View Full Version : Wooohooo!

James Deuce
27th September 2009, 10:32

1 down. 14,327 to go.

27th September 2009, 10:35
Heard the name, thought she was an actress. Oh well.

Number One
27th September 2009, 11:10
Oh you are a grumpy bugger aren't ya :laugh:

While I haven't bought any of her albums I find Lily Allen quite entertaining some of her lyrics are hilarious. Plenty of others I would rejoice quiting the entertainment industry and while I won't cry or lose any sleep she isn't really one of them in faact her 'realness' is probably more of a loss to the industry than a gain. She sure beats some of the plastic formulaec ballad crap that the large portion of 16-20 something princesses are putting out.

:sherlock: Of course you wouldn't be rejoicing because one of her songs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Qa28ZrHPcc) cuts close to your bone now would ya JD? ;)

This one (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRX57zprNdw) is my favourites of hers.

27th September 2009, 11:20
I find Lily Allen quite entertaining some of her lyrics are hilarious.
Totally. I love Lily Allen but while her earlier stuff has that really authentic "Essex Girl" thing going on her second album feels really forced because she was, well, rich and famous instead of being some slapper from the East End.

Oh, now look what you've done. Now I'm going to be singing "Ohhhhh, oh dearie me, my little brother's in his bedroom smoking weed" all day.


Number One
27th September 2009, 11:22
Now I'm going to be singing "Ohhhhh, oh dearie me, my little brother's in his bedroom smoking weed" all day.

:lol: I can picture you doing that too Dave! Thanks for the giggle :lol:

BTW - haven't actually heard much of her new stuff I don't think but the girl was a slapper who drank heavily while being far more tolerable than that hag Winehouse - I thought she had some potential ya Know?! Sad she let the fame and fortune ruin her - still she sure beats the bland brigade

Dave Lobster
27th September 2009, 11:31
Who the fuck is she?? Another reality show freak?

27th September 2009, 11:48
Who the fuck is she?? Another reality show freak?

Just another pop tart making incredibly shallow music for people who lack any form of taste. Even bad taste is better then this vapid crap.

Dave Lobster
27th September 2009, 11:49
Just another pop tart making incredibly shallow music for people who lack any form of taste. Even bad taste is better then this vapid crap.

Music? Wash your mouth out..

27th September 2009, 11:59
If only that gaga shemale would follow suit.
Unfortunately, she is only in it for the attention.

Read the lyrics of the Papparazi song. Hang your head in shame.

Number One
27th September 2009, 12:10
More gumpy cunts - go out for a ride or focus on the beautiful positive or something :bleh:

28th September 2009, 08:55
More gumpy cunts - go out for a ride or focus on the beautiful positive or something :bleh:
Why focus on a thing of beauty when we can tear shit down instead.

Mucho Destructo por favor.

Str8 Jacket
28th September 2009, 08:57
Who the hell is Lily Allen?

28th September 2009, 09:17
Who the hell is Lily Allen?

Who the fuck is she?? Another reality show freak?

What they said! ^

28th September 2009, 09:52
Who the hell is Lily Allen?

She wrote songs and sings about losers she had met in her life, enough to retire at 24.

Number One
28th September 2009, 10:23
She wrote songs and sings about losers she had met in her life, enough to retire at 24.
Sounds like a damn good gig to me! I've met heaps of losers I could write songs about them till the cows come home :lol:

28th September 2009, 11:26
Sounds like a damn good gig to me! I've met heaps of losers I could write songs about them till the cows come home :lol:
And I wonder where Katey gets her lyrics from, then again the meaning of lyrics is lies.

28th September 2009, 11:30
There are plenty of very talented artists out there who doesn't mind us sharing their exploits at all... I don't assume I have to point and tell either.

29th September 2009, 07:16
Liley Allen is coming to NZ for the big day out, maybe she can meet a few here to keep her career going.

1st October 2009, 09:04
"Lily Allen has quit the music industry. "

And yet she's just been announced for Big Day Out. I hope Mastodon eat her.

James Deuce
1st October 2009, 09:25
"Lily Allen has quit the music industry. "

And yet she's just been announced for Big Day Out. I hope Mastodon eat her.

My mental pictures are totally wrong!