View Full Version : Gladys has a retard for an owner

27th February 2010, 19:25
I can't believe I've dropped my bike again today.

Tired from a full day of riding in this magnificent weather we've been having. (thats me trying to make a plausible excuse for my stupidity) I decided after a little doze on the couch that I should give my baby a good bath before the sun goes down.
Hopped on, side stand up...... roll her backwards. went to lean her back onto the stand without even putting it back down..... goddamn.:blink: After she leans over to the point of no return I try to land her as gently as possible "Crack" clutch lever bends and snaps off at the end. Thankfully that appears to be the only damage done. Still works! Will have it replaced next service interval.

What suprised me the most is that I managed to get her back upright all on my own. After some serious heaving. Whats that.... about 190kgs? thankfully the tank was almost empty.

27th February 2010, 19:28
Ya Wally! .

27th February 2010, 19:31
Bugger. Glad the damage was minimal. With picking up the bike, there's a few vids on youtube so here's just one example, but this should save you from having to heave the bike up if it ever happens again (which hopefully won't happen!)

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/1sP3cqKbOEs&hl=en_GB&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/1sP3cqKbOEs&hl=en_GB&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

27th February 2010, 19:33
ya knob....are you blonde. glad to read you gave it the gentle lay down. sorry it broke a bit. I've had to lay my Little Beast down twice...couple of scratches. It truely saddens you doesn't it?????

27th February 2010, 19:36

Big Dave
27th February 2010, 19:36
but this should save you from having to heave the bike up if it ever happens again

What if he's not fat?

27th February 2010, 19:39
BTW...retards are cute

27th February 2010, 19:43
What if he's not fat?

Hahaha..... I was waiting for someone to say that. Big Dave, you ne'er disappoint :laugh:

27th February 2010, 19:45
BTW...retards are cute

Only if your their mother!

27th February 2010, 19:50
It truely saddens you doesn't it?????
I was gutted ! After a good cursing and abusing myself outloud I felt much better thanks. I just hope the neighbours weren't around to hear it. :shutup:

27th February 2010, 19:57
I was gutted ! After a good cursing and abusing myself outloud I felt much better thanks. I just hope the neighbours weren't around to hear it. :shutup:

who cares about the niehgbours...the poor bike

27th February 2010, 20:00
and you want to learn how to do wheelies??!!

the mind boggles

27th February 2010, 20:04
Dont be so hard on yourself it could happen to any one. Did something similar myself. Had only had the Bandit for a week. Was coming back over the Kaimi's and busting for a piss so pulled into the Raparapa rest area at the bottom on eastern side. Pulled up onto the grass out of the way, put stand down ,Helmet off, jumped off took two steps , crunch, yip grass was a bit soft bike now laying on its side with bits and pieces scattered around it and helmet under it. No time to do anything other than swear had more pressing matters to deal to. After relieving the pressure picked the bike up and asess the damage. That piss cost me a Helmet and one indicator, high price just for a piss I thought. Needless to say I learnt a couple of lessons that day.

27th February 2010, 20:08
This has to be the cheapest lesson ever and also an opportunity to upgrade you levers to Pazzos or something more fancy than the stock ones.

Unfortunately I have done the same (once only) :o

27th February 2010, 20:08
and you want to learn how to do wheelies??!!

the mind boggles

Yes I do....but not on my bike.

would get an old shitter that does not care if it gets a scratch or 20! did get a few in when I was younger, I'm sure i'd be up there in no time.

and minds boggling!!!....they should be otherwise life would be ever so boring!

27th February 2010, 20:11
Yes I do....but not on my bike.

would get an old shitter that does not care if it gets a scratch or 20! did get a few in when I was younger, I'm sure i'd be up there in no time.

and minds boggling!!!....they should be otherwise life would be ever so boring!

sorry genie, i wuz talking 'bout mattian :lol:

refer this thread!

27th February 2010, 20:13
sorry genie, i wuz talking 'bout mattian :lol:

refer his thread earlier today!

and here is my post from oh, about 3 minutes ago


27th February 2010, 20:18
went to lean her back onto the stand without even putting it back down.....Did the same thing myself. :weird:

What suprised me the most is that I managed to get her back upright all on my own. After some serious heaving. Whats that.... about 190kgs? thankfully the tank was almost empty.You'll fuck your back doing that, and then you'll be really sorry. :niceone:


27th February 2010, 20:19
and you want to learn how to do wheelies??!!

the mind boggles
yup. You will be pleased to know I've nearly mastered them too. Without any mishaps whatsoever. I just need to remember to put the sidestand down when finished :lol:

27th February 2010, 20:21
Did the same thing myself. :weird:

You'll fuck your back doing that, and then you'll be really sorry. :niceone:


I'm a late 70's early 80's child, brought up with the wisdom of Len Rings philosophy "don't use your back like a crane"

Creeping Death
27th February 2010, 20:26
Have done it twice myself,both times a GSXR1100M...

Stopped at the Westpac ATM,too lazy to get off so leaned over to put my card in,leaned over too far d'oh!One indicator and a bent brake lever.

They are so much easier to pick up when a queue starts to form.

2nd one,doing a U-turn on a downgrade,dumped it in the middle of the road,shame coz all the cars I had overtaken were like a minute away,got it up and pretended I was taking photos when they passed haha!

27th February 2010, 20:27
I looked at your profile to see if you were a chick....

27th February 2010, 20:36
I looked at your profile to see if you were a chick....

You have to look at peoples online profiles to find out if they're male or female? I just had to ask your mum politely and she was more than happy to show me her vagina.

And besides, you come from Wanganui where over half the woman look like dudes. I understand your confusion :lol:

27th February 2010, 20:38
You have to look at people profiles online to find out if they're male or female? I just had to ask your mum politely and she was more than happy to show me her vagina.


I'm convinced your a chick.

A nasty one.:shit:

27th February 2010, 20:41
ya knob....are you blonde. glad to read you gave it the gentle lay down. sorry it broke a bit. I've had to lay my Little Beast down twice...couple of scratches. It truely saddens you doesn't it?????

Only if it's a bike of some worth.

27th February 2010, 20:42
You have to look at peoples online profiles to find out if they're male or female? I just had to ask your mum politely and she was more than happy to show me her vagina.


27th February 2010, 20:52

If you insist

27th February 2010, 21:12
If you insist

Mod's, mod's, mod's!!!
Where are the mod's when you need them???????

He's gone and posted a picture of Patrick's face!


28th February 2010, 07:03
Thankyou to all of you who have admitted to doing the same thing. Makes me feel much better to know that I'm not the only one :innocent:

Big Dave
28th February 2010, 10:29
Hahaha..... I was waiting for someone to say that. Big Dave, you ne'er disappoint :laugh:

They reckon there are no new jokes, so we just hasta recycle!

28th February 2010, 10:49
Bugger. Glad the damage was minimal. With picking up the bike, there's a few vids on youtube so here's just one example, but this should save you from having to heave the bike up if it ever happens again (which hopefully won't happen!)

Yo dawg, she just looks like an Olympic heavyweight lifting champion!

28th February 2010, 11:39
Yo dawg, she just looks like an Olympic heavyweight lifting champion!

LOL... is this one better for you guys?

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/c6HTs9x3xBE&hl=en_GB&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/c6HTs9x3xBE&hl=en_GB&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Big Dave
28th February 2010, 14:25
Fortunately I've never had to worry about technique. I can still get both wheels of a new Bonneville off the ground lifting it off the side stand. Big is good, except for racing and lap times :-(

28th February 2010, 16:04
Little bit hard to do that method when the thing is sitting on top of you

Big Dave
28th February 2010, 16:06
Woman or bike?

1st March 2010, 11:16
Little bit hard to do that method when the thing is sitting on top of you

You haven't lived until you have crashed a Harley on your parents driveway,it has ended on top of ya, and ya dear old mum has to run down the hill and throw the bike off her poor son....

Big Dave
1st March 2010, 15:47
I dropped my Bonneville in the driveway at work years ago - just as the Boss walked out the front door.
In 1978 Western Australia riding back from the Pub at lunchtime was a challenge, not a crime.