View Full Version : This kind of shit is the future

7th October 2009, 11:22

Next it'll be glasses, then implants. Fully wired into the "net".


7th October 2009, 11:33
I'm on the fence.....

It's definitely cool technology, but your living through other peoples experiences rather than find/discover things for yourself.

I would'nt want it on an overseas adventure, but it would cool at home. (Kinda takes away the adventure and experience in life and pre-packages it do'nt you think?)

george formby
7th October 2009, 11:35
They already got the glasse's & are definitely looking at chipping our brains. Browse around New Scientist.com & be amazed. We live in incredible times!

7th October 2009, 11:39

Next it'll be glasses, then implants. Fully wired into the "net".


There are a few books I remember reading that had stuff like brain implants that would overlay that kind of stuff over your vision and thinking oh hell yes, that'd be awesome.

There are some neat videos around of a monkey controlling a robotic arm using an electrode array placed over a section of its brain. There is also interesting research into stimulating parts of the brain or optic nerves directly to allow blind people to navigate using an ultrasonic rangefinder system.

7th October 2009, 11:42
This is great news guys. Soon we will be able to get helmet visors that we can input data in the same way with all the known police hiding places, greatest wheelie destinations, knee down practice places (not road), ride on the racetrack in rossi's lines , that is trully great thing :woohoo:

I'm here future, take meeeeeeeeeee :woohoo:

edit: also look up at a chick and you know what kind of pick up lines dont work and what does and what doesnt impress her, whats she like in bed etc :rolleyes:

Big Dave
7th October 2009, 11:47
You have enough difficulty with real reality.

7th October 2009, 12:01
Some cutting edge stuff happening in your back yard dude, have a look at what Mark Billinghurst has been up to lately...


7th October 2009, 12:28
USARKA..check out gmail....video chatting made simple...email, chat, video, calendars....websites.....

7th October 2009, 12:40
WAY COOL! I can has one ? Where buys I can ?

And that HitLabsNZ site is cool. Going to take a while to work through that

Why can't we have helmet visors that project head up displays from a phone or GPS? God knows cell phones have been around since, like, forever, you'd think they'd have moved on a bit. They're really just stuck on the technology of a century ago.

Me wants.

7th October 2009, 12:41
You have enough difficulty with real reality.

Personally, I refuse to have anything to do with it.

I went there once for a holiday. Dreadful place.

Endurable for a few days, no more. And absolutely no place where one should ever take a child.

7th October 2009, 15:02
No doubt a must-have for the early-adopters and the techologically-fixated. I wonder how much it will cost... I wonder how many billions in profits await the service providers...
Actually, I don't.

7th October 2009, 18:54
Things need a military application to get really big research dollars.
There's one in the works at the moment - infra red night vision using cameras and the "display" where the user "sees" is a plate that they have in their mouth, on the tongue. Thousands of taste buds can be stimulated by an electrode array and with a bit of learning, the wearer can "taste" vision. The human brain is capable of learning a lot more than would be given credit for.