View Full Version : Wiki Any more motorcycle clubs?

5th September 2009, 10:14
I've added all the motorcycle clubs I can find (72 so far!).

Any missing that any one knows about? If so, just add it.

Their address, where they meet, a contact number if known, anything usefull info.

15th January 2010, 00:11
you forgot "The Mega Few" and "Fight Club"

15th January 2010, 06:35
you forgot "The Mega Few" and "Fight Club"

Fight Club is there:

Why don't you add "The Mega Few"?

15th January 2010, 16:17
I don't know how to use this 'wiki' just yet. I'm sill learning it when I get time.

15th January 2010, 16:54
Tauranga, Waikato, Rotorua, New Plymouth, Manawatu, Wellington & Nelson Classic Motorcycle Clubs

15th January 2010, 20:23
I don't know how to use this 'wiki' just yet. I'm sill learning it when I get time.

I've added a balnk page for you ready to fill in:
Otherwise have a look at a few other pages, and either post or pm me the details and I'll add it in.

15th January 2010, 20:24
Tauranga, Waikato, Rotorua, New Plymouth, Manawatu, Wellington & Nelson Classic Motorcycle Clubs

Do you have some details about them? Is there a web page where I can get all their addresses and contact details, and some basic details like when they meet or something?

15th January 2010, 20:28
sorry i don't but pm sent with address of guy who does

15th January 2010, 22:42
NZ Classic Motorcycle Racing Register Inc (NZCMRR) www.nzcmrr.com

16th January 2010, 00:11
Tein Shan Jawa, Ural and Camel Touring Club....Kyrgyzstan branch....?

cc rider
23rd January 2010, 21:10
Tein Shan Jawa, Ural and Camel Touring Club....Kyrgyzstan branch....?Oh look! A club for kickstarts :laugh:

The Lone Rider
25th January 2010, 18:45
Chromed Knuckles MC - http://chromedknuckles.webs.com

NAAF Ryders - http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/allan_p/

To add a few more


Wiil try and add them later but never worked with Wiki stuff really