View Full Version : Knead it saves the day!

9th March 2010, 09:52
5 of us went for a wee trip from Invercargill to Haast on Saturday, awesome ride with some stunning scenery but on the way down the crown range there was a cycle race coming towards us, one of the guys came round a blind corner to find 4 cyclist right across the road so had no-where to go and hit the armco. After he picked his bike up and started it again (no damage to him but a bit to the bike - R6) i'm following him and after about a km start to get oil all over my visor and the front of my bike - turns out when the bike skidded down the road it wore through a section of the case and it was pissing all the oil out, got the bike picked up on a trailer and taken to Wanaka where the owner found some Selly's Knead-it at the mitre 10, cleaned the section that was craked with contact cleaner (it was a cover that came off the side), pooed it up with Knead it and let it set for half an hour, filled the oil up and it made it to haast, and back to Invers the next day with no problem! so get a tube for your tool bag, it's only about $13!

9th March 2010, 10:09
He,he great stuff for an emergency patch. Did he get the details from the idiot cyclists?

9th March 2010, 10:14
Should hit the cyclist, much softer.

Sometimes requires extending an arm, But the results make it worthwhile.

9th March 2010, 11:09
unfortunatly not, they didnt even stop, shaven legged fuckwits

9th March 2010, 11:39
Not to be negative but how's the road where the oil was spilled? Sounds like it dumped a bit.

9th March 2010, 11:54
I just paid $22 for the "steel" Knead It....Repco in Wellington CBD (Kent Terrace). Either that is more expensive than the one you got, or a major rip off! Perhaps a bit of both?

9th March 2010, 11:56
unfortunatly not, they didnt even stop, shaven legged fuckwitsFuck I would whacked someone for that. Fucken stupid cunts.


9th March 2010, 12:13
Fuck, I would have ridden straight into the cunts.

Motorcycle vs Bicycle, you have a chance.
Motorcycle vs Armco, you lose, every time.

God damn careless cyclists. If any other road users behave like they do, they would be picked up and charged with careless use of motor vehicle.

9th March 2010, 12:55
God damn careless cyclists. If any other road users behave like they do, they would be picked up and charged with careless use of motor vehicle.


9th March 2010, 15:21

You got something to say?

9th March 2010, 15:45
nah thats the one, i was only guessing at the cost but still it's worth having on the bike just incase

9th March 2010, 15:46
...shaven legged fuckwits

No no no no no..."lycra-clad pansies" man, "lycra-clad pansies"...:rofl:

9th March 2010, 15:57
does is fix forks?(jk)
pic of what happens when i avoided a accident scene
a dude on a triumph america hit a car
coz the car gave room for a cyclist
the car crossed the centre line and hit the triumph head on!!
i came around the corner 2 minutes later with no warning!!!!
managed to avoid the scene by going up high ground
fooking cyclists!

10th March 2010, 07:02
5 of us went for a wee trip from Invercargill to Haast on Saturday, awesome ride with some stunning scenery but on the way down the crown range there was a cycle race coming towards us, one of the guys came round a blind corner to find 4 cyclist right across the road so had no-where to go and hit the armco. After he picked his bike up and started it again (no damage to him but a bit to the bike - R6) i'm following him and after about a km start to get oil all over my visor and the front of my bike - turns out when the bike skidded down the road it wore through a section of the case and it was pissing all the oil out, got the bike picked up on a trailer and taken to Wanaka where the owner found some Selly's Knead-it at the mitre 10, cleaned the section that was craked with contact cleaner (it was a cover that came off the side), pooed it up with Knead it and let it set for half an hour, filled the oil up and it made it to haast, and back to Invers the next day with no problem! so get a tube for your tool bag, it's only about $13!

Knead it is the greatest invention of all time.

Wheels?Meh.I suspect the original wheel was made of knead it

10th March 2010, 07:07
I just paid $22 for the "steel" Knead It....Repco in Wellington CBD (Kent Terrace). Either that is more expensive than the one you got, or a major rip off! Perhaps a bit of both?

There are different types and manufacturers of knead it type products.

The "steel" type you mention may have metal powder included to give it good wear properties.There are even types that stick to wet surfaces and set under water.