View Full Version : Letter to John Judge

2nd December 2009, 21:11
Mr John Judge

Dear Sir,

At a public meeting on 30th November, 2009, The Minister of ACC asserted that ACC is funded from three separate streams.

1. Road-user levies.
2. Employee levies.
3. From the general account.

When questioned he asserted the general account levies covered all non-work-related, and non-vehicle related ACC claims. In other words, something to the order of 82% of all ACC claims.

I would appreciate you replying to confirm or deny the Minister’s assertion.

I must say, I'm looking forward to Judge's reply.

Either Smith was making up as he went along (ergo,lying) or there has been some changes to ACC which the public have been kept in the dark

Either way, his answer will prove to be good ammo.

2nd December 2009, 22:10
Minor point, but he's the Chairman of the Board , not the CEO.

Paul in NZ
3rd December 2009, 04:49
Just tell him hes a spotty oik and will get his behind the bike sheds when school gets out