View Full Version : R.I.P. Nitro

11th October 2009, 17:08
A sad day for the Nudies today.
We had to have our cat put down. He was only 18 months old.
He had his back legs collapse on him so we rushed him to the afterhours vet. It turned out he had a heart murmur which caused a blood clot in his back legs. These collapsed and had no blood in them.
We had no choice but to say goodbye to him.
He was a lovely, friendly cat that was well liked by all.

Good bye, little dude..

<a href="http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v677/turbo_NZ/?action=view&current=Nitro.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v677/turbo_NZ/Nitro.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

11th October 2009, 17:13
Oh, that is sad. Very sorry to hear it indeed.

Ms Piggy
11th October 2009, 17:21
You have my sympathies, those little furry purring critters have a way of becoming part of the family before we know it.

11th October 2009, 17:26
They certainly are. From now on we're just going to concentrate on Bubs in 3 months time instead of getting another.

11th October 2009, 17:27
Sorry for your loss, Chris

11th October 2009, 17:29
Very sorry to hear......

11th October 2009, 17:34
Sweets ... this is so sad to hear ... thoughts with you and bridgey.

11th October 2009, 17:34
Sounds like exactly the same senario we had with our old cat a few years ago.

Condolences to you both.

11th October 2009, 19:55
thanks peoples.

11th October 2009, 20:10
Saddle thrombosis. Our cat had it too, bloody horrible it was. The vet tried all he could and in fact the cat started to improve for a while before he went down hill again. The vet called us in to make the call to put him down. We reckon that he must have been hanging on to say goodbye to us, we made the call to euthanise, went to say goodbye, and he died in my arms before the vet came back with the needle.

11th October 2009, 20:27
Sad news mate. Pets are cool.

11th October 2009, 20:55
I thought something happend to Nori Haga :lol: anyways rip little pussy

11th October 2009, 21:31
Saddle thrombosis. Our cat had it too, bloody horrible it was. The vet tried all he could and in fact the cat started to improve for a while before he went down hill again. The vet called us in to make the call to put him down. We reckon that he must have been hanging on to say goodbye to us, we made the call to euthanise, went to say goodbye, and he died in my arms before the vet came back with the needle.

That's really sad.

Saddle thrombosis is what our vet said Nitro had also. Quite common in big cats like him.
Basically born with a heart defect and bug'rall can be done. She said 1% recovery rate.

Little Smurf
11th October 2009, 21:48
That's really sad.

Saddle thrombosis is what our vet said Nitro had also. Quite common in big cats like him.
Basically born with a heart defect and bug'rall can be done. She said 1% recovery rate.

That's so sad, I'm sorry to hear of your loss, cats are the coolest they become well part of the family. Neat photo of him by the way :yes:

11th October 2009, 21:57
Oh Chris buddy, mondo condolences on losing your little friend. I got 3 Cats and 2 Dogs and I love em all. RIP Little kitty.

11th October 2009, 22:03
That's shithouse man.

Brings a lump in the throat for all the pets lost over the years, they really are family.

11th October 2009, 22:17
Sorry for your loss.. pets become such an important part of our lives, it's heartbreaking to lose them. I lost my girl last Dec.. I still miss her terribly! Thinking of you :hug:

RIP Nitro

11th October 2009, 22:25
My sympathies too. Cats are part of our family and losing them is tough.

12th October 2009, 06:42
Thanks everyone.
Woke up this morning, and had no cat jump up to smooch me and want feeding. That was strange and sad at the same time.

12th October 2009, 13:15
So sad - no matter what age they are when they leave us, it's always too soon.

Friends had to have their old cat put down on Saturday so they're pretty sad too.

12th October 2009, 16:40
sorry to hear it. he looked a gorgeous cat.

12th October 2009, 18:38
He really was. Dammit, life ain't fair sometimes...