View Full Version : Bike damaged - Parked in Mercer St bike park

9th February 2010, 16:03
My wife just got home. Not happy!! She parks her GSX-R 750 in the back row of the bike park in Mercer street and arrived there set for the ride home. Some C@#t has broken the mirror off and damaged some of the panels!!:angry2: Bikes parked on either side were the same ones that were there when parking in the morning so someone had to have a f#$%&^g good go at it trying to squeeze past to do this damage.

Of course no note or witnesses. Would love to know if anyone saw anything!.

Worse part is we are leaving for a SI tour on Friday and now need to source the part.

She is calmer than I am!

The Everlasting
9th February 2010, 16:06
That sucks!! There are some real low-lifes out there!!

9th February 2010, 16:09
Maybe it's the wind?
Earth quake?
The elf?

9th February 2010, 16:36
Yes. I would like to meet the "Elf"....

Str8 Jacket
9th February 2010, 16:38
Yes. I would like to meet the "Elf"....

Gimp would be more of an appropriate description me thinks.

That bike park is always full of scooter's being pushed into any hole that they can be pushed into.

9th February 2010, 16:40
Security Cameras on site?

9th February 2010, 16:43
Investigating this.

9th February 2010, 18:54
Bastards. If it's a Wilson's carpark, they wont give a rat's arse.

Try Wellington Motorcycles for a replacement mirror.

9th February 2010, 18:55
Only need one mirror to meet WOF standards.

9th February 2010, 18:57
Yes. I would like to meet the "Elf"....

Bad news about the damage.
Do trolls and elves not get on?

9th February 2010, 19:03
Called them earlier. $250 and needs to come ex Japan. Doh!

9th February 2010, 19:04
Bad news about the damage.
Do trolls and elves not get on?

It would seem not.

Str8 Jacket
9th February 2010, 19:06
Called them earlier. $250 and needs to come ex Japan. Doh!

Hey, I may be totally wrong but I am pretty sure that while I was in Red Baron TSS (Lower Hutt) I saw a GSXR1000 mirror in stock just last week while I was wasting time looking around. If they are generic it may be worth giving them a call. If I am wrong I owe you a chocolate fish... ;)

9th February 2010, 19:14
had the bikes either side sustained any damage?

9th February 2010, 19:22
Hey, I may be totally wrong but I am pretty sure that while I was in Red Baron TSS (Lower Hutt) I saw a GSXR1000 mirror in stock just last week while I was wasting time looking around. If they are generic it may be worth giving them a call. If I am wrong I owe you a chocolate fish... ;)

Thanks. I will check it out. If it works out, I owe you a chocolate fish!

9th February 2010, 19:22
Hey, I may be totally wrong but I am pretty sure that while I was in Red Baron TSS (Lower Hutt) I saw a GSXR1000 mirror in stock just last week while I was wasting time looking around. If they are generic it may be worth giving them a call. If I am wrong I owe you a chocolate fish... ;)

Thanks. I will check it out. If it works out, I owe you a chocolate fish!

9th February 2010, 19:24
had the bikes either side sustained any damage?

Not that she could tell. It is a bike with a lot of character shall we say.

9th February 2010, 19:32
My wife just got home. Not happy!! She parks her GSX-R 750 in the back row of the bike park in Mercer street and arrived there set for the ride home. Some C@#t has broken the mirror off and damaged some of the panels!!:angry2: Bikes parked on either side were the same ones that were there when parking in the morning so someone had to have a f#$%&^g good go at it trying to squeeze past to do this damage.

Of course no note or witnesses. Would love to know if anyone saw anything!.

Worse part is we are leaving for a SI tour on Friday and now need to source the part.

She is calmer than I am!

That really stinks. I feel for you guys and hope you can get the necessary bits you need to persue your holiday

9th February 2010, 19:40
Called them earlier. $250 and needs to come ex Japan. Doh!Likely you can get something aftermarket to get you by.

Sorry to hear about that. Very upsetting I am sure.


9th February 2010, 20:41
Likely you can get something aftermarket to get you by.

Yeah, what he said.

Or two so they match.

9th February 2010, 22:07
Sorry to hear that.

I always park in the front row of that bikepark and close to another bike bike to prevent those bloody scooter riders wedging the crap things in tight gaps.

Anyway, looking more and more like that bikepark is going bye-byes anyway.......

9th February 2010, 22:52
Yes. I would like to meet the "Elf"....

I'm sorry for the bike but this is funny

10th February 2010, 09:49
I park in that park too. Yesterday I returned to my bike to find the one next to it with the handlebar resting on my bike's tank. Fortunately it had a rubber handle bar grip with a rubber end (bicycle style) - so no damage. I think someone from the back row of the park may have shoved the other bike into mine to get past.

Last year I had another bike blow over into mine in that park (watch out for Hyosungs that stand vertical, instead of leaning onto their side stands). And two years ago had a car knock my old bike over.....

10th February 2010, 11:00
Hey, I may be totally wrong but I am pretty sure that while I was in Red Baron TSS (Lower Hutt) I saw a GSXR1000 mirror in stock just last week while I was wasting time looking around. If they are generic it may be worth giving them a call. If I am wrong I owe you a chocolate fish... ;)

or has anyone got bryce's number at buckets n' bits? reckon he's g'teed to have summit that would wk 4 ya

or...if u r in at tss, and they can't help u, ivan or stu should b able 2 find bryce's # 4u

10th February 2010, 12:22
Thanks all. Have sourced a part through bits4bikes.co.nz

Yes that park is getting very tight but as said will be gone shortly. I park at the other end of town but even these are filling up.

10th February 2010, 17:31
What a Bummer Mate - it would be great to get CCTV on this one........you'd think the Council would be wanting to expand these parks to reduce car usage, but hey, that could be too revolutionary......

10th February 2010, 17:38
you'd think the Council would be wanting to expand these parks to reduce car usage, but hey, that could be too revolutionary......

Does the council charge for bikes?? Auckland CC don't charge for bikes, so make no revenue from them.

It's all about the green.....