View Full Version : A tall tale from the riding book of me.

4th April 2005, 11:44
Well I was going to repco a few days back was being followed by a nice undercover copper in a red holden, well I went off to get a drill to fit my new blade, returning from repco and it started 'spittling' and a quick down pour bringing all those damn diesel and oil spots out, Sitting at a bit*h of an intersection, I found abit of a gap and just went for it (bad judgment on my part) I lit the rear wheel up abit mid turn and did a bit of a drift, pulled it back in and looked in rear vision mirror to see a red holden, yes the copper, and a subaru wagon who all witnessed the rear tire ignition, the cop nicely didnt do anything and smiled at me at the lights, I stayed in front of him at the merge after the lights (HATE being behind cops, so slow :/) with the subaru still tailgating the cop.

Then suddenly the dork in the subaru took it personal to try drag me, damn near hit me - I wasnt interested in it to be honest and would not have bothered even if there wasnt a copper behind me, I chuckled to myself and pulled over enough to let the officer past - I dont think he was actually going to bother but he saw me pull over to let him past so he went past at maybe alittle faster than the speed limit, I wasnt that happy and followed the cop at abit of speed to make sure that he got the prick, and bugger me, the dork managed to spin it on a 80kmph corner (3 laned road and everything) the copper was actually going nuts at him (never seen a cop do that before) I made it my business to lift my visor up and point and laugh, brightend my day up for sure.

Ah what a tale. :niceone:

4th April 2005, 11:51
Hahahahahaaaaaaaaa! Brightened my day as well- kind of like the time I was driving into Oamaru with a mufti cop behind me, and this genious woman overtook us both on the painted median strip, then continued to pass other cars- I just pulled over and waved the cop past. Funny thing was he didn't just pull her over, he followed her until they were out of sight- maybe it was Helen Clarke?

4th April 2005, 11:55
Hahahahahaaaaaaaaa! Brightened my day as well- kind of like the time I was driving into Oamaru with a mufti cop behind me, and this genious woman overtook us both on the painted median strip, then continued to pass other cars- I just pulled over and waved the cop past. Funny thing was he didn't just pull her over, he followed her until they were out of sight- maybe it was Helen Clarke?


4th April 2005, 21:31
There is a cop round when you need one sometimes? (And don't they all look so young?) AND don't some of the ladies cops look quite lovely??????

4th April 2005, 22:10
Don't you just love it when you know there is a cop and other drivers don't :killingme

BTW what's the story with your signature? :whistle:

4th April 2005, 22:15
Don't you just love it when you know there is a cop and other drivers don't :killingme

BTW what's the story with your signature? :whistle:
Haha, the signature - I was attacked by a pukeko on the bike, bloody nearly had a big bin - now I'm always tootling when I see small animals around!

4th April 2005, 22:22
LOL, yeah a dog ran out at me the other day, gives ya a bit of a moment doesn't it?
But actually was talking about: Grote slappe ezelpik!

4th April 2005, 22:28
LOL, yeah a dog ran out at me the other day, gives ya a bit of a moment doesn't it?
But actually was talking about: Grote slappe ezelpik!
Oh "Big floppy donkey-dick" Yea I get that alot...

Damn dog ran out infront of me when I was riding with tristanK was a very near miss 10cm type.

4th April 2005, 22:37
lmao.. Good story John.. I guess sometimes there are cops in the right spot! Could be one for the books ;)