View Full Version : Profile pic - Nudity or not?

14th September 2009, 15:55
Hi, opinions please.

When changing the profile pic there is a box to check for "nudity".

I decided to throw a bigger version of my avatar up for a bit instead of the elbow dragging pic. Now when I look at the lady covered in paint I think this isn't nudity as they intended so I didn't tick the nudity box.

So do I need to tick the box or not?

Or is the "Nudity" or "Not Nudity"

How do I do a poll? edit:found it

14th September 2009, 15:58
think theres an add poll checkbox when you do the original post, dont think you can add on to this now though. For some reason i rekon you avatar pic looks like glass, not paint :confused:

James Deuce
14th September 2009, 16:00
The issue isn't the grumpy gnome members who object to any form of titillation, it's people getting busted at work looking at pr0n. Believe me, there are some companies who view people clad in bodypaint as pr0n.

14th September 2009, 16:03
think theres an add poll checkbox when you do the original post, dont think you can add on to this now though. For some reason i rekon you avatar pic looks like glass, not paint :confused:

Yep, I tell folks it's a perfume bottle. Then all they can see is a perfume bottle till I tell them it's a ... and then they can't see the bottle no more.

14th September 2009, 19:43
Yep, I tell folks it's a perfume bottle. Then all they can see is a perfume bottle till I tell them it's a ... and then they can't see the bottle no more.

If some complains then check the box, otherwise leave it.

14th September 2009, 20:06
On 1st look it looked like a perfume bottle...its tame as...I would hope someone wouldnt get fired for that. Wouldnt a web adress like bigtitties.com be the giveaway rather than kiwibiker if your boss trolled your web activity.

14th September 2009, 20:12
I reckon it should be OK for most work places (apart from the few extremely anal types that James Deuce mentioned, and yes, they are out there...)
However, if you took the 'body painting' tag off the bottom it would help and could easily be a chrome sculpture etc, therefore art...not pron (maybe...) :lol:

Amended version attached :)

14th September 2009, 20:12
even larger it doesnt look real,thought it was glass replica women.

14th September 2009, 20:16
Mmmmmmm .... fit!

15th September 2009, 01:40
I'm afraid I'm going to have to see more from the series before I pass judgement (preferably at a higher resolution, to make a proper judgement)...

Sorry .... not

15th September 2009, 06:43
This is art... I wouldn't check the nudity box for it.. its awesome ! :)

15th September 2009, 07:25
You'd have to be gay to think this is nudity.:bleh:

FFS,ya can't even make out what it is,let alone any private bits.