View Full Version : Nail attack sickens SPCA

14th October 2009, 08:50
Just when you think you've seen the worst case of animal abuse, another sicko decides to take out their frustrations on a defenceless animal. I sincerely hope they catch the wanker who did this and fire a few nails into his head. I just can't understand this kind of abuse - if you don't like animals, just leave them alone, you don't have to torture them. Arsehole.


14th October 2009, 08:52
Bubba no like. Bubba want intro. Now.

14th October 2009, 09:29
Absolutely despicable behaviour. That poor animal never stood a chance!

There is a new movement to help combat this sort of abuse and the website can be located here - http://www.pawjustice.co.nz/ - the aim of which is to obtain 1 million signatures to make amendments to the Animal Welfare Act in the aim of making animal abuse a criminal offense which can be punished by fines or even jail time.

There is also a Facebook Group named (funnily enough) "Paw Justice" for those who want to join and show your support there. Most veterinary clinics will have the petition to sign so just wander in to your local and all it takes is half a minute of your time to fill it in.

14th October 2009, 09:30
Awwww fuck there are some sick fucks out there, I'll never understand this kind of shit, they are truely fucked in the head. I hope they catch the motherfucker who did this and drive a few hundred nails in their head and see how they like it. Cunt.

14th October 2009, 09:32
Absolutely despicable behaviour. That poor animal never stood a chance!

There is a new movement to help combat this sort of abuse and the website can be located here - http://www.pawjustice.co.nz/ - the aim of which is to obtain 1 million signatures to make amendments to the Animal Welfare Act in the aim of making animal abuse a criminal offense which can be punished by fines or even jail time.

There is also a Facebook Group named (funnily enough) "Paw Justice" for those who want to join and show your support there. Most veterinary clinics will have the petition to sign so just wander in to your local and all it takes is half a minute of your time to fill it in.

You can obtain copies of the petition papers online, sign them and send them in. I have been running one at work and hitting people up. Made a personal pledge to get 100 signatures together.

Support them cos this kind of abuse really sucks

14th October 2009, 09:39
Bubba no like. Bubba want intro. Now.

This X-ray (photo online) reveals the abuse suffered by a cat killed by a nail attack in Christchurch.

It has been released by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA).

The female cat was found dead in Sparks Road in Hoon Hay last month with a dozen 85-millimetre nails in its head.

Canterbury SPCA spokeswoman Fiona Maddison hoped information from the public would lead to the offender being caught.

"When the puss first came in, that was bad enough," she said. "To actually see the nails in its head in the X-ray is even more sickening and disturbing."

Anyone with information should call 3497057.

14th October 2009, 09:42
Awwww fuck there are some sick fucks out there, I'll never understand this kind of shit, they are truely fucked in the head. I hope they catch the motherfucker who did this and drive a few hundred nails in their head and see how they like it. Cunt.

Totally agree, and I'm more than happy to shell out for the nails.

I joined Paw Justice - I'll do anything I can to prevent animal abuse as it's one thing that really gets me worked up. No excuse for it - EVER. It doesn't matter if it's a hedgehog, a farm animal or a tiger, same rules apply.

14th October 2009, 09:44
Bubba volant...volen...volintie...wants to do the 'nailing'...

14th October 2009, 09:56
That x-ray makes me really angry. I used to work for Animal Rescue ( I even made it to vice president of our local)and even some of the shit that came through there was bad enough. I think shia law should be inforced on the people who do this kind of thing. See how that sicko likes a dozen nails to the head. I volunteer to hold em down while Bubba does his/her thing.

14th October 2009, 10:02
You can only hope that the first one killed it.

Perhaps the treatment of the cat is suitable punishment for the perpetrator???

Cheshire Cat
14th October 2009, 10:07
You can only hope that the first one killed it.

Perhaps the treatment of the cat is suitable punishment for the perpetrator???


that sick cunt needs to be nailed to the wall!!:mad::mad: I'll do it! nail guns are my favorite :devil2:

The Pastor
14th October 2009, 10:29
What about the 1000's of native birds and animal that one cat would of killed?

14th October 2009, 10:32
What about the 1000's of native birds and animal that one cat would of killed?

i dont think they can use a nailgun

The Pastor
14th October 2009, 10:34
i dont think they can use a nailgun
nope they play with their food first.

14th October 2009, 10:35
nope they play with their food first.



14th October 2009, 10:40
Awwww fuck there are some sick fucks out there, I'll never understand this kind of shit, they are truely fucked in the head. I hope they catch the motherfucker who did this and drive a few hundred nails in their head and see how they like it. Cunt.

In the head would be too quick, start at the feet and work up.

The Pastor
14th October 2009, 11:16

cats have the highest prey list of any animal in nz. They regularly eat over 100 different animals.

14th October 2009, 11:24
yeah, should be locked up for a long time,only matter of time before they/he does it to another person...

poor kitty :-(

14th October 2009, 11:30
What about the 1000's of native birds and animal that one cat would of killed?

Cats are predatory animals. Nothing will change that. Humans (should) have more sense than that.

14th October 2009, 11:33
Cats are predatory animals. Nothing will change that. Humans (should) have more sense than that.

More sense than to allow a dangerous predatory animal wander free to kill native birds? Just askin'

14th October 2009, 11:51
Ignore RM, he's just trying to get a bite. Unfortunately he obviously needs extra attention.

14th October 2009, 11:58
cats have the highest prey list of any animal in nz. They regularly eat over 100 different animals.

I agree with what your saying.........and iv'e seen my cat be a real coont to birds and mice etc, as they struggle to survive she just keeps on wasting/playing with the poor things.......then just leaves it's body there and fucks off.

However a human doing this sort of shit is a bit different, it's not clich'e it actually is true that people that do this kinda shit are generally going to end up as child abusers and rapists/murderers.....

So shooting the retard in the face gets my vote......it's not really cricket now is it?

14th October 2009, 12:49
So shooting the retard in the face gets my vote......it's not really cricket now is it?

Gets my vote!

I wonder if Weatherstone did this to cats when he was a child?

The Pastor
14th October 2009, 13:05
I shoot cats every time i see them

14th October 2009, 15:35
I shoot cats every time i see them

Wow, you must be someone's hero. Not mine though.

14th October 2009, 15:40
I shoot cats every time i see them

You shoot shit everytime you say something.

14th October 2009, 15:44
Blame sue bradford....if the little fuckers parents were allowed to kick his ass maybe he would have learnt right from wrong:mad:

The Pastor
14th October 2009, 16:03
wow, you must be someone's hero. Not mine though.
cats should be eradicated

14th October 2009, 16:25
I shoot cats every time i see them

Can't be a very good shot then......

If you don't nail them with your first shot, you screwed up I'd say......

14th October 2009, 17:58
cats should be eradicated

You need a bullet - now STFU.

This is absolutely deplorable - I hope they find the scum who done this & throw them in prison!

14th October 2009, 19:32
Joe KARAM is on to it... the cat did it to itself apparently....

14th October 2009, 21:36
Has someone taken over Patrick? He used to talk sense now he's got Karam on the brain... bizarre...

14th October 2009, 21:41
If it had been shot 10 times through the head with a .22 would anybody care?

I doubt it.

I suspect it was pretty much dead after the first one or two nails - less than a second.

It would have been a cruel/sick act if the shooter put one nail into it and let it stagger off.

14th October 2009, 22:08
If it had been shot 10 times through the head with a .22 would anybody care?

I doubt it.

I suspect it was pretty much dead after the first one or two nails - less than a second.

It would have been a cruel/sick act if the shooter put one nail into it and let it stagger off.

I agree that a lot of it is just shock factor (turns my stomach pretty badly) but someone who is doing that to a cat is probably not too concerned about killing them humanely before sticking the nails in. No telling what other abuses the animal suffered before the nails, or whether a couple of those nails went in first specifically positioned to not kill the cat.

My beloved furball is happily curled up on my lap at the moment and I'd like to think I could handle most things with a relatively even keel, but even the thought of someone doing something like that to her brings out violent urges.

15th October 2009, 00:06
There are two main issues with acts like this.
1. Animal cruelty and the punishment of it
2. Animal cruelty and it's link to sociopathic behavior

There does need to be more severe punishment for this type of offence and it also needs to be taken more seriously with the offenders monitored, provided with counselling etc.

So while some may not care if a cat gets shot I'm sure you'd be slightly bothered about someone stoving your head in with a brick because they thought it was funny.

Interestingly, bed wetting is another potential indicator for sociopathic behavior, better keep an eye on RM then.

15th October 2009, 08:44
If it had been shot 10 times through the head with a .22 would anybody care?

I doubt it.

I suspect it was pretty much dead after the first one or two nails - less than a second.

It would have been a cruel/sick act if the shooter put one nail into it and let it stagger off.

I would personally be just as disgusted. Any form of animal cruelty gets me, whether it's done without a weapon (other than fists and feet) or with a 4 x 2 or a gun or something else. Although I am not interested in hunting, I don't have a huge problem with something being shot quickly. I do have a problem with ANY animal being tortured or abused. If it were my cat, trust me, even if someone shot it once and killed it, the fact they shot it in the first place would still anger me.

Hopefully this cat did die quickly. But knowing the sick fuck who put the nails into it in the first place, it's likely he did the first few slowly so it suffered the maximum amount before dying.

15th October 2009, 20:05
Has someone taken over Patrick? He used to talk sense now he's got Karam on the brain... bizarre...

We call it black humour.....

Stuff this bad, you gotta take the piss a little or else you lose your marbles.....

15th October 2009, 20:11
Methinks yours are already rolling away - and fast!

15th October 2009, 20:25
Methinks yours are already rolling away - and fast!

Nah, its the darned fox terrier... he loves em....

Persistent little fecker wants you to throw them so he can chase it down, kill it and bring it back, just so you can throw it again.... and again.... and again..............

15th October 2009, 20:34
Sadly I think the person who gave "The alledged offender" the nails really needs the help here. :Pokey:

15th October 2009, 20:48
What about the 1000's of native birds and animal that one cat would of killed?

I think more humans are responsible for bird deaths than cats if you take into consideration the native bush felling over the years.

I was called out recently by the owners of a huge house near bush with lots of glass balconies, glass windows, to apply some visual strip so birds would not fly into the windows. They were having up to 15 birds a day breaking there necks flying into them.

This is quiet a common request round here, but only by people who do care, and most people are concerned which is good to see.

15th October 2009, 20:52
What about the 1000's of native birds and animal that one cat would of killed?

There's always gotta be one fucktard!

Street Gerbil
15th October 2009, 21:39
What sickens me is that if it was a human being killed, there would have been a lot less outrage.
When a guy gets killed because some idiot was not looking at the road, or a grandfather dies because a bozo has a bout of road rage, I don't hear the calls to pump him full of nails or run his head over with a truck. What gives?

16th October 2009, 09:10
Wasn't there a guy in Oz, who had this happen to him recently? Head full of nails, just like this cat?

16th October 2009, 09:15
I would personally be just as disgusted. Any form of animal cruelty gets me, I do have a problem with ANY animal being tortured or abused.

I don't think there has been mention of cruelty, I doubt the cat felt much after the first nail through the swede (kinda like a bullet to the brain).

I think that everybody moaning about this incident is upset (for some obscure reason) that (a) a nail gun was used and (b) the number of nails used.

But like you I do not tolerate cruelty or animals being tortured, got no time for 'humans' that do that kinda shit.

16th October 2009, 09:28
.... got no time for 'humans' that do that kinda shit.

Perhaps just a little time, like, "Bubba, this is Mr XXXX this is what he did......"

Then give him some more time... with Bubba....

16th October 2009, 11:23
I don't think there has been mention of cruelty, I doubt the cat felt much after the first nail through the swede (kinda like a bullet to the brain).

I think that everybody moaning about this incident is upset (for some obscure reason) that (a) a nail gun was used and (b) the number of nails used.

But like you I do not tolerate cruelty or animals being tortured, got no time for 'humans' that do that kinda shit.

I liken that to that prick who murdered Sophie Elliot. She was probably dead well before the 216th stab...