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Daisy Duke
4th May 2005, 14:22
I think this is the first post I've ever made here, and I'm doing it quickly before Biff gets back as I'm using his works PC. I don't think he ever does any work you know!

Here's my dilemma, and it’s a serious question so please excuse me if it sounds like I’m showing off:

My husband is trying to convince me to move to the US where I've just spent the last 4 months. I currently have a house in Christchurch, a lovely house in the hills overlooking the sea.

Kev (my husband) want us to buy a place in LA ( but keep our Christchurch home). LA is a busy, noisy place in my book. But great for shopping! :love:

What do I do? Do I put my foot down and tell Kev that I'm not moving? Should I move with him out there for a few years? Should I stay here and let him work in LA while I just tick over here without him?

Deep down I want to stay here with my friends. But my heart says follow my man. Help!

Paul in NZ
4th May 2005, 14:50
Leaving ChCh at some stage of your life is a must...

Go for it...

Paul N

4th May 2005, 15:04
Follow your heart.... Keep your place in chch if possible as it will give you a place to still call home if you need it. You can always return but may not have this opportunity in the future. Do what is right for you. :o

4th May 2005, 15:09
If you can afford it do both. Then you can be one of the lucky ones that never experiance winter again.

4th May 2005, 15:22
I'd have to say its your call, I dont know all the details, so you are the one who has to live with the decision. I'd hold on to your house here, that way you can cover your arse, and like Waylander says, dodge the crap weather :D

4th May 2005, 15:27
That's a tough one. Listen to your heart. Then flip a coin?

4th May 2005, 15:29
My husband is trying to convince me to move to the US where I've just spent the last 4 months. I currently have a house in Christchurch, a lovely house in the hills overlooking the sea.

Deep down I want to stay here with my friends. But my heart says follow my man. Help!

Dunno if this will help at all - but really I think you've got the answer already! I dare say you wouldn't have married him if you didn't mean to spend the rest of your life with him . . . . . correct?

4th May 2005, 15:30
Go for it , any move is reversable :Punk:

4th May 2005, 15:30
Go for it , any move is reversable :Punk:

And then you took the words right out of my mouth! (sing it baby)