View Full Version : Cigarettes, alcohol and motorcycles

13th February 2010, 09:26
The common link between cigarettes, alcohol and motorcycles, from a government point of view that is, the first two are bad habits and the last, fast becoming one, and they must be eventually be curtailed, they have sought to raise duty and taxes upon these and other things to the advantage of the tax take, believing that the sheer cost of such folly will effect compliance to their will at some stage, motorcycles are the next on the list it seems, The figures they have to substantiate their desired acc hike’s are way less than factual, I know your surprised by that, and the rhetoric being used to sell this to the non riders is high quality spin, sure there has to be increases some say, just like there should be more government openness regarding expenditure, if we were privy to the amounts lost or wasted and spent on oppression, the latter comes in many forms, no need for expansion at this stage, then we might not be able to rise from our couches for the shock of it. There’s plenty to claw back in this area, more than enough to drive this economy into blue skies, all that’s needed is to be told and shown the truth and for us to decide if what their up to, best suits our cause, In a way we purchase a service from the government, they exist to drive our bus, not to own it nor take it where they please nor sell parts off to their mates.

A persons will is just that, if you wish to smoke, then please let it not impact upon me, a drink I would share with you gladly, and I would give much to see you ride free from this intended malice, for make no mistake that’s what it is, we have heard only the odd sound of thunder in the distance to date, the storm is coming and not just for motorcyclists.

All is not lost however, there remains to us a valid tool, one that through out the ages has been employed by many to bring about change, a simple concept, all that’s needed is a little passion, I talk of numbers, and the gathering of them in the face of injustice, simple really, many good men and women have gathered and have fallen in the process so that we might have the power to object, sadly these days people in our own country are scared to speak out, it’s a matter of choice really own the right to ride free from discrimination and financial malice once more, or sell it with silence and apathy Like we have with so many of our lost treasures and liberties.

And no these days I don’t ride, but I haven’t forgotten what it feels like, I remember you use more balance riding a bike than that shown in the decisions making processes in the political and justice systems of late.

Did that bus just loose traction?


13th February 2010, 09:48
To quote Charlton Heston: ".....out of my cold,dead hand"

13th February 2010, 09:50
The common link between cigarettes, alcohol and motorcycles, from a government point of view that is, the first two are bad habits and the last, fast becoming one, and they must be eventually be curtailed,

Nope - with the first two, the Government take Billions of dollars of Excise and Duty (and GST *ahem*) off them. Sure, they'll make the noises and throw some token cash at getting people to quit - in reality they aren't interested.

They've just figured that they can take big sums off motorcyclists too. Despite all the gnashing of teeth and bravado ("I'll ride with no rego") on here, they know full well that most people will just take it up the arse when they hike the fees.

And if anybody thinks Phool Goof was truthful when he said he'd drop the ACC levies, then you're dumber than you look. Goof will damn the GST increase but if he's ever PM, forget about it being dropped. (remember he was part of the govt that raised it to 12.5% when there was a promise that it would not go over 10%).

If anybody think politicians (any colour) are there for anybody but themselves, their "whanau" and their mates, you're dreaming. It's the same fucking clowns with a different colour mask on.

13th February 2010, 09:53
To quote Charlton Heston: ".....out of my cold,dead hand"

Yeah, but where's he now?

13th February 2010, 10:07
my point exactly, well said mully


13th February 2010, 10:29
Some things never change...