View Full Version : Just remember

James Deuce
1st November 2009, 06:54
If the consultation process doesn't present the answer the Government wants, they'll just lie.


We've always rolled over in the past when misinformation has been compounded by lies, because the Government wouldn't lie. Would they?

1st November 2009, 07:22
Well James I caught Nicky boy totally unprepared for someone who is willing to take him to task on numbers

He said 50,000 bikes, I said 116,000, stop bullshitting us and get ya figures accurate. Anyway see ya on the 17th
He had NO answer man, seriously, total silence in response and an embarrassed attempt to shake my hand as I walked away


1st November 2009, 08:12
There are far too many professionals, analysts and politically motivated individuals in the motorcycling fraternity. And we now communicate with each other in an almost cohesive manner.

We shall not lie down and roll over.

James Deuce
1st November 2009, 08:13
There are far too many professionals, analysts and politically motivated individuals in the motorcycling fraternity. And we now communicate with each other in an almost cohesive manner.

We shall not lie down and roll over.

By "we" I mean the general NZ public.

James Deuce
1st November 2009, 08:19
Well James I caught Nicky boy totally unprepared for someone who is willing to take him to task on numbers

He said 50,000 bikes, I said 116,000, stop bullshitting us and get ya figures accurate. Anyway see ya on the 17th
He had NO answer man, seriously, total silence in response and an embarrassed attempt to shake my hand as I walked away


It's a shame that wasn't picked up by one of the quality individuals professing to be a "reporter".

I remember watching him writhe on TV when he got one of the Cave Creek victim's name wrong when discussing the incident with the victim's parents.

In all fairness he gets given the crap jobs, simply because he's willing to take them on and run with them. He needs to stop running into brick walls over and over though.

1st November 2009, 09:08
We've always rolled over in the past when misinformation has been compounded by lies, because the Government wouldn't lie. Would they?

What else can we do? I think they lie more in the first year or so because they know so few people will remember by the time it gets to election season. Better media would help with this, and is, to some extent.

If our democratic involvement was more than two ticks every three years things might be different. No easy ways to provide better (but binding) guidance to an operating government though - many have been considered over the years, all have issues IMO. Perhaps as we get closer to 100% telephone/internet coverage this could change. I'm in two minds as to whether it would be a good idea though.

Ms Piggy
1st November 2009, 09:32
Actually it's an interesting point you raise Mr.2. However even when the truth is out there some individuals still won't hear it or don't listen (for various reasons I'm sure).

An example of this for me was yesterday at the Wellington protest while Cherry B was giving an excellent speech and referring to the incorrect figures ACC and Nick Smith have been bandying around, someone in the crowd shouted out: "Why doesn't anyone tell them they're lying to us and call them liars!?"

My 1st thought was: "Ummmm, people have been saying that very thing in the public arena - Les Mason has been on the TV news stating this, there's been newspaper reports and lots of other information available".

1st November 2009, 12:24
It's not so long ago we had the 'compulsory' bread additives fiasco. I watched in fascination, as a NZ newcomer, As the government went on the defensive, they squirmed and lied and spat out the same lines over and over again.

What was that line they arrogantly and defensively repeated parrot fashion every single time they were questioned on the issue?......

Studies on the dangers of folly sp acid are inconclusive but even if the case were proven there is nothing we can do anyway, our hands are tied, besides which, bread without these additives is 16 times more likely to be involved in an accident than a coconut, it's time this was reflected in our story telling. French loaves have subsidised finger rolls for far to long, blah blah blah.

Nasty squirming whining thieving little buggers :angry: Onward to victory :scooter: