View Full Version : Tauranga Burglars...Grrr

12th September 2009, 11:26
5 Teens involved...they took the following last week,

1 hot water cylinder
18 roof tiles
several meters of guttering

A house which is a do up job - my parents current project - got broken into teens took what they could (luckily there was nothing in the place) then raided another house up the road taking another hot water cylinder, guttering etc.

Dad reported it to the cops, then to the scrap metal man in the area, the next day two of the burglars dropped off the hot water cylinders and were caught on security camera.

The burglars came back several days later, but by that time dad had boarded up the broken glass in the front door, took off the door handle to prop the boards up properly, they broke in again, tried to raid the place but couldn't get out as there was no door handle on the inside....so smashed a window leaving blood everywhere. Cops have a second lead now.

If you live on or near Fraser road, be careful lock down your bikes and hot water cylinders.

Disco Dan
12th September 2009, 11:59
Anti vandal paint - never dries, never comes off clothes and takes ages to get off skin.

...welcome back kit kat :love:

12th September 2009, 15:37
A mate who will remain nameless had a simular problem on a worksite so linked some easily picked up gear to a thunderflash (flashbang to our american and gamer forum users). Let just say it worked. Strangely enough one of the subbies on sight had suffered sudden hearing loss the next day....quite a coincidence no?

12th September 2009, 19:00
Anti vandal paint - never dries, never comes off clothes and takes ages to get off skin.

...welcome back kit kat :love:

Nope still not here, not till im back riding:Punk:

14th September 2009, 01:50
Should of had the glass laced with cyanide. would of found him 3 feet away

14th September 2009, 19:13
Should of had the glass laced with cyanide. would of found him 3 feet away

:laugh: tell me more :bleh:

14th September 2009, 19:35
5 Teens involved...they took the following last week,

1 hot water cylinder
18 roof tiles
several meters of guttering

A house which is a do up job - my parents current project - got broken into teens took what they could (luckily there was nothing in the place) then raided another house up the road taking another hot water cylinder, guttering etc.

Dad reported it to the cops, then to the scrap metal man in the area, the next day two of the burglars dropped off the hot water cylinders and were caught on security camera.

The burglars came back several days later, but by that time dad had boarded up the broken glass in the front door, took off the door handle to prop the boards up properly, they broke in again, tried to raid the place but couldn't get out as there was no door handle on the inside....so smashed a window leaving blood everywhere. Cops have a second lead now.

If you live on or near Fraser road, be careful lock down your bikes and hot water cylinders.

Thanks.. I'm in Tauranga, in the lovely Gate Pa.. always a worry with nasty thieves..

14th September 2009, 19:40
F*****g scum. Hope the bastard bled to death. It'll get so we have to treat our homes like Fort Knox. F'ks me off.

14th September 2009, 19:46

Nice :niceone: Those aren't easy to come by (also a bit naughty:nono::Police:)

Tuna bombs are just as good (so I'm told)