View Full Version : Sumings wrong with middle aged kiwi women.

28th December 2009, 08:33
Fark, if I have to deal with another 40-50 something woman, who has cut her hair short and then played at dyeing it, usually red, then shoot me now.

Do you know the type I mean... sumings gone wrong... and they're fecking everywhere... grumpy moody, busybody be-arches. There could be plenty of reasons I guess, still aint figured it out though.

28th December 2009, 08:44
They probably just need some luvin:love:


28th December 2009, 08:44
Fark, if I have to deal with another 40-50 something woman, who has cut her hair short and then played at dyeing it, usually red, then shoot me now.

Do you know the type I mean... sumings gone wrong... and they're fecking everywhere... grumpy moody, busybody be-arches. There could be plenty of reasons I guess, still aint figured it out though.

Its funny because exactly the same thing is said about middle aged kiwi males, especially bankers, accountants and office types who hit middle age and buy themsleves a Harley.

28th December 2009, 09:11
I reckons some of them is a bit hawt...

28th December 2009, 09:16
Its funny because exactly the same thing is said about middle aged kiwi males, especially bankers, accountants and office types who hit middle age and buy themsleves a Harley.

I agree! :blank:

tri boy
28th December 2009, 09:17
Mmmmm, red heads:devil2:
They be the naughtiest ones:msn-wink:

28th December 2009, 09:24
Its funny because exactly the same thing is said about middle aged kiwi males, especially bankers, accountants and office types who hit middle age and buy themsleves a Harley.

Hmm, got the Harley - now just need banker/accountant/office type job to complete the picture...:rolleyes:

28th December 2009, 09:25
Mmmmm, red heads:devil2:
They be the naughtiest ones:msn-wink:

Easy, I'm married to one....:msn-wink:

Big Dave
28th December 2009, 09:26
Its funny because exactly the same thing is said about middle aged kiwi males, especially bankers, accountants and office types who hit middle age and buy themsleves a Harley.

You may be believing too much of what you read on KB.

28th December 2009, 09:32
...cut her hair short and then played at dyeing it, usually red, ....

...grumpy moody, busybody be-arches....

Not often you see that combination. :whistle:

Like they say, what is the difference between a Red Head and a Terrorist? - you can negotiate with a terrorist.

28th December 2009, 10:01
Its funny because exactly the same thing is said about middle aged kiwi males, especially bankers, accountants and office types who hit middle age and buy themsleves a Harley.

true...and dyeing your hair and wearing a short skirt has also proven a lot safer than buying a motorcycle and riding like a dickhead.:Pokey:

28th December 2009, 10:04
Don't red ones go faster?? :msn-wink:

28th December 2009, 10:06
Fark, if I have to deal with another 40-50 something woman, who has cut her hair short and then played at dyeing it, usually red, then shoot me now.

Do you know the type I mean... sumings gone wrong... and they're fecking everywhere... grumpy moody, busybody be-arches. There could be plenty of reasons I guess, still aint figured it out though.

cutting hair short...to busy to 'do it'
dyeing it red - covering the grey

grumpy - not getting any
moody - only getting it once a week
busybody - dont have motorbike so life is empty
be-arches - we are all be-arches

Happy New Year

28th December 2009, 10:13
Don't red ones go faster?? :msn-wink:

Its not true..... who have you been talking too???? we take the same amount of time as everyone else !!!!! its just a rumour dammit !!!!:rolleyes:

28th December 2009, 10:20
Fark, if I have to deal with another 40-50 something woman, who has cut her hair short and then played at dyeing it, usually red, then shoot me now.

Do you know the type I mean... sumings gone wrong... and they're fecking everywhere... grumpy moody, busybody be-arches. There could be plenty of reasons I guess, still aint figured it out though.

Nothing to much wrong with my one...

They probably just need some luvin:love:


She only really needs 3 things...
1) to be loved
2) to be told she is loved
3) to be told over n over n over n over.......

Its funny because exactly the same thing is said about middle aged kiwi males, especially bankers, accountants and office types who hit middle age and buy themsleves a Harley.

Or is it GET to middle age and buy themselves a Harley and then HIT......

I reckons some of them is a bit hawt...

Mine is and no she don't read my posts....

Mmmmm, red heads:devil2:
They be the naughtiest ones:msn-wink:

Auburn is in there too....

true...and dyeing your hair and wearing a short skirt has also proven a lot safer than buying a motorcycle and riding like a dickhead.:Pokey:

Not so safe for the banker types, who get to middle age and buy a Harley and ride by and get distracted by said short skirt, and hit....

28th December 2009, 10:32
Fark, if I have to deal with another 40-50 something woman, who has cut her hair short and then played at dyeing it, usually red, then shoot me now.

Do you know the type I mean... sumings gone wrong... and they're fecking everywhere... grumpy moody, busybody be-arches. There could be plenty of reasons I guess, still aint figured it out though.

Thats not a nice thing to say about CoffeeJunkie.....:Pokey:

Middle aged women are cool.....I love em!!!!

28th December 2009, 10:38
I think it is the control thing.
compounded with the fact that most middle aged kiwi males outside of work cant be bothered to do anything other then drink beer, drive or ride fast things, visit strip clubs and leear after 18 year old babes in mini skirts.
The Camel Toe thread is a good example.
Why not be grumpy etc when the males around you just want you as a serf.
The sad thing is when there is a real man out there who is not the common kiwi jerk, he cannot get that loving because of the steriotype his peers have created.
Thus we all get tarred with the same brush.
Males and females

28th December 2009, 11:18
Its because I sent lots of middle aged women a video of me at home chilling surfing kiwibiker (the laptop is infront of me), now they have lost hope in NZ men. Here the video t'is, I guess I dont look sexy in the video? Is it a bit much? :D

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/jKL-WvQDkbY&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/jKL-WvQDkbY&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

tri boy
28th December 2009, 11:18
The sad thing is when there is a real man out there who is not the common kiwi jerk, he cannot get that loving because of the steriotype his peers have created.

Feeling a bit unloved?
Try molasses on ya knackers, and head for the calf shed.:eek::crazy::o

28th December 2009, 11:34
photos or it didn't happen...

28th December 2009, 11:47
Those'll be the same cougars that complain they can't get the man of their dreams. Check them out on NZD - there's 100's of 'em

28th December 2009, 11:51
Those'll be the same cougars that complain they can't get the man of their dreams. Check them out on NZD - there's 100's of 'em

I know's it :shifty:

28th December 2009, 12:07
Feeling a bit unloved?
Try molasses on ya knackers, and head for the calf shed.:eek::crazy::o

na I just use a bit of golden syrup and head out the back yard to see skidmarks goat, I have it on his best authority that her tougne is soft, and she swallows!

28th December 2009, 12:22
She only really needs 3 things...
1) to be loved
2) to be told she is loved
3) to be told over n over n over n over.......

They don't ask for much do they, may aswell take the shirt from my back.
would think they be happy with having control of the money, and looking after the kids
whats up with the butch hair cut and dying it? next thing you know she wants to be on top.


28th December 2009, 12:40
They don't ask for much do they, next thing you know she wants to be on top.


Can't fault a woman who likes to work for her lov'n:msn-wink:

28th December 2009, 15:32
.........on top? Top of what?:msn-wink:

28th December 2009, 17:26
na I just use a bit of golden syrup and head out the back yard to see skidmarks goat, I have it on his best authority that her tougne is soft, and she swallows!

bullshit.just wait til they get REALLY thirsty,then they will suck anything for ages til they get a drink:sick:

James Deuce
28th December 2009, 17:36
"S funny you know. I showed my wife this thread and she said, "I know exactly what he means!"

28th December 2009, 17:48
Do you know the type I mean... sumings gone wrong... and they're fecking everywhere... grumpy moody, busybody be-arches. There could be plenty of reasons I guess, still aint figured it out though.

I speak on behalf of many "middle aged" New Zealand women when I tell you to go and fuck yourself, you small-minded misogynistic prick.

28th December 2009, 17:51
I just hate anyone over 30.

28th December 2009, 17:52
Hmm, got the Harley - now just need banker/accountant/office type job to complete the picture...:rolleyes:

But don't you do that in your job......charge for going in the red (line)....account for the target tally and do the paperwork....

James Deuce
28th December 2009, 18:00
Is anyone going to ask when I get out of Hospital?

28th December 2009, 18:41
Is anyone going to ask when I get out of Hospital?

Ok....so when are you going to get out of hospital...LOL

28th December 2009, 18:46
Fark, if I have to deal with another 40-50 something woman, who has cut her hair short and then played at dyeing it, usually red, then shoot me now.

Do you know the type I mean... sumings gone wrong... and they're fecking everywhere... grumpy moody, busybody be-arches. There could be plenty of reasons I guess, still aint figured it out though.

Whew then I am only half in that boat... I can't figure it out either... mind you on a bike short hair is easy... I end up with dreads by the end of a good ride.

28th December 2009, 18:47
Fark, if I have to deal with another 40-50 something woman, who has cut her hair short and then played at dyeing it, usually red, then shoot me now.

Do you know the type I mean... sumings gone wrong... and they're fecking everywhere... grumpy moody, busybody be-arches. There could be plenty of reasons I guess, still aint figured it out though.

..............A subtle reference to BRU?

28th December 2009, 18:54
They probably just need some luvin:love:


Or some McLuvin

28th December 2009, 19:00
Ok....so when are you going to get out of hospital...LOL

Was a middle aged Redhead involved JD?
Didnt even know ya had been commited mate, shit im slow on the goss!

28th December 2009, 19:33
Are we talking gingas or redheads?

I fit all what he said but i'm not 40/50 lol

28th December 2009, 19:49
Fark, if I have to deal with another 40-50 something woman, who has cut her hair short and then played at dyeing it, usually red, then shoot me now.

Do you know the type I mean... sumings gone wrong... and they're fecking everywhere... grumpy moody, busybody be-arches. There could be plenty of reasons I guess, still aint figured it out though.

Your not wrong Mate!

Menopauseal Monsters....... Best to avoid them at all costs.

Okey Dokey
28th December 2009, 20:06
I wonder what makes some middle aged women think they can style their hair however they bloody well like! What nerve! They should only be allowed long, undyed hair. Be-arches.

28th December 2009, 20:06
Your not wrong Mate!

Menopauseal Monsters....... Best to avoid them at all costs.

I must be doing it wrong... Mine's just got more absentminded and funnier... But then she hasn't started the dreaded menopause yet, seems to be putting it off for some reason...

28th December 2009, 20:23
I reckons some of them is a bit hawt...Oh yeah. Not nearly so hung up as the 30-40's LOL.


28th December 2009, 20:31
I wonder what makes some middle aged women think they can style their hair however they bloody well like! What nerve! They should only be allowed long, undyed hair. Be-arches.

Yeah damn them, long a flowing hair and floral dresses, thats what should be uniform. :niceone:

Dont get me wrong, its only a few ladies who look and act like little hitlers, just the "do" and the balls, sorry, attitude seems to be all over NZ. These ladies are usually getting on a bit too, so not under 45 ish. Maybe thats part of the prob.

28th December 2009, 21:01
But then she hasn't started the dreaded menopause yet, seems to be putting it off for some reason...

Mine too!

But then she isn't 40 for a wee while yet :msn-wink:

28th December 2009, 21:43
Shit fellas help me, my misses just cut her hair real short!

28th December 2009, 22:00
Mine too!

