View Full Version : Holy sh%%t riding moment!

15th August 2009, 19:10
Today i have had my first Holy sh%t riding moment sitting at viponds lights to turn into whangaparaoa road, bored as hell, no cars around, the lights arent picking up my weight. Next second i hear a huge crash and bang behind me, look back and theres a white ford mondeo within a inch of me! A lady drove out of her driveway and got t boned by a work ute going into viponds. When she is stationary i was in shock thinking HOLY SH%T!! I hop of my zeal go to open her door, she speeds off, i walk over to the bloke in the work ute and point if i should chase her down. I felt like a true hero, but unfortunately didnt catch her car/numberplate, she had a huge lead must of ducked down some side street or turned into red beach at the lights. I rode back to see the bloke and he was gone, but pull over to the side of the road and pick up broken glass. I want more of these moments!!! Felt like i was in some sort of Action movie and for once i was the good guy.
And to the lady driving the white ford mondeo:finger:

15th August 2009, 19:11
You got a taste of adrenalin. It's addictive. Try sky diving next.

15th August 2009, 19:15
You got a taste of adrenalin. It's addictive. Try sky diving next.

Perfect time to pop a bottle of Demon energy shot.

But seriously good on ya for going to check for injured, though wonder why the bloke took off?

15th August 2009, 19:21
You got a taste of adrenalin. It's addictive. Try sky diving next.

If at first you don't succeed, DON'T try sky-diving....

15th August 2009, 19:23
I want more of these moments!!! Felt like i was in some sort of Action movie and for once i was the good guy.

May you never have a moment like that again.

Go and tell the local police what happened and leave your name and phone number.

You are not some kind of action hero here. You dont go chasing down the "bad guy" on your trusty 250. You thank your stars that it was not you that got t-boned and move on.

Good on you for cleaning up the glass though.

15th August 2009, 19:38
You should have chased the offender and smashed a few windows and dented a few panels on her car.

15th August 2009, 19:46
What a bitch, how could you just do a runner?

I got a similar good samiritan moment on friday though less dramatic...

Riding to uni one street away from my home, a truck swings onto the road infront of me about 100m away. I see his back door swing wide open and as he accellerates, all of the shit in his truck falls out and spreads over the road.
I swerve my way through it all, (easily visible so left it there) and chased the guy down beeping my little fart of a horn at him, which is just useless. so I, seeing the road clear infront of me, get onto the other side of the road and pull up next to him and make him pull over.
The guy still has no idea whats happening so i tell him and he just sticks it into gear to turn around and pick it up. I have to yell at him to stop again as the rear of the truck is still open and has more stuff in it...

Made my boring commute exciting enough.

15th August 2009, 20:26
I helped a woman pick up a scooter after she backed her car into it on the side of the road while parking ....... I don't even like scooters. I thought that was bloody nice of me :clap:

one fast tl1ooo
15th August 2009, 20:27
A fella I rode with was run off the road - I did a U-turn and chased the wanker, he came back to the scene and we made him feel real bad. His insurance gonna pay for new jacket, helmet and fix up the Aprillia - so yeah, it pays to get these suckers :argue::spanking::devil2:

15th August 2009, 20:37
You got a taste of adrenalin. It's addictive. Try sky diving next.

If at first you don't succeed, DON'T try sky-diving....

Beat me to it! :first:

15th August 2009, 21:38
Another wtf moment i had a while ago, around midnight riding into shakespeare beach/reserve car park and finding a young couple in the back of a hatchback doing you know what.

Anyways please share your riding wtf moments, introduce yourself to the adrenalin anonymous group lol.

15th August 2009, 21:42
around midnight riding into shakespeare beach/reserve car park

You past your 10pm curfew then?

15th August 2009, 21:56
You past your 10pm curfew then?

Well ummmm not exactly, in my defense, i mentioned midnight, technically no "specific" time. But your enquiry is greatly appreciated.

15th August 2009, 22:45
Today i have had my first Holy sh%t riding moment sitting at viponds lights to turn into whangaparaoa road, bored as hell, no cars around, the lights arent picking up my weight. Next second i hear a huge crash and bang behind me, look back and theres a white ford mondeo within a inch of me! A lady drove out of her driveway and got t boned by a work ute going into viponds. When she is stationary i was in shock thinking HOLY SH%T!! :

Not quite a fully commited and cranked over in a corner and spotting gravel on your ride line OS moment.....but it sure woke you up.....

The lady coming out of her driveway should not be to hard to track down....

15th August 2009, 22:52
Earlyer this week I did a U-Turn to get a bus's number plate because he smashed into the back of a white parked stationwagon and did not stop or leave details etc..

The turd was speeding 65km/hr in a bus down side streets tooo....

Left number plate details and police incident record under the wagons wiper and I got a phone call later that day of thanks, so that was kinda cool.

Stupid "GO" bus company. This is the 2nd time I have seen careless driving from the bus's causing damage.

15th August 2009, 23:23
The lady coming out of her driveway should not be to hard to track down....

I know the driveway she came out of so she cant run or hide this time, im going to pay a visit tommorow, unless she was a visitor at the house of the driveway she exited. I dont know the number plate and the bloke who hit into her drove off so there would be no investigation or?....

15th August 2009, 23:27
If it really concerns you then you should probably file an incident report with the Police.

If neither driver hung around then maybe there was something more to it ...

15th August 2009, 23:50
If it really concerns you then you should probably file an incident report with the Police.

If neither driver hung around then maybe there was something more to it ...

Would/could the police do anything about it, i dont have the numberplate nor did any of the two drivers stay, im trying to figure out why the bloke left. I think confronting her would be an option, hopefully i can get her to own up.

16th August 2009, 01:13
but you dont know who she hit, what are you trying to achieve here

16th August 2009, 08:10

Good on you for cleaning up the glass though.
I picked up a bottle once

You should have chased the offender and smashed a few windows and dented a few panels on her car. Yeah like that will do the trick nicely huh

I know the driveway she came out of so she cant run or hide this time, im going to pay a visit tommorow, . Why would ya exactly aye

but you dont know who she hit, what are you trying to achieve here
Keep the thread alive perhaps ?

16th August 2009, 08:46
I know the driveway she came out of so she cant run or hide this time, im going to pay a visit tommorow, unless she was a visitor at the house of the driveway she exited. I dont know the number plate and the bloke who hit into her drove off so there would be no investigation or?....

Interesting this action man hero stuff. There were two cars in the collision - not you. It is their choice to get each others details and to report it if they wish. Believe it or not - even under the road code - since you were not involved its nothing to do with you. Why you would go and harrass someone is beyond me ... you got a fright ... learn from it .. and get on with your own life - which has nothing to do with either of theirs.

16th August 2009, 09:27
Interesting this action man hero stuff. There were two cars in the collision - not you. It is their choice to get each others details and to report it if they wish. Believe it or not - even under the road code - since you were not involved its nothing to do with you. Why you would go and harrass someone is beyond me ... you got a fright ... learn from it .. and get on with your own life - which has nothing to do with either of theirs.
No im still going to find her, she put my life in danger, then she carelessly drove off.

but you dont know who she hit, what are you trying to achieve here
To try and find out who she hit, anyways interesting point.

16th August 2009, 09:37
Would/could the police do anything about it, i dont have the numberplate nor did any of the two drivers stay, im trying to figure out why the bloke left. I think confronting her would be an option, hopefully i can get her to own up.

I think it's about time you started wearing your undies on the outside and decide what your super power is :niceone:

16th August 2009, 09:40
I think it's about time you started wearing your undies on the outside and decide what your super power is :niceone:

Like this??

16th August 2009, 11:15
Interesting this action man hero stuff. There were two cars in the collision - not you. It is their choice to get each others details and to report it if they wish. Believe it or not - even under the road code - since you were not involved its nothing to do with you. Why you would go and harrass someone is beyond me ... you got a fright ... learn from it .. and get on with your own life - which has nothing to do with either of theirs.

I agree %100

16th August 2009, 12:12
I think it's about time you started wearing your undies on the outside and decide what your super power is :niceone:

I would of thought thats what a good citizen would do? usually when i ride i dont give a toss about any rider broken down, i wont ever wave lol, hell i remember a time when a lady tried to stop me to help her on the side of the road.... i just kept on riding. Is this what you kbers encourage? Fine by me.

Hold for pictures of super Dean wearing only superman undies.:banana::banana:

16th August 2009, 13:20
No, "us' KB'ers would like to think that no rider rides past another who has obviously got problems.
Maha, nice Undies mate and oh so well shown off!
Dean,you didn't get hurt, that was a good thing.
Why the other bloke drove off is his business, where the woman came from means nothing, she may well have simply turned around using that driveway.
At most you witnessed a motor vehicle accident, it is your civic duty to go and report such to the Police within 48 hours.
After that it's up to the Police to take any further action.
Let them have the headache and get on with your life,oh by the way, try checking your rear view mirrors more often aye. My bro in law was knocked clean off his bike by a stupid cage driver while parked at a set of lights.He didn't know she was coming cause he didn't! use his mirrors while parked.
He does now, $3,500 dollars later, lucky to be alive he was.

16th August 2009, 14:03
Like this??

Oh yea, well im the Deananator my power is strength and the ability to walk up to ladies cars and they drive off. Also thanks to the p90x ab ripper pro workout for 3 weeks so far.

16th August 2009, 14:15

Time for my super Hero picture:
Click if you dare (http://shell.world-net.co.nz/~ren/thecup/DSC00005%20copy.jpg)

I have the ability of attracting men, And ReaALLY Butch woman! Its a curse really..

16th August 2009, 14:19

Time for my super Hero picture:
Click if you dare (http://shell.world-net.co.nz/~ren/thecup/DSC00005%20copy.jpg)

I have the ability of men, And ReaALLY Butch woman!

HAHAHAH ROFL ROFL LOL LOLOLOL nice playboy shirt. Dam i should of choose that super power, so what is Maha's superpower?? Lets make a justice league lolol

16th August 2009, 14:28
I want more of these moments!!!Think for a moment how close that was to you.. I suggest you get as far as possible from events like this.


16th August 2009, 19:21
Think for a moment how close that was to you.. I suggest you get as far as possible from events like this.

Fair enough, the adrenalin fix was pure awesome though, something no energy drink could do.