 2009, 21:50

9th August 2009, 21:51
that was me not saying a word:yes::shutup:

13th August 2009, 21:27
but nowhere near as expensive as being divorced

Bling to you sir...

16th August 2009, 17:05
Max is sorted! Total bill came out to $989. All is good for the Cold Kiwi, Thanks again to Devil for the loan of his bike so the fault finding could proceed.

See you on the road soon.....

tri boy
16th August 2009, 17:12
10 chars

James Deuce
16th August 2009, 18:46
That is good news.

18th August 2009, 07:28
Max is sorted! Total bill came out to $989. All is good for the Cold Kiwi, Thanks again to Devil for the loan of his bike so the fault finding could proceed.

See you on the road soon.....
Okay, so will the route to the Cold Kiwi involve any out of the way roads, or will we go via the main highways? :laugh:

P.S. Remember that the mighty Buell doesn't have any passenger accommodations, although I'm sure it's mountain of torque could be used to tow Max to civilisation...is that legal? :Police: