View Full Version : Who else is doing the Grand Challenge this year?

7th March 2010, 20:25
Last time for me was 2003 but was keen to see how well the Triple (and a 62 year old rider) would handle it. Got my acceptance for a 3.03 pm start from Lee a couple of days ago, along with 4 riding partners (3 of whom are newcomers which is great). Still working on KBer Freebird to have a crack.

Who else has entered?

7th March 2010, 20:31
pleaase refresh my memory..........is that the 1000 miles in 24 hour thing...........rusty nuts???

7th March 2010, 20:32
Yep. Same start time.

7th March 2010, 20:47
just checked it out on RN site.............im keen.........last did it in 92

7th March 2010, 21:40
Still haven't sent my entry in but will back for #9.

8th March 2010, 11:55
Great that there will be a number of KB'ers on the run. In Lee's Rusty Nuts newsletter, he was a bit concerned that the regulars were getting a bit long in the tooth and combined with a low number of new ones coming in to replace them, next year may possibly be the last.

That will be a shame in many ways as it provides a great mental and physical challenge as well as a means of sharpening skills over a wide range of conditions. I'll cheerfully admit that my skills and whole motorcycling outlook have benefited as a result of taking part in GC's and the Southern Cross.

8th March 2010, 17:59
Last time for me was 2003

Last time for me was about 94ish, might consider it depending on how things go in the next few months

8th March 2010, 20:12
I understand its not untill october am I right? Never heard of it but sounds a bit like a challenge far to good to pass up!

8th March 2010, 20:18
Last time for me was about 94ish, might consider it depending on how things go in the next few months

on the MHR?,Queenstown to Picton with a stop in chc for oil change was enough for me...

8th March 2010, 20:30
on the MHR?,Queenstown to Picton with a stop in chc for oil change was enough for me...

Did it the Grand Challenge twice on a Darmah, Picton/Rangiora return on the MHR was a easy day only need to do another 1000km on top of that :lol:

8th March 2010, 20:57
i just heard about this the other day, is there a link to a site with info ect??
i think i'd be quite keen to do it

8th March 2010, 21:00
i just heard about this the other day, is there a link to a site with info ect??
i think i'd be quite keen to do it


mmm Lee's last email suggested 25 years might be "it" ... that might get me out again . .dunno .. might be busy this year again :(

8th March 2010, 21:00

8th March 2010, 21:01

oh .. the 25th is 2011? so I have another year if I can't make it this year!

8th March 2010, 21:02
Yep, hope they don't stop 'em but the 25th will be my 10th so at least I'll get me mug...

8th March 2010, 21:48
Mr and Mrs Hitcher shall be there.

8th March 2010, 23:27
haven't booked yet (always end up booking closer to the time), but since my first in 2008, I'll be back for my 3rd, then 4th (long weekend) and hopefully a 5th and so on!

9th March 2010, 06:18
Mr and Mrs Hitcher shall be there.

T'will be good to meet you at long last! If you run into Freebird in Wellington (metallic red Blackbird), put the hard word on him. I'm twisting his arm too.

9th March 2010, 06:54
I'm still hopefull to give it a crack for #3 just did a Nth Isld tour & for my " GC practice run " did Paihia to Wgtn in @11hrs with a total of 950km felt alright after it

9th March 2010, 09:46
I'd be keen to do the Grand Challenge one day, but to do so on the SV1000 would only result in me requiring a leg and arse amuptaion at the finish line.

Perhaps once I can afford to own a Goldwing as a second bike.

9th March 2010, 12:08
I'd be keen to do the Grand Challenge one day, but to do so on the SV1000 would only result in me requiring a leg and arse amuptaion at the finish line.

Perhaps once I can afford to own a Goldwing as a second bike.

Bollocks! On the 2003 GC, a woman completed it on an SV1000. The only concession she made was a sheepskin.

Oh, and a friend from Lower Hutt has done it a few times on his MV. Well 'ard, he is!

10th March 2010, 18:53
I'm still hopefull to give it a crack for #3 just did a Nth Isld tour & for my " GC practice run " did Paihia to Wgtn in @11hrs with a total of 950km felt alright after it

You lucky bastard...:laugh:

I have always wanted to do it... Fingers crossed its still on in 2-3 years...

11th March 2010, 06:24
You lucky bastard...:laugh:
Fingers crossed its still on in 2-3 years...

If not we'll do the South Island instead :yes::yes::yes::yes::yes:

11th March 2010, 07:02
I'd be keen to do the Grand Challenge one day, but to do so on the SV1000 would only result in me requiring a leg and arse amuptaion at the finish line.

Perhaps once I can afford to own a Goldwing as a second bike.

I did it last year and honestly.. it was tough but wasnt as hard as I had thought it would be. Its all about just maintaining pace.

Fantastic just riding .. and riding and riding. Get quite good at wet road riding after you been doing it for 18 hours striaght too!

Ill be back this year for another go.

Ill be back this year for another crack.

11th March 2010, 07:20
Would LOVE to do it again - especially after being on a 40 km long island for 2 years, so 2011 here I come - unless I'm doing Route 66 then.....

11th March 2010, 07:53
I did it last year and honestly.. it was tough but wasnt as hard as I had thought it would be. Its all about just maintaining pace.

Yep, pace is the key. First time we did it, we took 2 long breaks which was a big mistake as we'd stiffened up and got tired during those breaks. Much easier on subsequent GC's(at least for us) to check in, get some gas, quick rehydration and a snack and get away again (say) 15 minutes or so per stop.

How hard the ride is really depends on conditions. The first one we did in '96 was in a real gale for most of the ride with horizontal rain. That was a mental killer as well as a physical one.

At 62, I'm 7 years older since the last time I did it and on a naked bike too - that's the challenge for me this year!

11th March 2010, 09:43
yeah i agree blackbird..............you dont wanna stop for too long.............gets hard to climb back on the bike...........as for pace.....dont think you need to go that hard......just keep goin.........some geezer did it on a mini gp type bike last time i did it................bike was maybe 18 inchs high at best...........mad prick

11th March 2010, 10:51
you dont need to go quick no.. we sat on 100-120 most of the time.. its just about consistant pace rather than outright speed.

11th March 2010, 14:22
as for pace.....dont think you need to go that hard......just keep goin.........some geezer did it on a mini gp type bike last time i did it................bike was maybe 18 inchs high at best...........mad prick
Wonder if it was a Suzuki RG50? There was a guy from the Waikato who did it as a training run for the Southern Cross, then successfully did the 'Cross on it in 2003!

you dont need to go quick no.. we sat on 100-120 most of the time.. its just about consistant pace rather than outright speed.

That's spot on. I think it was in 1999, some guys on 'blades and R1's turned up and very quickly buggered off into the distance at a great rate of knots. They pulled out in the middle of the night as they'd worn themselves out.

Lee Hurley is absolutely right when he says the battle is as much in your head as it is a physical challenge.(Maybe even more so). I've never regularly worked shifts and I find that from around 2-5 am when my body is trying to shut down, I don't get tired but I do get quite apprehensive. As soon as it gets daylight, I'm ok again.

11th March 2010, 14:48
I kinda wonder if I would actually enjoy the experience. I have no problem with riding long hours, even pre-dawn to post-dusk with only the necesary stops but the idea of riding through the period that I'd normally be sleeping kinda puts me off, more so due to the fact it's in winter when lack of concetration is dangerous enough at the best of times. I know it's meant to be a challenge, but I somehow fail to see the point in this one.

I think I'd rather book in for a couple of days riding down south to be quite honest.

11th March 2010, 14:56
I kinda wonder if I would actually enjoy the experience.

In some respects, I wonder why I do it too. The trigger was reading a story in the mid-90's by a motorcycling journo who did it. He was hallucinating with pain (forget what sort of bike) and ended up kipping by the roadside and missing the deadline. I thought something like that could be quite a good physical and mental challenge, mentioned it to 2 or 3 mates and by then, it was too late to back out without losing face. Boiling it down, I guess it's stepping outside your comfort zone, just like bungee jumping, white water kayaking or even changing jobs etc - it's stimulating.

11th March 2010, 14:57
2008 there was a few guys that pulled out in the early morning cause they figured they weren't going to finish within the 24hrs so rang Lee then buggered off home, one guy decided he to wasn't going to make the 24hrs,but carried on anyway, come sunrise he had a second wind gave the bandit some juice & got to Turangi with 10minutes to spare...

11th March 2010, 15:04
In some respects, I wonder why I do it too.

You might still be wondering when it's 4am and your riding the STriple this time instead of the Blackbird :cold:

11th March 2010, 15:06
That's exactly why I'm doing it, f*ckwit that I am. Being born English probably contributes too:shifty:

11th March 2010, 16:38
Would LOVE to do it again - especially after being on a 40 km long island for 2 years, so 2011 here I come - unless I'm doing Route 66 ten.....

You could do 40 lengths...or 10 times round the outside, round the outside!

you dont need to go quick no.. .

He said as he disappeared into the sunset!!

I kinda wonder if I would actually enjoy the experience. I have no problem with riding long hours, even pre-dawn to post-dusk with only the necesary stops but the idea of riding through the period that I'd normally be sleeping kinda puts me off, more so due to the fact it's in winter when lack of concetration is dangerous enough at the best of times. I know it's meant to be a challenge, but I somehow fail to see the point in this one.

I think I'd rather book in for a couple of days riding down south to be quite honest.

You do not like it so you say!
Try it, try it and you may!
Try it and you may I say......

11th March 2010, 17:25
At 62, I'm 7 years older since the last time I did it and on a naked bike too - that's the challenge for me this year!

I completed last year's on the Shiver, no worries! And the weather was pretty crap too for the most part.

11th March 2010, 18:07
I completed last year's on the Shiver, no worries! And the weather was pretty crap too for the most part.

Thanks Brett..... so there's just the age to fret about then:shutup:

Just out of curiosity, how did you find the naked Shiver compared with the faired FJR in terms of fatigue? Although I've only done a 700 km day since having the Striple, I think on balance that the riding position makes it marginally more comfortable for long hauls than the Blackbird; principally because of reduced load on the wrists. Mind you, I haven't ridden a decent distance in really crap weather yet.

12th March 2010, 00:15
He said as he disappeared into the sunset!!

ok.. I said 'need' to.. doesnt take away the 'want to'

I admit to maybe excedding the speed limit a couple of times..

Funny thing is.. Meanie is much more responible and it didnt take him long to catch up.

4th July 2010, 20:29
Just to dredge up a thread.

Just got my confirmation the other day Group 5, a 3:12pm depature.

Be gentle on me, I am a GC virgin:innocent: that will be lookiing for more advise in the near future

4th July 2010, 20:44
well. The only advise I can give you is to take your time ,, (you actually have plenty of it!). If you wanna stop... then stop. Its amazing how much 5 mins on the side of the road can refresh you.

I did it in just under 21 hours last year and I stopped 18 times. Just keep a good pace rather than going nuts on it and wearing yourself out.

Oh.. and nap on sat arvo!

5th July 2010, 01:28
Get up late on saturday... on the ride, keep yourself warm, fed, watered. Go to the toilet at each fuel stop (much better than getting all geared up then needing to stop 5 min down the road).

Enjoy! :ride:

5th July 2010, 07:35
Will be my first too. :ride:

5th July 2010, 17:56
Will be my first too.

You will remember every km of your first GC.

Mrs H and I will be there again this year for our 5th and 6th GCs respectively.

5th July 2010, 19:12
Will be my first too. :ride:

Nice. At least I know there will be one other, and a familiar face no less:yes:

5th July 2010, 19:21
After much stuffing around (just like me on the GC) my entry is in the post...

5th July 2010, 19:39
Cant find where the start is and where the finish is. Or the route. Anyone know?

5th July 2010, 19:42
Nice. At least I know there will be one other, and a familiar face no less:yes:
Normally a third of entrants each year are GC virgins.

Cant find where the start is and where the finish is. Or the route. Anyone know?
Based (and starts and finishes) in Turangi. Route is unknown until late on Friday night (event starts Saturday afternoon). Expect it to be a pick of the best sealed goat tracks of the North Island.

Should get around to actually filling in my entry...

5th July 2010, 19:57
Based (and starts and finishes) in Turangi.

Cool. Only 2 hours ride from Napier. Plan would be to ride up, ride the ride and ride home. Or is there a good party after worth staying for?

5th July 2010, 20:51
Or is there a good party after worth staying for?

ROFLcopter! Spoken like a true nube.

5th July 2010, 21:08
ROFLcopter! Spoken like a true nube.

Your help was useless.

6th July 2010, 01:46
they provide a feed after, normally sit around talking Shit, swapping stories. The average virgin goes straight to bed. You've usually ridden for 20 or more hours continuously, it isn't auckland to wellington, and usually rains for the massive majority of the ride.

6th July 2010, 07:31
they provide a feed after, normally sit around talking Shit, swapping stories. The average virgin goes straight to bed. You've usually ridden for 20 or more hours continuously, it isn't auckland to wellington, and usually rains for the massive majority of the ride.

Cheers Gremlin! (See Hitcher. That was all it took to please me.)

So it is back home to Napier then, no need to hang around after the feed.

6th July 2010, 12:31
entry sent in this am, first timer so will soak up all advice.

7th July 2010, 01:37
I would recommend newbies to long distance riding take the safer option and stay there Sunday night (if not Friday night as well). Until you have done it, you don't really have any idea how tired you are after the event. I told a newbie riding with us last year, watch, do some basic math at the beginning and then the end (things like calculating how many hours, how many km per hour roughly etc) He laughed. At the end of the event, he believed me. You really are that tired.

Last couple of years (when I started doing it), it was back roads through Porongahau, Wimbledon, then last year, the Paraparas, in the dead of the night, pissing with rain. Do not expect to do Auckland to Wellington down SH1 a couple of times. If a main route is part of the ride, expect the rest to decimate your average speed, being tight, twisty etc.

Know your bike (I get it checked over before the event, and explain what I am doing ride wise - the scrutineers will even have ball bearing turntables to check the bikes), trust your tyres (I prefer having just scrubbed tyres, maybe the weekend before, so I know they are balanced and they have maximum grooves) and know how to ride at night (sounds obvious, but I have seen it before). Coming from Auckland, we do about 2500km over the weekend (ride + commute) so it isn't a small amount.

Also think seriously about prep rides. The Ulysses will probably run a 500 miler again this year (was good last year) in the lead up, and I also head out on night rides around the Coro loop etc. Spare headlight bulb is handy, I had my low beam blow at 11.30pm during the GC 2009. Luckily its quick and easy to change and Te Kuiti was only 15 min away!

16th July 2010, 13:13
got my entry back today, start time for me is 3.12pm.. looking forward to it!

16th July 2010, 18:00
got my entry back today, start time for me is 3.12pm.. looking forward to it!

Group 5 for me too! :scooter:

26th July 2010, 19:23

26th July 2010, 19:34

Nice, but no pictures of a sensational neutron silver Connie...

23rd August 2010, 20:40
start time 3;06 doing it no the GN again.was on time to finish in sided 20hr before the stater went ,so try to do it under 20 this time,missed last year due to work .a torch is good to take ,i had a spear bolb but no power so rode 1\2 desert rd to rotorua with it before the sun came up.the best thing i do is drink ,i take two camel packs and change at 500 miles so i do,nt drink it all at the start and end up stopping every 5 min the last 1\2 .i do,nt do any pre runs .last time i rode the GN to Levin and back 70ks or so .three years ago i did it on the TL and it was the first time on the bike in about three mouth. i stay friday so well rested and dieing to go for a ride by 3;00.the worsed thing i ever did was stop to long at 5am ,the next year i had an hour sleep at 5am wake up and finish feeling good.now your fuel range and plan [write it down ]so you do,nt have to thick on the ride.see ya their

8th September 2010, 02:20
Group 5 for me too! :scooter:
righto, keep that fat tank outta my way :innocent:

Group 5 for me as well (just got me starters ticket). If I remember rightly, I was 5 or 6 last year, colours for either side were up, but not mine, bit of confusion, then fuck it, we're off.

This is the first year I will do it solo, last 2 I did it with my boss.

8th September 2010, 09:10
and I taught you were gonna allow me to hang around :p

I'm waiting for my ticket to arrive :D

8th September 2010, 09:24
I'm using the GC as a build up to TT2000 next year, to know fuel range etc. If you have a 350+ range... :D also the mental loneliness of 20 odd hours

8th September 2010, 09:50
350+ range - show off :p

p.s. I'mma get me a ST1300 one day and show you whats what :p

11th September 2010, 16:39
Am going to be able to make it again this year. Who else is in? KoroJ? Mr Hitcher? xgnr?

12th September 2010, 20:38
I'm using the GC as a build up to TT2000 next year, to know fuel range etc. If you have a 350+ range... :D also the mental loneliness of 20 odd hours

Don't you mean 40 hours for your diamond attempt. 20 odd is just one GC...you're looking at two!

350+ range - show off :p

p.s. I'mma get me a ST1300 one day and show you whats what :p

Aye....500+Kms does tend to make route planning easy.....doesn't do a lot for the butt but!

Am going to be able to make it again this year. Who else is in? KoroJ? Mr Hitcher? xgnr?

But of course!

12th September 2010, 21:49
Am going to be able to make it again this year. Who else is in? KoroJ? Mr Hitcher? xgnr?

Yes indeedy. No 6 this year. Four more to the mug.

12th September 2010, 22:14
Yes indeedy. No 6 this year. Four more to the mug.
With respect some people would say you already are one!:shifty:

12th September 2010, 22:31
righto, keep that fat tank outta my way :innocent:

Group 5 for me as well (just got me starters ticket). If I remember rightly, I was 5 or 6 last year, colours for either side were up, but not mine, bit of confusion, then fuck it, we're off.

This is the first year I will do it solo, last 2 I did it with my boss.
What, no Felix this year?

12th September 2010, 23:51
Don't you mean 40 hours for your diamond attempt. 20 odd is just one GC...you're looking at two!
Yeah, but the GC is a good build up (wonder who has called a GC a build up ride?) for the TT. Need to know the GC is relatively straightforward, mentally cope etc. If I struggle then I know I either to work a lot harder or give up the idea :D also, setting my own pace is crucial for fuel consumption. Following others I get better consumption, probably because the pace is a bit slower.

What, no Felix this year?
Yeah, probably not. Friend borrowed the blackbird and put a few scrapes in her from gravel on road. Hasn't got around to fixing, using it as a bit of an excuse, but also not riding nearly as much as he used to, ie, very little :no: Would have been his 5th too!

22nd September 2010, 23:37
Right, I got my confirmation too finally :)

Grpup 6, 3:15. :wings:

29th September 2010, 20:32
Ok those who are experienced, This is starting to creep closser and figured I should make sure I am all sorted (or at least have every plan to be).

Biggest thing that worries me is the route planning side of the event. Now I dont own a GPS so count that out (personally I hate the things), and was planning on marking the route out using my North Island Kiwimaps book, I cant see any problem with this, but if someone has any other advise I will consider it.

The other thing is fuel. I have been to believe at times we can be in some pretty out of the way places. My main worry is it being the middle of the night (probally raining an blowing a gale knowing my luck) and rolling into some little hick village to find the only gas sation for the next 200km closed. Now the S3 has not to bad a range, normally try and fill at about 250km but can oush that out closer to 300km.

Is the ride set generally past good 24hr servos?

Man I just dont like not seeing this route till the night before. I like to plan. Even if things dont go to plan I like to know there was one to start with.

All advise apreciated

29th September 2010, 20:40
I've done 7 out of 8 of my GC's without a GPS (got that sorted out now) and what I used to do was take a photocopy of a decent map and draw the route onto it - there will be a large map up at the GC HQ and the instructions are pretty good. I have also used cheat notes stuffed into the glovebox (maybe a tankbag would be a good idea) with really simple instructions like right at xyz road, left at SH?? A quick read at stops to remind you of what's coming up is also a good idea.

The instructions also may give some info on fuel although this is not normally an issue - just have a good think went working out your route. You should be able to work out rough fuel stops by looking at the distances between reasonable sized towns. Even so, some carry spare fuel (esp on smaller range bikes - funny that).

PS: got lost a few times on the ride - it just adds a few more miles and is all part of it...:scooter:

29th September 2010, 20:45
Ok those who are experienced, This is starting to creep closser and figured I should make sure I am all sorted (or at least have every plan to be).

Biggest thing that worries me is the route planning side of the event. Now I dont own a GPS so count that out (personally I hate the things), and was planning on marking the route out using my North Island Kiwimaps book, I cant see any problem with this, but if someone has any other advise I will consider it.

The other thing is fuel. I have been to believe at times we can be in some pretty out of the way places. My main worry is it being the middle of the night (probally raining an blowing a gale knowing my luck) and rolling into some little hick village to find the only gas sation for the next 200km closed. Now the S3 has not to bad a range, normally try and fill at about 250km but can oush that out closer to 300km.

Is the ride set generally past good 24hr servos?

Man I just dont like not seeing this route till the night before. I like to plan. Even if things dont go to plan I like to know there was one to start with.

All advise apreciated

24-hour servos at 200-250km intervals largely determine the available routes -- East Cape will never be an option for that reason. The same goes for unsealed roads. That said, there are plenty of sealed goat tracks in the North Island, and the Rusties know where they all are...

You're not in this alone. There are heaps of folks who'll help you plan your route. The GC isn't a race, and the regulars are like a big family. That's part of this event's appeal. Finishing within the 24 hours is all that's important. Take good care of yourself and you'll complete.

29th September 2010, 21:56
The Rustys have provided fuel information in the last couple of GC, and it's an issue that affects most of us. No fuel stops are mandatory, you choose your own based on your range. Generally the start and end may have stations that are not 24hr, but you should be there at a reasonable time...

3rd October 2010, 11:41
Ok those who are experienced, This is starting to creep closser and figured I should make sure I am all sorted (or at least have every plan to be).

Biggest thing that worries me is the route planning side of the event. Now I dont own a GPS so count that out (personally I hate the things), and was planning on marking the route out using my North Island Kiwimaps book, I cant see any problem with this, but if someone has any other advise I will consider it.

The other thing is fuel. I have been to believe at times we can be in some pretty out of the way places. My main worry is it being the middle of the night (probally raining an blowing a gale knowing my luck) and rolling into some little hick village to find the only gas sation for the next 200km closed. Now the S3 has not to bad a range, normally try and fill at about 250km but can oush that out closer to 300km.

Is the ride set generally past good 24hr servos?

Man I just dont like not seeing this route till the night before. I like to plan. Even if things dont go to plan I like to know there was one to start with.

All advise apreciated

This will be #11 for me, and have never had GPS. Probably been a little lost on about half of them, but nothing major. At 220-230kms I'm looking for gas. A list of 24 hour gas stations is normally handed out. I never really have much of a plan. The only thing I look at are any gas stops that will have to be that won't be at checkpoints or main towns. There is plenty of time to complete the ride.
Warm gear (icebreaker or similar thermals) and as much sleep between now and then.

3rd October 2010, 16:31
I have a GC entry ticket for sale. Mrs H has decided not to do this year's run.

Interested persons should send me a PM please.

3rd October 2010, 16:44
I have a GC entry ticket for sale.

You mean they don't pay you to do that shit?

3rd October 2010, 16:56
You mean they don't pay you to do that shit?

Indeed not. Want to buy an entry ticket and find out what a GC is really like?

3rd October 2010, 16:58
You mean they don't pay you to do that shit?
Indeed not, we pay to do it :yes: Paid for all my rides up to end of 2011, and it cost about $600 - $700.

Now buy Hitch's ticket and come get addicted to the fun :sunny:

3rd October 2010, 17:02
I don't have the attention span.

Or the knees.

3rd October 2010, 19:30
I don't have the attention span.

Or the knees.

It's the arse that gets sore, although I guess they do send us on a few knee-scrapers....lack of attention span would be a problem but!....and I don't think spyders are allowed.

4th October 2010, 20:16
I don't have the attention span.

Or the knees.
Nurofen Plus ......... and if you ask any of us nicely, any one of us will give you a good SLAP :shutup: to help keep you focussed!

4th October 2010, 20:32
It's the arse that gets sore, although I guess they do send us on a few knee-scrapers....lack of attention span would be a problem but!....and I don't think spyders are allowed.

Spyder's gone. The Buell's a good tool for the job and I've done just short of 1000k a day a few times on it. The arse ain't too much of an issue, I just stand up for a while but the knees are fookt and it's harder to rest 'em.

