View Full Version : Ponsonby - Caffreys

13th October 2009, 13:05
I'm on a course in Ponsonby and it's ma birthday so was wanting to treat myself to a pint or two of the poor mans Guinness. Anyone know anywhere that seels it around Ponsonby?


13th October 2009, 14:09
Don't know of Caffrey's (thought it was a chinese cafe TBH) but the old man's a big fan Boddington's.

Got him some from New World in Victoria Park.

13th October 2009, 14:16
I'm on a course in Ponsonby and it's ma birthday so was wanting to treat myself to a pint or two of the poor mans Guinness. Anyone know anywhere that seels it around Ponsonby?


Why dont ya just gets some guiness ya poof :laugh:. Happy birthday.

13th October 2009, 14:20
New World supermarkets used to stock it ...nice beer too

13th October 2009, 14:41
Why dont ya just gets some guiness ya poof :laugh:. Happy birthday.

Cheeky coont... gizza a kiss :Oops:... don't Guinness and noone knows where to find my beloved Caffreys waaaaaaaaaaaaa... and i thought this was a hard as fuck binge drinkin society!!!

13th October 2009, 14:42
New World supermarkets used to stock it ...nice beer too

MMMM tis my favourite... but christ almighty the hangovers it brings after a big night...

Let's rephrase... Any Irish bars in Ponsonby?

13th October 2009, 16:19
MMMM tis my favourite... but christ almighty the hangovers it brings after a big night...

Let's rephrase... Any Irish bars in Ponsonby?

Tell ya what, i'll go for a pub crawl and if I remember any of it ill let ya know.

13th October 2009, 17:41
MMMM tis my favourite... but christ almighty the hangovers it brings after a big night...

I concur, drinking Caffreys is nice and all but a few pints in and it's like being struck between the eyes with a brick. Every one of my beer swilling pals has biffed the stuff due to severe head trauma.

Tastes good though, hope you find a couple on your Birthday but move onto something else for the sake of your heed. John Smiths, Boddys, speckled Hen.

Have a good night Dude.

13th October 2009, 17:43
Can't help you with your Caffreys....

But HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Gordon!! :niceone: