View Full Version : Gettin' old sucks...

25th October 2009, 18:49
Was back to the optometrist yesterday. Sept. last year I was forced to get some proper reading glasses as the $10 Warehouse jobbies weren't good enough anymore.

$430 later I came away with proper specs and knowing I had an astigmatism and catarracts.

My eyesight has been bothering me again lately and even my distance vision has not been as good and my night vision for driving is not too sharp now either.

$640 later, I now pick up my new specs on Thursday, bi-focals, so I have to wear glasses now for distance as well as reading and my eyesight has deteriorated. The catarracts have thickened and I could be on the waiting list in about 6 mths for the op.

I used to have such good eyesight that an optometrist once offered to swap both his good eyes for my "bad" eye!

She reckoned sun damage caused the catarracts. Good news is that because I'm still young, (!), and working and driving, I'd get max points for the op as they will want to keep me working.

James Deuce
25th October 2009, 19:00
Isn't it though. At least I still have my hair and most of my teeth...

Hang on.


Haven't even got a decent memory by the look of it.

25th October 2009, 19:01
Isn't it though. At least I still have my hair and most of my teeth...

Hang on.


Haven't even got a decent memory by the look of it.

And your good looks buggered off years ago too, Jim! :)

25th October 2009, 19:02
$640! Wow! You were lucky...mine were $996...mind you, they are progressives with tinted lenses...they still don't cook the bloody dinner tho, or hang out the washing!

At least you are still around to bitch about it, eh?

25th October 2009, 19:03
That sucks, at least there was some good news.]
Recently went to the optometrists and got a prescription. Now just looking at where I can get a good pair at a good price. Also wanting to get some prescription sunnies for riding. The sun is harsh in this country and not good for the eyeballs.
Another option would be to get a helmet with a built in sun visor.
But prescrtion sunnies would be nice as I work outside a lot and have to contend with glare often.

25th October 2009, 19:09
It does suck too. Sorry about your peepers ED, mine have deteriorated enormously over the years. I swear I could see through brick walls in my youth they were that sharp, alas I too am a wearer of the warehouses finest $14.99 granddad glasses now.

It's not just the eyes either mate, something new seems to malfunction on this old body every day :laugh:.

I've just took up weight lifting again after many years, in an attempt to get some kind of shape to my human blobiness, that's going quite well actually, I'm sat here typing away, absolutely racked with pain from yesterdays pumping iron episode:no: I dunno why I bother mate. Will somebody please just bloody shoot me! :laugh:

Getting old, as pointed out by Ed, really really does suck. DON'T DO IT PEOPLE!

25th October 2009, 19:09
Could ya speak up please, oh wait, what ?

25th October 2009, 19:09
Feel for you, and know how you feel
.....re costs of ripoff opticians prices.....
I have got progressive bifocals with all the whistle and bells...titanium frame etcetc. cheapest quote from optician over $700.....
Send my prescription online to a place in Hong kong and got within 10 days my glasses delivered at my front door for under NZ $200.....
And hundreds of frames to choose from....hundreds

Fatt Max
25th October 2009, 19:16
You are only as old as the woman you feel.....

I'm the same age as my tongue but a bit older than my teeth

I love that I'm getting older because I can still act the prat and people blame it on my age...plus I get into a lot fewer fights because I'm not "hitting on some guys missus bro..." or "trying to be funny big man?"

Years of being a bouncer at some of London's dodgiest clubs taught me that the old pissed guy can get away with anything, so dont sweat it mate.

Right, where did I leave my slippers.....

Number One
25th October 2009, 19:20
At least you can say you are getting old and that is why you are all breaking down. My wee Sully one was born with the family cataracts and had his lenses taken out at the age of 2 (thank you health insurance) without his glasses he literally can't see anything except coloured blobs, bloody glasses are almost 1K a pop given the prescription add to that he needs new ones every 6 months or so...sounds to me like you got a relatively good set of genes going for you there don't feel too broken down just yet ;)

25th October 2009, 19:24
Remember when you were young:confused:well as far back as ya can then eh<_<old people used to pick up a magazine/paper etc hold it far away then zoom it in close whilst squinting,felt like that the other day whilst trying to read the Sky book:no:why did they have to go and make the type so damn small:laugh:

25th October 2009, 19:27
$640! Wow! You were lucky...mine were $996...mind you, they are progressives with tinted lenses...they still don't cook the bloody dinner tho, or hang out the washing!

At least you are still around to bitch about it, eh?

Thanks for reminding me! You're so right! Now if I could only remember what I went to the kitchen for... :no:

You are only as old as the woman you feel.....

I'm the same age as my tongue but a bit older than my teeth

I love that I'm getting older because I can still act the prat and people blame it on my age...plus I get into a lot fewer fights because I'm not "hitting on some guys missus bro..." or "trying to be funny big man?"

Years of being a bouncer at some of London's dodgiest clubs taught me that the old pissed guy can get away with anything, so dont sweat it mate.

Right, where did I leave my slippers.....

LOL!! I'm just about 18mths older actually, but she still feels fabulous... :niceone:

And you're right, people do make allowances... I think they depend on us for entertainment with our wobbly bits and absent-mindedness... :laugh:

It does suck too. Sorry about your peepers ED, mine have deteriorated enormously over the years. I swear I could see through brick walls in my youth they were that sharp, alas I too am a wearer of the warehouses finest $14.99 granddad glasses now.

It's not just the eyes either mate, something new seems to malfunction on this old body every day :laugh:.

I've just took up weight lifting again after many years, in an attempt to get some kind of shape to my human blobiness, that's going quite well actually, I'm sat here typing away, absolutely racked with pain from yesterdays pumping iron episode:no: I dunno why I bother mate. Will somebody please just bloody shoot me! :laugh:

Getting old, as pointed out by Ed, really really does suck. DON'T DO IT PEOPLE!

Good advice, I've been trying to take it for several years now, but maybe, (despite what teh Missus sez), I'm not trying enough...? :doh:

25th October 2009, 19:29
Yeah I have eye problems as well. I had a slight stroke which affected my left eye, I suddenly started to see double all the time so I went to a optometrist and he told me that there was nothing he could do except to give me glasses with the left eye blocked off. Well after riding with one eye for three months I decided to go to a specialist and he told me that it was caused through a stroke and made up a set of glasses that I could see with both eyes, but wanted me to wait for three months again to see if the eye muscle would settle down any more. It did not so he gave me a prescription for the glasses and them the optometrist told me that they would not work and that the cost would be mine if they did not work. Well thankfully he was wrong and the specialist was right but it cost me another set of glasses, so it is a lot easier riding with two eyes so I know where you are coming from. Vern.

25th October 2009, 19:33
At least you can say you are getting old and that is why you are all breaking down. My wee Sully one was born with the family cataracts and had his lenses taken out at the age of 2 (thank you health insurance) without his glasses he literally can't see anything except coloured blobs, bloody glasses are almost 1K a pop given the prescription add to that he needs new ones every 6 months or so...sounds to me like you got a relatively good set of genes going for you there don't feel too broken down just yet ;)

Sympathies. Give Sully a big hug from all us oldies who admire young ones like him who adapt and get on with life. He's a champ! :first:

Number One
25th October 2009, 19:39
young ones like him who adapt and get on with life.
That's the amazing thing eh...they don't know any better so they do just get on with stuff.

I'm getting old and weak and blind and saggy and all those other things too...and yup it does suck...oh the power and beauty of my youth has passed and I missed it and probably never quite fully appreciated it either..oh well such is life eh?

25th October 2009, 19:45
That's the amazing thing eh...they don't know any better so they do just get on with stuff.

I'm getting old and weak and blind and saggy and all those other things too...and yup it does suck...oh the power and beauty of my youth has passed and I missed it and probably never quite fully appreciated it either..oh well such is life eh? New a size to small leathers will help briefly,that and a spare couple of hours to pour youself into em,does wonders for the soul,sadly the tummy aches after a hour or 2 of such confinment.:confused:

25th October 2009, 20:15
New a size to small leathers will help briefly,that and a spare couple of hours to pour youself into em,does wonders for the soul,sadly the tummy aches after a hour or 2 of such confinment.:confused:

At my age I prefer a comfy tum and I don't worry too much if I look like a big black round thing atop teh bike...

25th October 2009, 20:21
At my age I prefer a comfy tum and I don't worry too much if I look like a big black round thing atop teh bike... :laugh:Same.When i get a week or 2 off i need to head out on the bike and find the huge portion of hair that has somehow blown of the top of my head in recent years:confused:though it has indeed confirmed mothers early thoughts of "hes my little angel".:laugh:

26th October 2009, 08:57
Bugger, I forgot the stomach, what's up with that! I don't think I eat much, I exercise regularly, I hardly drink, yet I can sit there contemplating life and the lotto and I can literally watch my bloody belly grow in front of my eyes!

I bought a brand new pair of leathers earlier this year, the first proper pair of leather trousers I've ever owned, I was so pleased with them. A couple of months down the road and I just cannot get them on. Leather never used to shrink form what I remember therefore I have turned into a fat bastard whilst asleep,

It simply isn't fair and I blame ACC, I wasn't fat before they proposed the increases, BASTARDS!

26th October 2009, 09:19
Was back to the optometrist yesterday. Sept. last year I was forced to get some proper reading glasses as the $10 Warehouse jobbies weren't good enough anymore.

$430 later I came away with proper specs and knowing I had an astigmatism and catarracts.

My eyesight has been bothering me again lately and even my distance vision has not been as good and my night vision for driving is not too sharp now either.

$640 later, I now pick up my new specs on Thursday, bi-focals, so I have to wear glasses now for distance as well as reading and my eyesight has deteriorated.
I used to have such good eyesight that an optometrist once offered to swap both his good eyes for my "bad" eye!

Spending too much time on computers me thinks!! Stay away from KB! I got my distance glasses from specsavers for $139 - $60 for the eyetest and $79 for the glasses - just the absolute basics as i only wear them riding the motorbike (especially at night) and watching rugby.

26th October 2009, 09:30
You know you're getting old when you go to brush the hair out ya eyes ....... and it's ya eyebrows !!!

The first time the hair dresser trimmed my ear hair was a shock - shit I'm getting old and hair is growing out of every orifice - but getting thinner on top.

I remind myself I'm getting older every time I hear myself saying all those annoying things my dad use to say to me, and people say I have more patience now days, but actually I just don't care anymore.
Getting older also means;
when I'm on holiday I tend to run out of energy before I run out of money
I don't bother trying to hold my stomach in anymore no matter who walks in the room
I'm really proud of my lawn mower, and how easy it is to start - it's funny how age changes your perspective on things - velcro is becoming cool

26th October 2009, 09:41
Age is a crazy thng...it gets us all in the end.....Sometimes old age is a good thng....Take my nana for example, She is 97 years old, physically fit, Still has an amazing head of hair but sadly the mind has long gone BUT she lives everyday in her own little world be it today or 50 years ago and she's still smiling

26th October 2009, 12:06
Spending too much time on computers me thinks!! Stay away from KB! I got my distance glasses from specsavers for $139 - $60 for the eyetest and $79 for the glasses - just the absolute basics as i only wear them riding the motorbike (especially at night) and watching rugby.

Yeah, I work on a computer all day. I got them specially coated for this type of work and it made a huge difference!

I thought about SpecSavers and cost, but my local Optometrist is a sweety and very caring...She fusses over me and reassures me... Me a softy...? (I know, I'm hard-nosed businessman... My wife calls me Snowtex).

You know you're getting old when you go to brush the hair out ya eyes ....... and it's ya eyebrows !!!

The first time the hair dresser trimmed my ear hair was a shock - shit I'm getting old and hair is growing out of every orifice - but getting thinner on top.

I remind myself I'm getting older every time I hear myself saying all those annoying things my dad use to say to me, and people say I have more patience now days, but actually I just don't care anymore.
Getting older also means;
when I'm on holiday I tend to run out of energy before I run out of money
I don't bother trying to hold my stomach in anymore no matter who walks in the room
I'm really proud of my lawn mower, and how easy it is to start - it's funny how age changes your perspective on things - velcro is becoming cool

I totally agree with you! LOL!!!

Age is a crazy thng...it gets us all in the end.....Sometimes old age is a good thng....Take my nana for example, She is 97 years old, physically fit, Still has an amazing head of hair but sadly the mind has long gone BUT she lives everyday in her own little world be it today or 50 years ago and she's still smiling

The nice thing about going senile is that you get to do new things every day and meet lovely new people... <_< My wife and I are constantly laughing at each other's absent-mindedness. :laugh:

26th October 2009, 12:10
Bugger, I forgot the stomach, what's up with that! I don't think I eat much, I exercise regularly, I hardly drink, yet I can sit there contemplating life and the lotto and I can literally watch my bloody belly grow in front of my eyes!

I bought a brand new pair of leathers earlier this year, the first proper pair of leather trousers I've ever owned, I was so pleased with them. A couple of months down the road and I just cannot get them on. Leather never used to shrink form what I remember therefore I have turned into a fat bastard whilst asleep,

It simply isn't fair and I blame ACC, I wasn't fat before they proposed the increases, BASTARDS!

I think it's a conspiracy... <_<