View Full Version : Who is going to give to Telethon?

8th August 2009, 19:35
i wont be, parents who dont look after their children should have them removed and then be sterilised so they cant have any more, then send the cunts back where they came from, i look after my kids you look after your kids

8th August 2009, 19:39
Thank you very much for your kind sterilation...

8th August 2009, 19:42
Not me,the only charity type thing i give to is the SPCA,drop off some dog food from time to time and once a year a $ donation.I figure kids get enough of my hard earned through that ridiculous working for familys crap,which i believe does more harm than good fwiw.

8th August 2009, 19:45
Trouble is, which charity will meet the approval of the whining cynics...?

How about the Cancer Society? Nah, fuck it, they support those dirty ignorant smokers, eh?

8th August 2009, 19:50
give to telethon? why - will they give me a free phone?

8th August 2009, 19:53
i gave a donation of uniform clothes and shoes to my local school yesterday - they will go directly to a kid that needs them

8th August 2009, 20:00
i wont be, parents who dont look after their children should have them removed and then be sterilised so they cant have any more, then send the cunts back where they came from, i look after my kids you look after your kids

Ho hum. Another worthless libertarian wank-fest.

8th August 2009, 20:03
My pillow's in the lounge already.

8th August 2009, 20:05
I already sponsor a kid with shoes, raincoat and lunch at school - and better still, I got naming rights!

Of course, I had some input into his origins...

8th August 2009, 20:44
Will it live up to fond memories of childhood telethons?? Although bear in mind there was a lot less on the telly or to do back in those days; telethons were a major event! Remember when hitting a total of a million $ was an astonishing milestone? Hope they do well despite this financially tough time.

Whether I'll donate or not, undecided as yet. Probably will, via text or summat. Very easy option to do it that way.

8th August 2009, 20:46
Yea I will, why not indeed??

Funny, this years BADD Rally was initially looking at ways to assist "Kids Can" but then after investigation of the website, it is brimming with Allblacks, and big NZ names already doing huge things for this high profile charity!!

Charity Dances, Auctions and dinners etc.

The BADD team decided to do something instantly direct and practical..food to food banks in the Xmas season.

I have no problem with the "Kids Can" Charities goals, they're fine goals, and I understand the expected outcomes!!

With 23010 Charities Registered as of 7 Aug, I do wonder why Telethon has picked one of the biggest high profile charities in NZ, that already has one helluva handup??

For the kids, I hope the telethon goes off :)

8th August 2009, 20:48
I am prepared to be let down. I worked a few of the last telethons, counting money. The build up has not rung any bells for me, and thought it has started I am down here typing away. I am about to go and have a nosey.

I wont however be up all night unless it is really good. Thinking on I should have organised a telethon party, seems we can stay up all night party nights :dodge:

8th August 2009, 20:49
I have donated about 1.5 hours of my time so far.... viewing.

They made a BIG mistake not milking the nostalgia factor by using the original Telethon song. Many kids of the era with jobs now would probably be more inclined to donate. The "thankyou from the bottom of my heart" theme is worse than lift music.

8th August 2009, 20:53
The build up has not rung any bells for me
It's on now??? Right now??
Well I second your quote up there, I've not seen bugger all build up!

8th August 2009, 20:57
I have donated about 1.5 hours of my time so far.... viewing.

They made a BIG mistake not milking the nostalgia factor by using the original Telethon song. Many kids of the era with jobs now would probably be more inclined to donate. The "thankyou from the bottom of my heart" theme is worse than lift music.

I wonder if they could not use that song because TVNZ own the rights to it.

8th August 2009, 20:59
Will it live up to fond memories of childhood telethons?? Although bear in mind there was a lot less on the telly or to do back in those days; telethons were a major event!

Well, I remember Telethons of yore, and this (so far) is not a PATCH on them.

Cripes, the bulk of the NZ celebs are muppets, and the big names are all bloody Aussie imports - I mean, Home and Away?? Spare me!

8th August 2009, 21:12
might donate something but aren't watching, transformers II is a much better watch...

8th August 2009, 21:15
Video stores were doing as roaring trade tonight, kinda hard to get a good one

8th August 2009, 21:20
I saw one of the adverts and it said "don't watch it" so I'm not...

ynot slow
8th August 2009, 22:07
Child support count?My kids had there shoes and coats money for 10 years in a 2 week trip to the Gold Coast with their mum.

Watched a piece on sunrise last week in Rotovegas,real inocent girl when asked about the jacket or shoes replied "well mum has 10 kids so we don't have coats"didn't know whether to feel pity for her or anger at her drop kick mum for fucken breeding.And she said mum didn't work,well apart from on her back maybe not obviously.Sure there are some genuine cases,I know of a family of 4,the parents worked their butts off to rise from 2nd generation unemployed(the womans' dad had never worked,he got her mum pregnant at 16,the fathers parents much the same)mum was a nurse,dad was a teacher,he was killed in an accident,the mum had to resign to look after the kids(she told her kids that nana was to much of a pissed drugged idiot to care for the kids).

8th August 2009, 22:28
Oh dear god.

This bloody singing competition - some tart just slaughtered 'You'll never walk alone' followed by some fat wanker who made a complete arse of himself by thinking he could sing 'Living on a prayer' on national telly. (He can't, he killed my favourite Bon Jovi song. I hate him for this and wish a pox on him and his house.)

This telethon has FAILED.

(Unless Carly Flynn gets her tits out, that'd redeem it a bit)

8th August 2009, 23:03
I wonder if they could not use that song because TVNZ own the rights to it.

Then they should have struck a deal. Besides, it got played tonight when they cut to another centre and it was playing in the background.

Surely TVNZ and TV3 can put the bitch-slaps aside for the kids.

8th August 2009, 23:04
Oh dear god.

This bloody singing competition ........ made a complete arse of himself by thinking he could sing 'Living on a prayer' on national telly. (He can't, he killed my favourite Bon Jovi song. I hate him for this and wish a pox on him and his house.)

I had to leave the room. I'm not joking! Plus I hate "You'll never walk alone" with a vengeance. Managed to sit through that (just) but did actually flee to the other end of the house when "Daniel" mangled your fav Bon Jovi.

Commiseration cake is in order I think!

8th August 2009, 23:08
I had to leave the room. I'm not joking! Plus I hate "You'll never walk alone" with a vengeance. Managed to sit through that (just) but did actually flee to the other end of the house when "Daniel" mangled your fav Bon Jovi.

Commiseration cake is in order I think! Not wishing to view such a thing so can i ask have they raised any money?

8th August 2009, 23:12
Um, last total I think was just over 600k. They're aiming for about 4 mill I think.

Just through - $704,120 and the first conga of the night.

8th August 2009, 23:24
Um, last total I think was just over 600k. They're aiming for about 4 mill I think.

Just through - $704,120 and the first conga of the night. Cheers.All things considered good on em,i guess.

8th August 2009, 23:38
Money is not always the answer if they don't use the money wisely..these kids need mentors and friendship which are more important than money, gifts etc..they need to feel loved and cared for...

8th August 2009, 23:55
Money is not always the answer if they don't use the money wisely..these kids need mentors and friendship which are more important than money, gifts etc..they need to feel loved and cared for... Yea yea but hey money talks honestly at least eh.After what some of them have been through the last thing they need is some freak talking 'love" specially if its free.

9th August 2009, 07:14
hese kids need mentors and friendship ...

Like kiwibiker styles?

9th August 2009, 07:23
Ho hum. Another worthless libertarian wank-fest.

Right wingers in New Zealand have really moved on - from outright denial that poverty exists here to blaming the poor for the failures of their system (promoting the myth of the Undeserving Poor)

9th August 2009, 07:34
Ho hum. Another worthless libertarian wank-fest.

Right wingers in New Zealand have really moved on - from outright denial that poverty exists here to blaming the poor for the failures of their system (promoting the myth of the Undeserving Poor)

You guys would make beautiful babies.

James Deuce
9th August 2009, 07:38
Right wingers in New Zealand have really moved on - from outright denial that poverty exists here to blaming the poor for the failures of their system (promoting the myth of the Undeserving Poor)

It's nothing to do with politics.

People suck.

9th August 2009, 07:41
I think providing kids with the essentials through a telethon is fu*king disgusting.
goes to show how many lazy ass ppl cannot provide the essentials to support life for there children.

and the fact the ciggerettes, pokies and woodstocks are being bought with the DPB rather than food for there children makes me sick.
you could see it and read it off the hosts expressions, and humour, the whole things a joke, and reminds us how fu*ked some families are still in new zealand.

I will never give a CENT to this organisations,[/COLOR]

the parents of the children who need to be feed should be investigated.

this was at 1000pm so if u didnt see it dont worry.

James Deuce
9th August 2009, 07:51
I think providing kids with the essentials through a telethon is fu*king disgusting.
goes to show how many lazy ass ppl cannot provide the essentials to support life for there children.

and the fact the ciggerettes, pokies and woodstocks are being bought with the DPB rather than food for there children makes me sick.
you could see it and read it off the hosts expressions, and humour, the whole things a joke, and reminds us how fu*ked some families are still in new zealand.

I will never give a CENT to this organisations,[/COLOR]

the parents of the children who need to be feed should be investigated.

What? How does Kids Can (a children's cancer victim support charity) fall under the heading of "Fighting Poverty"? How does pokies and Woodstock have anything to do with it?

You may or may not have noticed (probably not - most people don't give a shit about anything until it happens to them) that there are only two Children's Oncology (it's a big word - it means "Where they treat people with cancer) units in the country and the children tend to be spread across a rather greater area than Christchurch and Auckland.

Without Kids Can, kids would be being treated for cancer without any parents or family on hand if they had to be moved to either Christchurch or Auckland.

If you want to rant about providing basics, talk to a range of DHB members, who literally don't give a shit about anything except profit despite not having a paying customer base, about attracting and retaining qualified medical practitioners to major NZ Hospitals. It's not just about pay. Have a chat with any NZ Government over the last 40 years about why Hospitals are failing NZers while you're at it.

9th August 2009, 07:54
Yea yea but hey money talks honestly at least eh.After what some of them have been through the last thing they need is some freak talking 'love" specially if its free.

You would be very very surprised what they need...take kids who have been through then system..paid social workers, paid foster homes etc....they are not stupid....if you are a mentor the first thing they will ask is "do you get paid to do this"...when you say "No" it makes a big difference..

9th August 2009, 07:57
what the heck?

i watched like 20 mins worth of kids at schools getting food and shoes and other stuff that there quote "parents

could not afford for them.

??????? where u watching it at 1000?

9th August 2009, 07:58
I think providing kids with the essentials through a telethon is fu*king disgusting.
goes to show how many lazy ass ppl cannot provide the essentials to support life for there children.

and the fact the ciggerettes, pokies and woodstocks are being bought with the DPB rather than food for there children makes me sick.
you could see it and read it off the hosts expressions, and humour, the whole things a joke, and reminds us how fu*ked some families are still in new zealand.

I will never give a CENT to this organisations,[/COLOR]

the parents of the children who need to be feed should be investigated.


Exactly and what are the "essentials" that these kids need...

9th August 2009, 08:00
Like kiwibiker styles?

You are not too far from the truth there :msn-wink:

James Deuce
9th August 2009, 08:04
what the heck?

i watched like 20 mins worth of kids at schools getting food and shoes and other stuff that there quote "parents

could not afford for them.

??????? where u watching it at 1000?

That's not what the charity being supported does. That's TV3 cynically milking it for all it's worth.

You should find a target for righteous indignation that actually deserves it, rather than get taken in by propaganda.

Always remember; People Suck.

9th August 2009, 08:13
About KidsCan
KidsCan is a registered Charitable Trust with IRD tax exemption status, which operates on a national basis. We are dedicated to meeting the basic physical needs of financially disadvantaged children, levelling the playing field for them so they have the chance to reach their full potential.

By raising awareness and looking after children in our own backyard we can help them to become successful, happy adults.

We hope you will enjoy reading about the work we do and join us in making an ongoing difference.

Interesting in todays society things have got so bad that we do need these people ... its a shame that our society has become so reckless that we can not raise children to be happy successful adults without it.

9th August 2009, 08:15
You are not too far from the truth there :msn-wink:

You're suggesting that this fuckin place be a model? Look around, 90% of people on here are full of shit, or have no god damn clue.

9th August 2009, 08:15
What? How does Kids Can (a children's cancer victim support charity) fall under the heading of "Fighting Poverty"? How does pokies and Woodstock have anything to do with it?

You may or may not have noticed (probably not - most people don't give a shit about anything until it happens to them) that there are only two Children's Oncology (it's a big word - it means "Where they treat people with cancer) units in the country and the children tend to be spread across a rather greater area than Christchurch and Auckland.

Without Kids Can, kids would be being treated for cancer without any parents or family on hand if they had to be moved to either Christchurch or Auckland.

If you want to rant about providing basics, talk to a range of DHB members, who literally don't give a shit about anything except profit despite not having a paying customer base, about attracting and retaining qualified medical practitioners to major NZ Hospitals. It's not just about pay. Have a chat with any NZ Government over the last 40 years about why Hospitals are failing NZers while you're at it.

Um didn't you try to tell me before this has nothing to do with politics?

9th August 2009, 08:16
Interesting in todays society things have got so bad that we do need these people ... its a shame that our society has become so reckless that we can not raise children to be happy successful adults without it.

I am not going to say too much..but the "financial" side is not the answer...these kids need love, care and friendship to help them reach their goals...

9th August 2009, 08:18
You're suggesting that this fuckin place be a model? Look around, 90% of people on here are full of shit, or have no god damn clue.

10% of say 2,000 active members is 200 who can make a difference...plus the other 40% who talk shit on this site but have the ability to make a difference as well

9th August 2009, 08:19
as long as homes ok , school doesnt really matter.

they need to make some kind of new organisation that goes into every home that has a child on this 3 a day plan.'

and find out why the parents cannot give there children shoes, and lunch,

sorry duno if im on right path (im usaly not :P) but pissed me off watching it last night, IMO **

9th August 2009, 08:23
as long as homes ok , school doesnt really matter.

they need to make some kind of new organisation that goes into every home that has a child on this 3 a day plan.'

and find out why the parents cannot give there children shoes, and lunch,

sorry duno if im on right path (im usaly not :P) but pissed me off watching it last night, IMO **

Well they have to buy smokes, beers and feed the pit bull........

9th August 2009, 08:23
sorry duno if im on right path (im usaly not :P)

Na. Go play on the motorway - the grown ups are having a conversation

James Deuce
9th August 2009, 08:25
Um didn't you try to tell me before this has nothing to do with politics?

The sort of people who go for DHB positions REALLY SUCK.

9th August 2009, 08:27
The sort of people who go for DHB positions REALLY SUCK.

I don't doubt that for a minute

9th August 2009, 08:35
Right wingers in New Zealand have really moved on - from outright denial that poverty exists here to blaming the poor for the failures of their system (promoting the myth of the Undeserving Poor)

i give money to several organisations that look after sick kids, make a wish foundation being one of them but there is no way i would give any money to prop up fucken deadbeats that have a baby assembly line for the benifet money then dont look after them properly. Schools feeding kids is another conjob if the parents dont feed them, remove them from the home and stop the money supply. is there poverty in NZ sure there is, but do the undeserving poor live in a government supplied house, hold their hand out for free money, dont make any effort to help themselves, spend their benifet on booze and smokes.i say fuckem let them starve to death. Its time the benifet was replaced with a voucher system so the money thats ment for food get spent on food

9th August 2009, 08:36
The sort of people who go for DHB positions REALLY SUCK.

What's your point though?

Mine is an observation that NZers (primarily influenced by conservative right wing attitudes) have moved from denying poverty is an issue in "God's own" (a reality that can no longer be overlooked), to blaming the poor for being poor (rather than examining the social, economic and political environment that is responsible for creating these disparities).

9th August 2009, 08:36
Na. Go play on the motorway - the grown ups are having a conversation

hahahahahahahahaha ....idiot

9th August 2009, 08:37
What's your point though?

Mine is an observation that NZers (primarily influenced by conservative right wing attitudes) have moved from denying poverty is an issue in "God's own" (a reality that can no longer be overlooked), to blaming the poor for being poor (rather than examining the social, economic and political environment that is responsible for creating these disparities).

Surely NZ is not in denial......

9th August 2009, 08:40
hahahahahahahahaha ....idiot

Ok keep playing with the mirror then - just stop interrupting the adults

9th August 2009, 09:18
What? How does Kids Can (a children's cancer victim support charity) fall under the heading of "Fighting Poverty"? How does pokies and Woodstock have anything to do with it?

Sorry, I don't know what I've missed - a whole lot obviously - I thought the cancer charity was CanTeen. I haven't heard anything about cancer fundraising through this telethon.

Doesn't seem to have quite the same atmosphere of the "old" telethons, but then I recall them starting to get a big 'yawn' by the time they finished being done in the early 90's (think the last one was about 16 years ago).

Maybe I'm just getting older and more cynical.

9th August 2009, 09:24
The best "charity" to give have-nothings, is a kick in the arse and a thorough scolding to "go do something useful."

But they won't.


9th August 2009, 09:27
No it's not a cancer charity.

"We are dedicated to meeting the basic physical needs of financially disadvantaged children, levelling the playing field for them so they have the chance to reach their full potential."

Check the site out...


9th August 2009, 09:35
Well, the only thing I have liked about this telethon spin-off has been Carly Flynn.

...and her norks.

In fact, mainly her norks.

9th August 2009, 09:38
I have some pretty strong feelings on the excuse and use of poverty, myself - having grown up in it, getting out and making choices to change my future through hard work.

We can't blame kids for their parents.

Of course they need more than coats, shoes, All-Blacks and lunches to change their worlds...but think about the seed that's planted.

That's a good and kind seed that's reached into their worlds, however token the perception of reach is...the main statement of this Charity is to "Raise Awareness" that's exactly what they're doing.

9th August 2009, 09:47
That's a good and kind seed that's reached into their worlds, however token the reach is...

So long as it is not a seed of dependency, which we seem so hell bent on sowing and cultivating these days.

Back in the day, we learned about pride, and used it as our motivation to move on from the hard times to the good - now many people have no pride.

So, on that basis I will never financially contribute to a scheme unless I am assured the work will be done to teach these potential future savages to get off their little bums and work to better themseleves, without expecting handouts along their life path.

9th August 2009, 09:56
The sort of people who go for DHB positions REALLY SUCK.

The people who appoint them "suck" even harder! :sick:

Keep following the fold and the suck goes on and on! :yes:

9th August 2009, 10:13
What's your point though?

Mine is an observation that NZers (primarily influenced by conservative right wing attitudes) have moved from denying poverty is an issue in "God's own" (a reality that can no longer be overlooked), to blaming the poor for being poor (rather than examining the social, economic and political environment that is responsible for creating these disparities).

Make that read (primarily influenced by socialist left wing "behaviours") and you are closer to the money!

People move from left wing fantasy to right wing reality with age, it's called attending the great "school of hard knocks".

I hope you all get the chance to complete the whole course!

Whether you know it or not, "you have enrolled". :done: Life wont be easy but it will be worth it! :shifty: Good luck people. :yes:

9th August 2009, 10:33
People move from left wing fantasy to right wing reality with age, it's called attending the great "school of hard knocks".

I'm not on any wing I hate flying in circles... and need to be balanced in life... :blink:

Physics 101 opposite and equal reaction :blink:

9th August 2009, 10:34
I do not watch the TV3 very often, I find it paradoxical, a privately owned TV station with left wing attitudes and bias! :confused:

Radio live is the same company, same behaviour! :confused: Socialist Canada working for us? :doh:

In keeping with the question of the thread, NO! We give "directly" to selected charities with the bulk (such as it is) going to the IHC. :niceone:

9th August 2009, 10:46
Apparently 'Everyday, 30,000 Kids go to School without Raincoats'

Now, im no Jim Hickey but, even I know that it does not rain everyday, so where is the problem??

Should it not be a 'Raincoat Appeal'??
All they would have needed was for 30,000 people to hand over a spare raincoat and, job done.

9th August 2009, 10:53
Well they have to buy smokes, beers and feed the pit bull........

That is exactly right in some cases GB...
Years ago, I worked in a Beneficary laden area of Rotorua where, the 'Parents' would send thier kids of to school crying/barefoot/no lunch etc. But soon after the kids left, the dope would be rolled out and rolled up plus the would be normal ciggys laying around. The money that was filtered into the house was not spent where it was needed most. Didn't need to be really, Sunset Primary were already feeding the local kids breakfast and lunch, and this was 13-14 years ago.

9th August 2009, 11:09
I see another Maori kid has been murdered by their parents this weekend. Pity telethon wasn't last weekend.

Hey rainman & short circuit, how much have you girls donated this weekend? Yeah thought so.

9th August 2009, 11:32
Hey rainman & short circuit, how much have you girls donated this weekend? Yeah thought so.

Nothing - my conscience doesn't compell me to.

9th August 2009, 14:41
What? How does Kids Can (a children's cancer victim support charity) fall under the heading of "Fighting Poverty"? How does pokies and Woodstock have anything to do with it?

Fighting Poverty is the 'Catch Phrase' for this latest Telethon, they are pumping the 'raincoatless/foodless and shoeless' poverty stricken people within our society.

Personally, I see it as a lifestlye for some, a generational fuck-up if you will.

Kids from generation past and present, have grown up knowing only one way to live. That lifestyle will continue for generations in the future.

Education equals employment.
Hey poverty kids! break the cycle, dont live like your parents when you grow up. If you must wear a cap, wear it properly and ditch the hoodies, pull ya fucken pants up, have a shower, even borrow a raincoat, maybe then, an Employer will look at you with a little respect, knowing you have respect for yourself!

9th August 2009, 15:29
What? How does Kids Can (a children's cancer victim support charity) fall under the heading of "Fighting Poverty"? How does pokies and Woodstock have anything to do with it?

You may or may not have noticed (probably not - most people don't give a shit about anything until it happens to them) that there are only two Children's Oncology (it's a big word - it means "Where they treat people with cancer) units in the country and the children tend to be spread across a rather greater area than Christchurch and Auckland.

Without Kids Can, kids would be being treated for cancer without any parents or family on hand if they had to be moved to either Christchurch or Auckland.

If you want to rant about providing basics, talk to a range of DHB members, who literally don't give a shit about anything except profit despite not having a paying customer base, about attracting and retaining qualified medical practitioners to major NZ Hospitals. It's not just about pay. Have a chat with any NZ Government over the last 40 years about why Hospitals are failing NZers while you're at it.

this conathon has nothing to do with child cancer, in fact the name kids can is a disgrace some people will think they are supporting a cancer charity when its a lazy good for nothing parent bail out

9th August 2009, 18:40
So long as it is not a seed of dependency, which we seem so hell bent on sowing and cultivating these days.

Back in the day, we learned about pride, and used it as our motivation to move on from the hard times to the good - now many people have no pride.

So, on that basis I will never financially contribute to a scheme unless I am assured the work will be done to teach these potential future savages to get off their little bums and work to better themseleves, without expecting handouts along their life path.

That's cool I see where you're at mate. Reality is, there are no free rides in this world.

I recall random kindness from strangers as a child (via "Birthright") as far as I'm concerned, I was given a handup, never a handout.

I have a friend who is a prominent busnessman who had a rough childhood, he also recalls Birthright with fondness.
His own Father put his Mother in a wheelchair drink driving. The Father was an alcoholic who beat and neglected his kids. This child grew into a man on a mission.

A member of the business round table - this grown man now gives back directly to my community in ways locals won't even recognise.
He doesn't do it for recognition, he does it because he can.

A coat, a pair of shoes and and a feed shouldn't impede learning about hardwork and pride.
It most probably won't change the parents, but maybe it will change the kids.:sunny:

9th August 2009, 19:04
10% of say 2,000 active members is 200 who can make a difference...plus the other 40% who talk shit on this site but have the ability to make a difference as well

And 1% of them might wanna help, and would then have a thread started about how they're doing it wrong too.

Here's a thought. If everyone looked closer to home, and stopped worrying about the whole country for a second, said country would improve a shit load quicker.

9th August 2009, 19:07
Hey poverty kids! break the cycle, dont live like your parents when you grow up. If you must wear a cap, wear it properly and ditch the hoodies, pull ya fucken pants up, have a shower, even borrow a raincoat, maybe then, an Employer will look at you with a little respect, knowing you have respect for yourself!

Farkin well said :Punk:, you got my vote when you run for P.M.:done:

9th August 2009, 20:39
Apparently 'Everyday, 30,000 Kids go to School without Raincoats'

Now, im no Jim Hickey but, even I know that it does not rain everyday, so where is the problem??

Should it not be a 'Raincoat Appeal'??
All they would have needed was for 30,000 people to hand over a spare raincoat and, job done.

There's no feel-good factor then. They do it to make themselves feel good.

9th August 2009, 20:40
Hey poverty kids! break the cycle, dont live like your parents when you grow up. If you must wear a cap, wear it properly and ditch the hoodies, pull ya fucken pants up, have a shower, even borrow a raincoat, maybe then, an Employer will look at you with a little respect, knowing you have respect for yourself!

That's gold mate! Maha fro Prez.

9th August 2009, 20:42
And 1% of them might wanna help, and would then have a thread started about how they're doing it wrong too.

Here's a thought. If everyone looked closer to home, and stopped worrying about the whole country for a second, said country would improve a shit load quicker.

Oh no! Not the 1%ers............

9th August 2009, 21:35
And 1% of them might wanna help, and would then have a thread started about how they're doing it wrong too.

Here's a thought. If everyone looked closer to home, and stopped worrying about the whole country for a second, said country would improve a shit load quicker.

Luckily some of us don't have those thoughts................

9th August 2009, 21:36
Oh no! Not the 1%ers............

Hey...don't insult me.....:2guns:

9th August 2009, 21:48
i dont care about the rep just wondering how you managed obviously you give out heaps, must make you feel special:tugger:


9th August 2009, 21:51
When is this telethon?

10th August 2009, 08:43
I see another Maori kid has been murdered by their parents this weekend. Pity telethon wasn't last weekend.

Hey rainman & short circuit, how much have you girls donated this weekend? Yeah thought so.

Yep, I gave a bit, but mostly to teach my kids about charity. Most of my giving goes to other organisations, though.

Sucks about the 'nother dead kid - I agree. Hope they kick the arses of those responsible into jail and leave them there (unlike the Kahui case, f'rinstance). Problem needs fixing though, and I haven't seen any solutions yet.

Its time the benifet was replaced with a voucher system so the money thats ment for food get spent on food

Not a silly idea - as long as you can build it in such a way that the administration costs don't outweigh the savings. Do you know other countries that have done this successfully?

The best "charity" to give have-nothings, is a kick in the arse and a thorough scolding to "go do something useful."

Yeah, 'cos that really works, aye?

People move from left wing fantasy to right wing reality with age, it's called attending the great "school of hard knocks".

Not always. Some of us get smarter as we get older.

Seriously - conservative, change-averse, individualistic, greed-is-good behaviours are poor adaptations for the world conditions we are entering. One could even argue this has been true for a while.

10th August 2009, 15:04
Ok keep playing with the mirror then - just stop interrupting the adults

u gay old cu*nts !!!!!! what the heck is wrong with u?
i express my opinion then get told to play on the motorway? like im a little boyracer? I have an opinion too,

not everyone here is 40 and spends 5 hours a day on kiwibiker, rides a BMW or triumph and knows how to tie 349083 knots is really good at fishing and used to race rd350's "back in the day"...

sorry to tell you, my generation was raised differently and ppl are aollowed to have there opinions regardless of age,..

imature old DICKS!!! move over new generations here ur times up :P

tri boy
10th August 2009, 15:44
u gay old cu*nts !!!!!! what the heck is wrong with u?
old DICKS!!! move over new generations here ur times up :P

Go to your room!

10th August 2009, 18:54
u gay old cu*nts !!!!!! what the heck is wrong with u?
i express my opinion then get told to play on the motorway? like im a little boyracer? I have an opinion too,

not everyone here is 40 and spends 5 hours a day on kiwibiker, rides a BMW or triumph and knows how to tie 349083 knots is really good at fishing and used to race rd350's "back in the day"...

sorry to tell you, my generation was raised differently and ppl are aollowed to have there opinions regardless of age,..

imature old DICKS!!! move over new generations here ur times up :P

I actually enjoy being an imature old dick, it gives me hope, keeps the dream alive etc. Of course you have an opinion and I like hearing the opinions of the young (generally speaking) and yes, your generation (whichever that is) would have been raised in a different fashion to mine. (We were taught how to spell, for a start.)

This is just a cyber-space forum, not the business 'Round Table' or United Nations (for whatever that's worth), so chill out, pick a thread that takes your fancy and try to put a positive spin on things with your youthful energies.

Alternatively you can join me in cop-bashing and mocking the crap out of everything in sight. Your call.

13th August 2009, 08:43
hehe good thread some interesting comments,

i think its a scam and now knowing that 20-30% only of donations actualy makes it to the kids aint the nicest thought.....

think its dying heavily