View Full Version : Replacement frame slider pucks/knobs/blobs/bungs

10th March 2010, 13:17
Does anyone know where to source cheap (erm I mean inexpensive) frame slider knobs (only) on the interweb? Seems you can only buy the full set for most brands which seems a bit odd, I'm hoping I can find some universally sized plastic bits to fit on my existing metal bits.

10th March 2010, 13:23
the "metal bits" I had came from Steve Bridge at F1 Engineering, and when I crash tested them, it was a simple matter to replace one side. So maybe try whoever made your set to see if they sell them. I also know guys who have bought blobs of plastic from "BlobsOplasticRus" and spun up what they want in a lathe, but thats beyond me. The QDF* might be to try and source some plastic "bar stock" and drill a hole thru it....

When i used mine, it was surprising that the bolt bent as well as the blob o plastic abrading away. a good thing I think.

*Quick and Dirty Fix

10th March 2010, 14:27
I think they're oggy brand but I was hoping to find someone on trademe making them on the lathe in their back yard for a fraction of the price but if I can't I might have to get the real deal.
Did someone say tight?...

10th March 2010, 14:55
havnt tried but a skateboard wheel might work if your desperate

12th March 2010, 06:54
havnt tried but a skateboard wheel might work if your desperate

You probably shouldn't use skateboard wheels as they a made of urethane which is designed to grip the pavement,rather than a material that is designed to slide.
I expect the knobs are made of uhmwpe.

You can try these people:
Mulford Plastics
Address: 113 Hutt Park Road
Gracefield, Lower Hutt
Wellington, New Zealand
Phone: +64 4 589 0221
Freephone: 0800 MULFORD
Fax: +64 4 589 0651

They can supply and machine the right stuff for you

12th March 2010, 07:49
I got custom made ones from this guy. philnmaryharrison@xtra.co.nz It was sometime ago - he may still be doing them or not.