View Full Version : National to Auckland: Fuck you

12th March 2010, 13:20
Yes - I know I.S. is regarded as a raving left wing looney by many of you out there, but this post succinctly sums up the Auckland super city scenario....

For the past couple of weeks the Auckland Governance Committee has been hearing submissions in Auckland on the latest phase of the government's "supercity" reforms. The message from submitters has been universal: they want to live in a democracy, not a corporation (http://www.nzherald.co.nz/politics/news/article.cfm?c_id=280&objectid=10629540&pnum=0). They want things like transport, water, and the waterfront to be controlled by democratically elected and accountable councillors (http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10629326), not unelected, unaccountable party hacks appointed from Wellington (http://www.legislation.govt.nz/bill/government/2009/0112/latest/DLM2635107.html#DLM2635107).
Today, Infrastructure Minister responded to those concerns. His response was simple: fuck you (http://www.nzherald.co.nz/politics/news/article.cfm?c_id=280&objectid=10631260). Aucklanders will not get to control their own city. The most the government is prepared to offer is "consultation" on which hacks it will appoint. And he sees no problem with Aucklanders paying for local services they have no control over.
If we tried to run Tokelau (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokelau) like this, the UN would be breathing down our neck for unacceptable colonialism. But National is planning to run our largest city through what is effectively a colonial administration, with key decisions kept out of the hands of the "natives". We didn't accept that overseas, and we shouldn't accept it in Auckland.

Well done , Rodney!
Now...is it Christchurch's turn next?????

12th March 2010, 14:22
Unelected party hacks or Len Brown...it's a toughy, but I'll take the hacks thanks. Next step, privatisation, yay!

12th March 2010, 15:02
Yes - I know I.S. is regarded as a being a kind and considered kind of chap by many of you out there, but this post succinctly sums up the Auckland super city scenario submissions....

Those that dont agree make submissions and whine like bitches.

Those that do agree dont make submissions.

At least we have direction and movement. The leftie loonies want it all done by committee (because that works right?) with special attention paid to (and seats provided for) maori, trans-generded, left handies, and redheads - because they have feelings too.

12th March 2010, 17:07
And these were the cunts who for nine years bleated that Labour was undermining the democratic process. Nats and ACT..............fuctards all of them.


12th March 2010, 17:31
Yes - I know I.S. is regarded as a raving left wing looney by many of you out there

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Next step, privatisation, yay!

And the idiot of the year goes to... hang on, it's a hotly contested award. But you'll place, I'm sure.
Bet you a beer this little adventure of Rodney's will result in increased rates and reduced services, and leave a farkin great mess that the grown ups will have to sort out somewhere down the track.

And these were the cunts who for nine years bleated that Labour was undermining the democratic process.

Yeah, I have a friend who's involved in the Act party, and I asked him whether this was the version of democracy he signed up for - he's otherwise an intelligent and civilised chap. He has not to date seen his way clear to providing an answer to that.

I tell you what, if Rodders & Co believe this is a good thing, how about they get an externally and impartially audited assessment of the costs and benefits, present these honestly to Aucklanders, and put it to a binding referendum - along with a promise that they will take full consequences if the benefits are not realised or the costs blow out? Y'know, jobs on the line - theirs, I mean. That's right, easier just to ignore the public, appoint your mates to the top jobs, and ram the legislation through under urgency.

Party of principle, my arse. I hope the next election delivers them a healthy dose of oblivion.

12th March 2010, 17:42
Well I'm one of those that changed camp at the last elections, a few aspects to Keys National party convinced me along with reading an article on Key showing him as a strong man with plenty of will. Have you noticed he has a comment on anything that's happening in NZ, seems to overly pander to the Maori Party?
I had thought he was going to be new blood, but he is but a puppet, with cronies surrounding him still routing the system for all they can get even though they are on the top end of the compensation bracket.
Who's pulling his strings?

12th March 2010, 17:43
Roll on the super city. I want it.

12th March 2010, 18:52
Roll on the super city. I want it.

I was based in Auckland in the sixties when Sir Dove-Meyer Robinson was the Mayor, everything he said back then was valid and urgent!

Those same issues are even more urgent today because nothing has ever been done, except argue over them!

Auckland has always been a dysfunctional City and has been holding the rest of the country back with it!

New Zealand needs Auckland to be fully functional, strong and "leading" us to prosperity, it is the gateway to the rest of the country, our (embarrassing) front door! :o

Auckland has proved over and over that it is incapable of getting off the stops, I hope for all of us, that this new "Super City" works because nothing else has!

Super City is currently the only option on offer, like it or lump it, get behind it Auckland and show the rest of us what you are really capable of, make it work, the rest of us are depending upon you! :first: :yeah: