View Full Version : Re Official Information Act and ACC statistics

2nd November 2009, 14:38
The ACC is touting some interesting statistics.

Has anyone yet requested that they present the calculations that they have used to come up with these stats under to Officail Information Act?

The ACC would have us believe that motorcycles are 16 times more likely to be involved in an accident than cars.

The ACC would have us believe that the levy should actually be $3700.

The ACC would have us believe that every car driver would need to pay an extra $77 to cover the 63 million dollars in costs that they attribute to morotocyclists

The ACC would have us believe that large capacity bikes are over represented in the accident data with almost 40% of motorcycle accidents involving bikes of over 600 cc. Yet the motor vehicle registration data shows that over 40% of registered motorcycles are over 600 cc

Are there other stats that we should be questioning at the same time?

2nd November 2009, 14:46
This has all been covered in other threads - no, I'm not going to do a search for you, but you'll find it if you look.

Someone a little more helpful might be along shortlyish....

2nd November 2009, 14:47
Basically a request was made under the OIA, and ACC wanted $10k to release the info.

2nd November 2009, 14:56
Basically a request was made under the OIA, and ACC wanted $10k to release the info.

P.Dath My understanding was that the 10K was for the raw data and the reason for this was to cover the costs of removing privacy data from the raw stats. They subsequently did an about face on this and offered the raw data to Les from BRONZ for free on national TV.

I don't want the raw stats I just want the calculations. If they have already done the caculations (which they must have to make these claims) there should be no cost to release the calculations.

4th November 2009, 08:42
Pursuant to the Official Information act I have directed this rquest to the contact email provided in the original release by the ACC (Please refer: http://www.acc.co.nz/news/PRD_CTRB1182140).

In this release it states "Further information, including consultation documents and actuarial reports relating to setting levy rates and the estimated outstanding claims liability, is available from www.acc.co.nz/consultation. Alternatively, call 0800 ACC RATES (0800 222 728) or send an email with your request to consultation@acc.co.nz."

Hence I am directing my request as per the directions provided.

As I intend to make a submission on this issue I request this information be provided by the 8th of November to allow me to make my submission on time before 5pm on the 10th of November.

Two Questions

In this release the ACC states "The new levies reflect the fact that motorcycle riders are 16 times more likely to be involved in a road crash than any other road users and are far more likely to be seriously injured."

I have examined the information published by the ACC and I can not find any data to support the claim that motorcyclists are 16 times more likely to be involved in a road crash. Under the terms of the O.I.A can you please provide the data and calculations that were used to derive this figure (16).

Further the release states "The new levies reflect the fact that motorcycle riders are ..... are far more likely to be seriously injured." Surprisingly I can not find any data to confirm this. ACC figures infact (very surpisingly show) that the cost per injury claim to motorcyclists is actually less than the cost per car occupant. Under the terms of the O.I.A can you please provide the data and calculations that lead to the conclusion that Motorcycle riders are far more likely to be seriously injured.

Many thanks in advance

Kind regards

And no Klingon, those arn't kisses.