View Full Version : Update on Gary(again)

6th April 2005, 20:32
Just been talking with Gary, they :doctor: did not let him out on Monday as planned, :angry2:

He is keen to get out this Friday, but not sure if it will happen, they want to make sure all is right with his leg, hes getting pretty fed up, so if any of you kbers who have ridden with Gary are free to visit him it would be great. Hes in ward 16 @ Middelmore.


Two Smoker
6th April 2005, 20:40
What did his injuries end up being??? Is the CBR fixable??

6th April 2005, 20:47
Thanks for the update FF.. I don't know him much at all, but for what it's worth, pass on my regards and hope he's out soon..

TS, the bike initially didn't look too badly damaged. I think Gary's leg cushioned the bike on the big impact, then just dropped on the grass afterwards. Mainly superficial really

6th April 2005, 21:48
He is in Middlemore Hospital, 3rd floor, Ward 16 Room K.

Visiting hours from 2pm to 8pm..

He is doing better now. I saw him on the weekend. :msn-wink:

7th April 2005, 00:16
Great to hear Gary's coming right, i'm flat out this week at work so won't be able to get in to see how he's going, but pass on my regards Ming. Sounds he might off a bike for a while, hope it's not too long.

Chhers for the update Dave.

7th April 2005, 07:38
luke was asking how he was....

let's hope he will be getting back on a bike soon eh!

7th April 2005, 07:47
FF thanks a million for the update. Wish him well (again) for me.