View Full Version : Anudda sk00l year cumz 2 da endz

11th December 2009, 09:33
Well as the fat lady begins to clear her voluminous throat and tickles her tonsils, the tittilation and suspense begins to build ... just prize giving to endure, some last minute admin stuff like giving reports to the tutor group and then tossing them out with a thick ear.

Its been a funny old year, a year of turpitude interspersed with moments of cold horror, black humour and a mounting sense of despair with what passes as the corpse of the student body as a whole.

I must say, looking forward once again to the mental recuperation of the holidays and getting in some serious riding.

As I let the patina of nostalgia wash over me, the flotsam and jetsam I have discarded from my learning space (classroom), just fills me with opprobium and awe at the possibilities of youth today.

Long may the summer last, the salad days of their youthful vitality is wasted upon the young, the detritus of failure and the allure of victory intermingled in the old school yard (remember those days in the old school yard?)

We laughed, we cried, we wanted to commit foul deeds of murder upon our challenging students. Hopefully none make the newspaper for the wrong reasons.

I think the end of year piss up will be voluminous and cringe worthy embarrassing to those involved :devil2:

As for me, on your bike my son! :done:

11th December 2009, 14:20
Thank feth its all over bar the drunken antics to come ... pole dancing, thongs and other shenanigans :blink:

Scoffed my lunch, downed my diet coke, waiting for dessert ... then I'm pissing off for a bike ride ... hmm might skip dessert and just do the bike ride now!

As in the words of one William Wallace ... "Frrrrrrrrrrrreeeeddddoooooommm!"

:scooter: :ride: :sunny:

(I'll leave the other admin stuff I couldn't get finished for Monday :doh:)

11th December 2009, 14:24
So, 1500km per day for the next few weeks eh, Justin? :whistle:

11th December 2009, 14:49
waiting for dessert ... Then i'm pissing off for a bike ride ... Hmm might skip dessert and just do the bike ride now!



11th December 2009, 14:52


Or a second steak.....

11th December 2009, 14:54
AND a second steak.....


11th December 2009, 15:24
I have seen the last little year 9 or 10 off the premises, indulged in strawberries and icecream, lots of champagne,listened to endless farewell speeches, spoke my piece to a colleague who is leaving our little nest, followed by a delicious lunch at Ormlie Lodge...yes, there was dessert...a few more wines...ahhhhh, the peace of school hols!
Bring it on!

11th December 2009, 15:37
Right, off for a pootle ... to Wellington methinks! :ride:

11th December 2009, 17:28
I'm off into the big bad world now yay! Hope i'm still saying yay by next year.

11th December 2009, 17:47
Well although my school holiday began a couple of days earlier than yours Justin you have the consolation of your bike. Mine is going to be sitting sadly in the garage for goodness knows how many weeks while I begin my recovery.

School hols though - just love 'em!
p.s. come on now, fess up - who did the pole dancing at AC huh????

11th December 2009, 19:12
Oh crap... town, A & E, and our fleet of wheelchairs will be full of young 'uns again. I should learn to take leave at this time of year.

Glad to see you teachery types will be getting a break. God knows you probably need it by now.

11th December 2009, 23:10
Well, I didn't go to Wellington .. but did manage to get a nice round 600km of riding in (just got in the door). Plenty wet in the mid of the Norf' ... did Hunuas out to Kopu and around through to Paeroa and then shot through to Tauranga via the gorge.

Pyes pa road next on the list all the way out to Rotovegas then decided not to head to Wellywood and rode back up via the patented long way home route :whistle:

I think some more riding tomorrow is in order :innocent: