View Full Version : Yep.. I'll do it...

18th April 2005, 12:40
One of NZ's top racers rings me last night and says
"I got a new bike coming on Tuesday.. and it needs taken out of the crate and run in.. Do you wanna do as many km's as you can before the weekend..."
Let's just say I didn't have to think much before I said "ok..sure"
So this week I'll be riding up and down the South Island on a brand spanking new 05 ZX-6RR... so If you see me give me a wave or if you wanna go for a ride with me just PM me...
My plan is at moment: Mon: Invercargill-Dunedin. Tue:Dunedin-Timaru-Dunedin. Wed: Dunedin-Christchurch-Kaikoura-Christchurch. Thurs:Undecided, find some back roads somewhere. Fri: back to Invercargill

I've had worst jobs....

18th April 2005, 13:22
I think your biggest problem will be giving it back.
Have a nice ride dude, can't say I ain't jelous. I'd love to stack the k's on someone else's 636 than my own.. I've gotta fork out for the 12,000k service now..

18th April 2005, 13:34

You lucky lucky man

BJ I just notice on your sig. all those smilies are fine for living with you.... except perhaps the last one. :p

Big Dave
18th April 2005, 14:20
I've had worst jobs....

Such are the burdens we bear bruddah - I get to run in press and demo bikes occasionaly, don't have as nice spots to ride them as y'all, but I'll cope.
Treat it nice but take it back real well 'loosed up' too :Punk:

18th April 2005, 14:23
BJ I just notice on your sig. all those smilies are fine for living with you.... except perhaps the last one. :p
depends how you view it - you could be a fit chick, and *might* like me, then it'll be :yeah:
You might be a cool dude/dudette with a partner already, in which case, the room would be great to :yeah: in..
You could just be a cool dude/dudette with lots of fit chick friends to bring round for :drinknsin which might end :yeah:
so keep an open mind, you know..
by no means would I be going for :buggerd: but if the roomie happens to swing that way, then that's their choice, and may they :yeah: happily. Just won't involve me, unless it's two chicks, in which case, they'll probably hate me and move out again

tad :Offtopic: tho, but without the mad face

18th April 2005, 14:27
One of NZ's top racers rings me last night and says
"I got a new bike coming on Tuesday.. and it needs taken out of the crate and run in.. Do you wanna do as many km's as you can before the weekend..."
Let's just say I didn't have to think much before I said "ok..sure"
So this week I'll be riding up and down the South Island on a brand spanking new 05 ZX-6RR... so If you see me give me a wave or if you wanna go for a ride with me just PM me...
My plan is at moment: Mon: Invercargill-Dunedin. Tue:Dunedin-Timaru-Dunedin. Wed: Dunedin-Christchurch-Kaikoura-Christchurch. Thurs:Undecided, find some back roads somewhere. Fri: back to Invercargill

I've had worst jobs....

Don't the top racers all ride Suzukis? :lol:

Seriously I envy you have fun.

18th April 2005, 15:04
Reminds me of the mitsubishi song.

You lucky bugger

Ghost Lemur
18th April 2005, 20:20
You have to do the two pass' loop.

Sure Mr H can give you his list of fav SI roads, along with chch locals Gav and Dangerous.

18th April 2005, 20:42
You lucky %^*. Dont bother with buying a lotto ticket, you've cashed in you luck point for a while now :bleh: