View Full Version : Overtaking etiquette

18th March 2010, 17:12
So there you are. Happily killing bugs as you pass unsuspecting cagers from behind. (The only way really) and you are doing well, you are sort of in a rythm.

You come past a cager and there is a nice gap to the next one. But...between you and the next cage is another biker. He is riding a swizz bang late model Whatsit with LED rear lights, exhaust out from under seat. Your bike is not even close to that. Infact there is a minimum of $15k between them Probably more. And if he, in first gear, decided to find out how fast he could go, he would pass you while you would be lying on your tank to drop the wind coeficient figure to something close to a Ferguson Tractor.

But he is doodling at the speed of the cages. And you have no interest in sitting there watching his wide backtyre. But at the same time there is this unwritten rule that you dont just swish past someone who is doing all the law requires him to do.

So what do you do?

Me, I have long time ago stopped admiring others bikes while riding. If he is too slow for me he is just like all others: Passing fodder. So I swish past and carry on (expecting him to wheelie past me on next straight at 160k/h...)

But there was a time long ago I would not pass because he was higher up the food chain than me and my old warrior of a bike.

18th March 2010, 17:16
If it's going slower than you want to, pass it. Car, truck, bus, bike, whatever.

And if it's going slower than me then it's pretty slow.:laugh:

Rob Taylor
18th March 2010, 17:20
Yes he is HISTORY real fast,,,

18th March 2010, 17:24
I give other bikes the same status I give cars.

18th March 2010, 17:27
If it's going slower than you want to, pass it. Car, truck, bus, bike, whatever.

And if it's going slower than me then it's pretty slow.:laugh:

Well if he's REAL slow, yes zoom pass them all... but I normaly pull in behind them if it's a good steady pace to let them know I am there and then pass them.....

but I have had it happen twice to me coming up to other bike, he must of just seen me in his mirror and just pulled out to pass as well and f ing near takin me out.. hence the finger when I pass him!
I thought dickheads had 4 wheels!

18th March 2010, 17:32
There's always the danger you'll scare a noob shitless.

Sitting in their mirror space for a second or two before moving past is fair enough.

18th March 2010, 18:51
So there you are. Hapily killing bugs as you pass unsuspecting cagers from behind. (The only way really) and you are doing well, you are sort of in a rythm.

You come past a cager and there is a nice gap to the next one. But...between you and the next cage is another biker. He is riding a swizz bang late model Whatsit with LED rear lights, exhaust out from under seat. Your bike is not even close to that. Infact there is a minimum of $15k between them Probably more. And if he, in first gear, decided to find out how fast he could go, he would pass you while you would be lying on your tank to drop the wind coeficient figure to something close to a Ferguson Tractor.

But he is doodling at the speed of the cages. And you have no interest in sitting there watching his wide backtyre. But at the same time there is this unwritten rule that you dont just swish past someone who is doing all the law requires him to do.

So what do you do?

Me, I have long time ago stopped admiring others bikes while riding. If he is too slow for me he is just like all others: Passing fodder. So I swish past and carry on (expecting him to wheelie past me on next straight at 160k/h...)

But there was a time long ago I would not pass because he was higher up the food chain than me and my old warrior of a bike.

fukkem passhim.........how is your boy after his off??

18th March 2010, 19:04
There is also the possibility that he knows something about the situation that you don't, yet.

Is there a cop parked 200m down the road with a radar gun.
Is the car at the front about to turn right to cross the lane you are overtaking down.

Exercise caution when you see somebody acting "out of character" :-)

18th March 2010, 19:09
good question. i always feel a bit weird passing other bikes, especially if there is a bit of pace going on, not a lot but a comfortable rhythm.

then theres this

There's always the danger you'll scare a noob shitless.

i always take more care when passing new riders. i remember being scared shitless by faster riders blowing past me when i was on my 2 fiddy.
its not hard to let someone see you before you pass them.

18th March 2010, 19:12
I passed an old lady on a zimmer frame recently, does that count? Almost gave her the finger but she looked kinda tough.

18th March 2010, 19:13
they're toast

18th March 2010, 20:31
Well if he's REAL slow, yes zoom pass them all... but I normaly pull in behind them if it's a good steady pace to let them know I am there and then pass them.....

but I have had it happen twice to me coming up to other bike, he must of just seen me in his mirror and just pulled out to pass as well and f ing near takin me out.. hence the finger when I pass him!
I thought dickheads had 4 wheels!

Yeah I was going to mention that self preservation dictates that you make it clear to him that you are there- so he doesn't make his move just as you do.

18th March 2010, 20:36
There is also the possibility that he knows something about the situation that you don't, yet.

Is there a cop parked 200m down the road with a radar gun.
Is the car at the front about to turn right to cross the lane you are overtaking down.

Exercise caution when you see somebody acting "out of character" :-)

I totally agree with this.

18th March 2010, 20:37
There's always the danger you'll scare a noob shitless. Ah yeah yah gotta watch that.

I slow down, let him know I am there, and then when space I pass. But if I wanna pass him there's no waiting around.


18th March 2010, 20:41
Yeah I was going to mention that self preservation dictates that you make it clear to him that you are there- so he doesn't make his move just as you do.

If they aren't in the habit of checking their mirrors before swerving out of their lane then there will be serious repercussions no matter what action is taken by other road users to compensate for their lack of awesomeness.

Personally I don't agree with swooping in behind a bike while doing a pass just to try and get their attention via their mirror, If you are passing a block of traffic then stay with the game-plan and pass the fuckers, No need to change trajectory mid-maneuver just because there is another bike on the road.

Just my 2 cents.

Put the hammer down.

Having said that, I play the game as she rolls on the day.

18th March 2010, 23:43
But at the same time there is this unwritten rule that you dont just swish past someone who is doing all the law requires him to do.

Dagnabit. Where can I find a list of all these unwritten rules ? This is a new one to me.

I follow Headbangers advice, if going past a line of traffic I'll just keep going. If they wanted to overtake they would have taken the same opportunity. Like cars though, always ready for the unexpected swerve without looking behind them.

19th March 2010, 00:31
When I was a noob if someone faster passed me I'd tail them. Could keep up with anything acceleration wise up to the 80k mark so it was a bit of fun.

19th March 2010, 07:40
Don't scare n00bs? I don't get it - you've just put the shits up 63 car drivers and now everyones suddenly worried about upsetting people??

Crazy talk.

19th March 2010, 07:40
Was lane splitting and came up to a bike in the left hand lane, I continued at the pace I was going
which was about 20-25km faster than traffic ample room, then the noggin goes to split without indicating or headcheck, lil toot of the horn made him realise I was there.

Funny thing is he had the audacity to follow me and when I parked up he berated me for being a learner
and splitting. I replied with "At least I check my mirrors and indicate before changing lanes"

He kind of shut up after that.

I will overtake anything that is going at the same pace as those I am overtaking.

19th March 2010, 08:07
Just the other day I pulled out and passed a group of other bikes while they were in the process of passing me.

Bet they didn't expect that.

Okey Dokey
19th March 2010, 10:29
I hope a faster rider would always feel comfortable overtaking me on my bike. I try to be aware and move to the left when one comes up behind me, and also to hold my pace steady. Although I have a fast sportsbike, I generally don't ride it flat out on the road. I'm happy for others to ride more quickly, as long as they aren't endangering me; I don't see why being overtaken is a problem.

19th March 2010, 10:43
good question. i always feel a bit weird passing other bikes, especially if there is a bit of pace going on, not a lot but a comfortable rhythm.

then theres this

i always take more care when passing new riders. i remember being scared shitless by faster riders blowing past me when i was on my 2 fiddy.
its not hard to let someone see you before you pass them.

Yep especially with any louder exhaust too, I've physically jumped in my seat outta surprise when some bikes have zipped past me.

19th March 2010, 11:24
Don't see why overtaking slower bikes should be taboo...def check that they are not just in between passes, even if they should check before pulling out doesn't mean they will. As for those times that I've slowed down and someone else passes me I usually take it as chance to follow someone else and practice some riding skills...why be offended?

19th March 2010, 12:46
I overtook a scooter (125cc?) the other day (no different to anyother day), but then let them pass me at 65ish km/h because...........

I saw the law and I won....ha ha ha

19th March 2010, 15:05
If they aren't in the habit of checking their mirrors before swerving out of their lane then there will be serious repercussions no matter what action is taken by other road users to compensate for their lack of awesomeness.

Personally I don't agree with swooping in behind a bike while doing a pass just to try and get their attention via their mirror, If you are passing a block of traffic then stay with the game-plan and pass the fuckers, No need to change trajectory mid-maneuver just because there is another bike on the road.

Just my 2 cents.

Put the hammer down.

Having said that, I play the game as she rolls on the day.

I didn't say swoop in behind them - but I do slow down enough so that if they do start moving over, I can slow down in time. The idea of doing a 80km/hr stoppie in rush hour traffic over Harbour bridge does not appeal.
But like you say each situation is different

19th March 2010, 15:13
I'll usually nip in behind em just to make sure they've seen me, more for my sake than theirs to be honest.

19th March 2010, 15:34
Act like I'm a land freighter with no brakes.
Honkity honk, out mah waaayz.

19th March 2010, 17:05
The obviously common sense option (and most voted) wouldn't take too many wits to be able to work out.... mind you there are those that are unarmed in that regard.

19th March 2010, 17:10
Was lane splitting and came up to a bike .....

....Funny thing is he had the audacity to follow me and when I parked up he berated me for being a learner
and splitting...

Yeah and his point was?? Most L Platers lane-split just as well as any non L Plate rider. Lack of the Yellow L doesn't necessarilly mean a thing when it comes to better skill, especially when it comes to the generally low speed act of splittling. Simple common sense and observing good technique of others is enough. Only take a couple of runs and a bit of thought to achieve that!

20th March 2010, 20:38
This thread reminds me of some lunatic passing I did when I was young & stupid.:doh:
I came up behind 2 patched up rtiders who were just cruisng along side by side apparently enjoying themselves on a nice day.:sunny:
After a sudden rush of blood to head :devil2: I powered on & rode between the 2 of them,of course I kept the throttle open for obvious reasons...:bash:
Got away with it thank fuck:yeah:

20th March 2010, 20:52
Just the other day I pulled out and passed a group of other bikes while they were in the process of passing me.

Bet they didn't expect that.Always wondered if it would start a spontanious race by race doing that... Does it?

20th March 2010, 22:30
But at the same time there is this unwritten rule that you dont just swish past someone who is doing all the law requires him to do.

Apparently being in a car doing "all the law requires" doesn't exempt you from being swished past. :scratch:

It's easy really. If someone is going slower than you want to, pass them in a safe manner. If someone is behind you, wanting to go faster than you are, just let them pass - hell, help them pass if you can.

21st March 2010, 08:53
Dagnabit. Where can I find a list of all these unwritten rules ? This is a new one to me.

If someone would put them in writing they'd be a lot easier to find

If I catch them I pass them, I don't waste my time making sure they know I am there, but I treat them as any other road user and expect them to do dumb shit

21st March 2010, 11:11
Well it seems that despite themselves most of the riders here in KB actually do what most of us consider is the right thing.
We slow, we advertise our presence and then when safe we overtake.
Give yourselves a big hand!@#$%.
My pet hate of late are riders splitting traffic while the traffic is moving at 50 K's plus per hour, if it's stopped it's fair game guys and girls, but when it's moving at anything over lets say 15 -20K's ph it is definitely not a good idea to be powering through it at 75 or more K's ph!
I'd predict that the day a fool does have an accident doing this will be the day our unofficial blind eye to splitting will be wide open and no longer blind!
Suggest you sprot bike riders on the southern heading north in the mornings take bloody Note.

21st March 2010, 11:28
If they aren't in the habit of checking their mirrors before swerving out of their lane then there will be serious repercussions no matter what action is taken by other road users to compensate for their lack of awesomeness.

Personally I don't agree with swooping in behind a bike while doing a pass just to try and get their attention via their mirror, If you are passing a block of traffic then stay with the game-plan and pass the fuckers, No need to change trajectory mid-maneuver just because there is another bike on the road.We all owe it to other motorists to facilitate where we can, if you don't think someone has seen you, you have a responsibility to either not take the passing opportunity, or take some action to alert him you are there before you go. A simple headlights-on-full and a swerve around is often all it takes.

Always wondered if it would start a spontanious race by race doing that... Does it?Er, yeah it takes so little to trigger one of those, and so much work to un-trigger it. Usually a resound thrashing makes them give up. :laugh:

definitely not a good idea to be powering through it at 75 or more K's ph! I'd predict that the day a fool does have an accident doing this will be the day our unofficial blind eye to splitting will be wide open and no longer blind!I tend to agree with you here. It's nice having the law on our side for something we enjoy so much - the last thing we need is clowns taking the way-overkill approach and getting the rules changed. One hopes the govt might use existing law such as dangerous driving to bag them, rather than legislating against filtering holus-bolus.


21st March 2010, 11:44
Er, yeah it takes so little to trigger one of those, and so much work to un-trigger it. Usually a resound thrashing makes them give up. :laugh:

I wouldn't be in a hurry to retire having been beaten by a hyovag either!:shifty:

21st March 2010, 12:06
I wouldn't be in a hurry to retire having been beaten by a hyovag either!:shifty:Depends how resoundly it beat you. :shifty:


21st March 2010, 13:38
Its normally on the motorway in traffic so I just change lanes and pass.

21st March 2010, 14:13
If I catch them I pass them, I don't waste my time making sure they know I am there, but I treat them as any other road user and expect them to do dumb shit

This is pretty much how I handle it too. Just yesterday I passed a couple of bikes, they could have gone much faster than me if they wanted to of course, but they were cruising at their pace and I was cruizing at mine (about 110kph). No drama, just moved to the other side of the road and cruized on past.

21st March 2010, 17:37
If someone would put them in writing they'd be a lot easier to find

But...then they would not be unwritten silly! :shifty:

22nd March 2010, 09:44
fukkem passhim.........how is your boy after his off??

If you are asking re the oldest, he is good. Titanium rod in leg and back on bike. The youngest only manage to get bruises and scrapes from his MotoX, but same applies: back on! Thanks for caring!