But then she isn't 40 for a wee while yet :msn-wink:

40... is not a menopause switch....

28th December 2009, 23:02
So I am a read head nearing middle age ... but I am french.
Should I reckon myself in this portrait?
Though I have shoulder length hair...?
Is there a gender problem in NZ?
I genuinely ask as I would like to come over. So what about the males so far?
I only have one example to think about but I really do think is not representative of NZ males (might be because is half german though:msn-wink:

28th December 2009, 23:10
So I am a read head nearing middle age ... but I am french.
Should I reckon myself in this portrait?
Though I have shoulder length hair...?
Is there a gender problem in NZ?
I genuinely ask as I would like to come over. So what about the males so far?
I only have one example to think about but I really do think is not representative of NZ males (might be because is half german though:msn-wink:

having spent a large amount of time in france,i would have to say you are in for an adjustment when you come over here.:whistle:

28th December 2009, 23:14
Wooow what do you mean?
you frighten me and make me curious to know more...
Do you have a lot of illusions though?
Somebody told me lies about this "marvelous world that is NZ" lol?
Serioulsy do tell me to avoid making a fool of myself too often...

28th December 2009, 23:15
Should I reckon myself in this portrait?

I reckon you should brush up on your English :bleh:

Kiwi men I'd imagine would be a bit less horny than the average Frenchman if I buy the stereotype.

28th December 2009, 23:20
All right no problem I am also here to improve my english and make it sound more "alive".
So what should I have said instead of "reckon"?

28th December 2009, 23:32
So what should I have said instead of "reckon"?


Yes. I think you should touch yourself in your portrait. It will make you sound more "alive", as you say.

28th December 2009, 23:52
Not often you see that combination. :whistle:

Like they say, what is the difference between a Red Head and a Terrorist? - you can negotiate with a terrorist.

What's the difference between a ginger pussy and a cricket ball? You can actually force yourself to eat a cricket ball.

29th December 2009, 01:29
Scotland has the most gingers out of anywhere in the world.

29th December 2009, 06:26
Somebody told me lies about this "marvelous world that is NZ" lol?

yes,they did...

29th December 2009, 06:45
Some nice diamonds or other sparkly gift will soon have her forget her worries. After all, who needs the money for a bike upgrade? :laugh:

29th December 2009, 06:49
So I am a read head nearing middle age ... but I am french.
Should I reckon myself in this portrait?
Though I have shoulder length hair...?
Is there a gender problem in NZ?
I genuinely ask as I would like to come over. So what about the males so far?
I only have one example to think about but I really do think is not representative of NZ males (might be because is half german though:msn-wink:

Being a French woman completely excludes you from this problem.
Google an image of Helen Clarke or Annette King.

Wooow what do you mean?
you frighten me and make me curious to know more...
Do you have a lot of illusions though?
Somebody told me lies about this "marvelous world that is NZ" lol?
Serioulsy do tell me to avoid making a fool of myself too often...

Kiwi men like to huddle together in large groups wearing little clothing.

All right no problem I am also here to improve my english and make it sound more "alive".
So what should I have said instead of "reckon"?

Your English is fine.
Kiwi commenting on someone's English skills - Stones meet glasshouse.

29th December 2009, 07:19
Wooow what do you mean?
you frighten me and make me curious to know more...
Do you have a lot of illusions though?
Somebody told me lies about this "marvelous world that is NZ" lol?
Serioulsy do tell me to avoid making a fool of myself too often...

there are a lot of differences.some good some not

dont be put off though,you can come here and practice your english!

We still have a wonderful country,especially on a motorcycle

29th December 2009, 07:30
40... is not a menopause switch....

Thank christ for that then.

29th December 2009, 08:45
Mine too!

But then she isn't 40 for a wee while yet :msn-wink:

Ah, mine's just into the 50's now. Trouble is she still looks 30's. Often gets mistaken for our grandson's Mum.