Nurofen Plus ......... and if you ask any of us nicely, any one of us will give you a good SLAP :shutup: to help keep you focussed!

Anti-inflammatories don’t fix it. And the slap I can get without moving an inch.

5th October 2010, 21:22
Booked in ... ready to go (except for another rear tire, some tweaks to the sound system, a much bigger reserve tank (and petrol station detector) and the no-doze).

8th October 2010, 07:23
This http://www.metvuw.com/forecast/forecast1.php?type=rain&region=nzni&tim=168 looks great for next weekend and hints that Lee Rusty has gone soft on his rain dance protocols.......

.......Then I zoomed out and changed my mind... http://www.metvuw.com/forecast/forecast1.php?type=rain&region=nz&tim=168

....but will it rock up the country in 24 hours.....will it be joined by another 1 or 2 fronts all converging on us at the same time.....or will it all just sit back and allow us to have a pleasant pootle with no wets required??

8th October 2010, 11:27
or will it all just sit back and allow us to have a pleasant pootle with no wets required??

When last was there fine weather huh? With all the gear prep I've done, I'd actually be annoyed if it didn't go down to 1-2 degrees, as the gear is all specc'd to cope with that :blink:

That said... less rain is always appreciated :yes:

8th October 2010, 12:22

When last was there fine weather huh? .......

The last time that riders whistled / hummed / sang...

Starry, starry night
paint your palette blue and grey
look out on a summer's day
with eyes that know the
darkness in my soul.
Shadows on the hills
sketch the trees and the daffodils
catch the breeze and the winter chills
in colors on the snowy linen land.
And now I understand what you tried to say to me

how you suffered for your sanity
how you tried to set them free.
They would not listen
they did not know how

perhaps they'll listen now......

whilst they rode / pootled / fanged along Fields Track was in 2005 I believe.

8th October 2010, 17:47
Spyder's gone. The Buell's a good tool for the job and I've done just short of 1000k a day a few times on it. The arse ain't too much of an issue, I just stand up for a while but the knees are fookt and it's harder to rest 'em.

Anti-inflammatories don’t fix it. And the slap I can get without moving an inch.

Have you thought about adding some cruiser pegs further forward so you can stretch your legs forward without any weight on them to stop them locking up?

9th October 2010, 16:32
The last time that riders whistled / hummed / sang...

Starry, starry night
paint your palette blue and grey
look out on a summer's day
with eyes that know the
darkness in my soul.
Shadows on the hills
sketch the trees and the daffodils
catch the breeze and the winter chills
in colors on the snowy linen land.
And now I understand what you tried to say to me

how you suffered for your sanity
how you tried to set them free.
They would not listen
they did not know how

perhaps they'll listen now......

whilst they rode / pootled / fanged along Fields Track was in 2005 I believe.

While riding along in 2005, I wasn't singing any "Don" songs, was avoiding the wildlife and wishing that I had bought a rifle or a couple of dogs to round the fuckers up and get them off the road. You probably had all of the above in your panniers.
Also, I think I'll be BMWing it this year, rather than the usual GSXR ................. should be a bit different! :shutup:

9th October 2010, 17:31
Have you thought about adding some cruiser pegs further forward so you can stretch your legs forward without any weight on them to stop them locking up?

Other than avoiding what basically amounts to self-flagellation I refuse to acknowledge my aged bones at all, far less acquiesce to the various crutches normally associated with the condition.

And then: It is an illusion that youth is happy, an illusion of those who have lost it.

10th October 2010, 00:24
Where will you be this time next week?

Until then take care!
Watch out for stray temptations like a quick paint ball match - and the ominous wrenching as you pull your hamstring... adding more panadol and nurofen to the shopping list.

10th October 2010, 16:10
This time next week I plan to be tucked up in bed, sleeping the sleep of the knackered.

Ended up today doing a bit of high-wind riding, hopefully for practice I won't need for that particular variable.

At this stage the forecast next week looks OKish for the first half...

15th October 2010, 09:29
Right bag pack (probally way to much stuff). See you all in Turangi

15th October 2010, 09:53
Sorting out my crap now. Probably depart Palmy 2 or 3ish...

Chaffing at the bit now :scooter: