View Full Version : Mayor Andrew Williams

28th March 2010, 19:28
As a leader of North Shore City this guy is an embarrassment. Sooner gone the better.:done:

28th March 2010, 19:31
Yeah hard case eh? gets on the sauce and starts abusing people at all hours of the day and night.
Not to mention pissing up a tree after a few hours hanging off the top shelf...
Sure hes not a KBer?.....:shifty:

28th March 2010, 19:36
No he's the benchmark on civilized behavior behavior we all try to emulate. Makes Michael Laws look positively statesmanlike.

28th March 2010, 19:44
Yeah hard case eh? gets on the sauce and starts abusing people at all hours of the day and night.
Not to mention pissing up a tree after a few hours hanging off the top shelf...:

...and then he drove home didn't he?

Pure genius.

28th March 2010, 19:55
Just as an aside, on the North Shore City Council website home page there's a poll on a liquor ban in public places. The irony floors me !:gob:

28th March 2010, 21:34
I reckon he's just a minor control freak whose circumstances are out of his control, and he's adapting to that poorly, so losing it a bit. I have a smidgen of sympathy for that, it's not nice having your life and career unravel.

(And I don't know if the current allegations against him are true or not, so am not directly commenting on that).

28th March 2010, 21:38
So the man got on the piss and urinated on a tree. WOW.
At least he got off his high horse ffirst

28th March 2010, 22:12
So the man got on the piss and urinated on a tree. WOW.
At least he got off his high horse ffirst

Yea my thoughts too. How many here have not pissed against a tree??

So he does not like Hide and his supercity. Not hard to figure out where all the flack is coming from.


28th March 2010, 23:31
So he does not like Hide and his supercity.

A man of good judgement then!

29th March 2010, 08:01
Yea my thoughts too. How many here have not pissed against a tree??

So he does not like Hide and his supercity. Not hard to figure out where all the flack is coming from.

Now who was it a couple of days ago, that was slagging people off for being blindly uncritical of those on their own side of the political spectrum whilst focussing on the shortcomings of others?

29th March 2010, 08:51
Now who was it a couple of days ago, that was slagging people off for being blindly uncritical of those on their own side of the political spectrum whilst focussing on the shortcomings of others?

If you can't see this for what it is then there is not much I can say other than repeat it's a beat up from Supercity supporters, ACT types, ove a guy having a piss a gainst a tree. There is no evedence that he drove while drunk in f act the bar tender has said tha this drinking was moderate and with a meal. (my words)

So are you telling me you have never pissed in a public place..................ever?


29th March 2010, 09:08
Meh - we've got Bob Fricken Harvey (a shocking indictment on both the apathy of Waitakere voters and the lack of serious contenders for both council and Mayor - we elected Ewen Gilmour, for Christ's sake) so I'm not going to bag Williams.

They'll both be gone soon enough.

29th March 2010, 09:33
Yea my thoughts too. How many here have not pissed against a tree??

So he does not like Hide and his supercity. Not hard to figure out where all the flack is coming from.


Sure - many of us have pissed on a tree.

But then we most of us wouldn't get in a car and drive home pissed.

Perhaps when he kills someone his supporters will be a little less - ohhh its Hides fault.

29th March 2010, 09:43
If you can't see this for what it is then there is not much I can say other than repeat it's a beat up from Supercity supporters, ACT types, ove a guy having a piss a gainst a tree. There is no evedence that he drove while drunk in f act the bar tender has said tha this drinking was moderate and with a meal. (my words)

Er, no, I think it's a culmination of the fact that the guy's been a complete f-ing embarrassment to the North Shore Council since the day he was elected.

"Ms Hartley, a former Labour MP, said Mr Williams' behaviour last Thursday summed up the past two-and-a-half years.
"We have had to put up with a lot of very questionable behaviour from the mayor," she said.
"He is quite a bullying person and gets away with it because he has his 'A' team who support him 90 per cent of the time."

via Keeping Stock (http://keepingstock.blogspot.com/2010/03/you-know-youre-in-trouble.html)

So are you telling me you have never pissed in a public place..................ever?

Not when there's been a perfectly good public toilet a couple of hundred yards away, and not as an elected representative...no.


29th March 2010, 11:27
Maybe he wishes to be the next Dover Samuels... "Pissing in an elevator" ring a bell to anyone?

It seems that getting pissed and sending abusive txt's late at night, is near the top of his forte.

29th March 2010, 12:20
And yet I would happily trade him for Kerry Prendergast in an instant.

29th March 2010, 17:47
'Midway through last year, Mayor Williams was at a Navy function in Devonport with Senior Naval officers. An ambulance was called due to Mr Williams being so intoxicated he was going in and out of consciousness. When thay arrived, Mr Williams assaulted the Amb staff, and needed to be restrained. Top St John Managers stopped the story (and charges) by sweeping it under the carpet so there would be no bad PR. NOT ACCEPTABLE!! He did not apologise but said in a statement that he had been unwell that week and not eaten before drinking "an amount" of alcohol. So its ok to assault paramedics then???'

Footnote: Cannot say where this came from so dont ask.

29th March 2010, 17:50
Is he doing a shit job? or is his pr just bad.

29th March 2010, 17:56
Is he doing a shit job? or is his pr just bad.

His job must drive him to drink!

29th March 2010, 19:45
'Midway through last year, Mayor Williams was at a Navy function in Devonport with Senior Naval officers. An ambulance was called due to Mr Williams being so intoxicated he was going in and out of consciousness. When thay arrived, Mr Williams assaulted the Amb staff, and needed to be restrained. Top St John Managers stopped the story (and charges) by sweeping it under the carpet so there would be no bad PR. NOT ACCEPTABLE!! He did not apologise but said in a statement that he had been unwell that week and not eaten before drinking "an amount" of alcohol. So its ok to assault paramedics then???'

Footnote: Cannot say where this came from so dont ask.

Sorry but without verification this is worthless hearsay. No more value than the story I heard (from a source that shall remain nameless) about r hide and a goat.

29th March 2010, 20:44
Sorry but without verification this is worthless hearsay. No more value than the story I heard (from a source that shall remain nameless) about r hide and a goat.

That sounds like something Helen Clarke would trot out.
Or Mayor Williams even.........hey! you're not Mayor William *Hic* ms are you?

29th March 2010, 21:23
Meh - he's no Dover Samuels.

Let me know when he starts pissing in hotel corridors (http://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/newsdetail1.asp?storyID=71713).

30th March 2010, 03:10
Meh - he's no Dover Samuels.

Let me know when he starts pissing in hotel corridors (http://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/newsdetail1.asp?storyID=71713).

Haha, yea, I forgot about that..... Why do these fuckers keep their jobs?

If a vacuum cleaner salesman did that, the chances of him keeping his job are slim to say the least!

30th March 2010, 05:37

he won't confirm or deny .... but i am sure there are cameras ... ;)

30th March 2010, 05:53
Ahhh c'mon ya buncha wowzers! How many of us haven't pissed against a tree in our day, huh? Huh? ...errr guys?....:o

He's just a "colourful and eccentric character"...:rofl: Beats the boring farts most of us have for mayors...

30th March 2010, 07:20
Mayor Williams was at a Navy function in Devonport with Senior Naval officers. An ambulance was called due to Mr Williams being so intoxicated he was going in and out of consciousness.
Bloody NOOBS trying to drink at the Wardroom... PROFESSIONAL drinkers ONLY, please.

30th March 2010, 07:39
'Midway through last year, Mayor Williams was at a Navy function in Devonport with Senior Naval officers. An ambulance was called due to Mr Williams being so intoxicated he was going in and out of consciousness. When thay arrived, Mr Williams assaulted the Amb staff, and needed to be restrained. Top St John Managers stopped the story (and charges) by sweeping it under the carpet so there would be no bad PR. NOT ACCEPTABLE!! He did not apologise but said in a statement that he had been unwell that week and not eaten before drinking "an amount" of alcohol. So its ok to assault paramedics then???'

That was reasonably well reported at the time by the Harold. IIRC, it was variously explained as "dehydration" "exhaustion" and "illness"

EDIT: Here's kind of a link from Stuff about his drunken texts to John Key - mentions the other thing:

Williams' critics have suggested alcohol might be playing a part in his behaviour. Last year, he had an altercation with an ambulance officer who was treating him after he collapsed during a Navy function. He also gave away Christmas gifts of "Stop Banks" wine to show his dislike for Auckland City mayor John Banks

Does anyone who is actually represented by Mr Williams care to give their perspective on the job he's doing (alleged drunk driving notwithstanding)?

30th March 2010, 13:48
Now he wants to be Super City mayor....

30th March 2010, 14:09
Its like a scrap in the school quad, only with drunken silver back gorillas mascarading as pollies. Dont you love the level NZ operates at?

So.... down to earth, eh?

30th March 2010, 14:35
Now he wants to be Super City mayor....

Banksie's a shoo-in then, 'cos the lefty vote's already split between Len Brown and Tamihere.

30th March 2010, 16:47
'Midway through last year, Mayor Williams was at a Navy function in Devonport with Senior Naval officers. An ambulance was called due to Mr Williams being so intoxicated he was going in and out of consciousness. When thay arrived, Mr Williams assaulted the Amb staff, and needed to be restrained. Top St John Managers stopped the story (and charges) by sweeping it under the carpet so there would be no bad PR. NOT ACCEPTABLE!! He did not apologise but said in a statement that he had been unwell that week and not eaten before drinking "an amount" of alcohol. So its ok to assault paramedics then???'

Footnote: Cannot say where this came from so dont ask.

A new low in KB posts.


30th March 2010, 18:17
A new low in KB posts.


Really? I thought I surpassed that milestone ages ago?....:blink:

30th March 2010, 18:57
As a leader of North Shore City this guy is an embarrassment. Sooner gone the better.:done:

'Midway through last year, Mayor Williams was at a Navy function in Devonport with Senior Naval officers. An ambulance was called due to Mr Williams being so intoxicated he was going in and out of consciousness. When thay arrived, Mr Williams assaulted the Amb staff, and needed to be restrained. Top St John Managers stopped the story (and charges) by sweeping it under the carpet so there would be no bad PR. NOT ACCEPTABLE!! He did not apologise but said in a statement that he had been unwell that week and not eaten before drinking "an amount" of alcohol. So its ok to assault paramedics then???'

Footnote: Cannot say where this came from so dont ask.

A new low in KB posts.


Really? I thought I surpassed that milestone ages ago?....:blink:

Obviously Mayor Williams is a Labour mayor! :sick:

They just can't hide it for long can they, arse disguised as class will always reveal their true identity given time! :mellow:

30th March 2010, 19:16
What about the connection between Williams' lambast of the government for pushing the cost of the leaky home debacle on to ratepayers and his sudden notoriety?

30th March 2010, 20:41
Obviously Mayor Williams is a Labour mayor! :sick:

They just can't hide it for long can they, arse disguised as class will always reveal their true identity given time! :mellow:

Actually OR I have no idea. Until this story broke I had never heard of the man. It's just that if you are going to smear man at least you back it up not post someshit and then say that you will not or can not reveal your source. Yes that is a new low. I've never seen that on here before

The whole thing was engineered by an ACT party member. Even I would not support a Labour smear like this. Arse as class?? Come on OR rise above this shit...............you can see this for what it is.


30th March 2010, 20:41
double post ggrrrrr


30th March 2010, 21:39
Actually OR I have no idea. Until this story broke I had never heard of the man. It's just that if you are going to smear man at least you back it up not post someshit and then say that you will not or can not reveal your source. Yes that is a new low. I've never seen that on here before

The whole thing was engineered by an ACT party member. Even I would not support a Labour smear like this. Arse as class?? Come on OR rise above this shit...............you can see this for what it is.


I don't think so Skyryder!

Mr Williams apparently has a very long track record of doing these things and his critics are just taking advantage of his generosity in providing them with fodder! :yes:

I can see it for what it is all right, he is not a suitable player for the game he is playing! :oi-grr:

31st March 2010, 12:08
I don't think so Skyryder!

Mr Williams apparently has a very long track record of doing these things and his critics are just taking advantage of his generosity in providing them with fodder! :yes:

I can see it for what it is all right, he is not a suitable player for the game he is playing! :oi-grr:

Apparently??????????………………no hard facts with ‘apparently’………….it’s a word used when there is no substance other than hearsay. On his call for resignation……………..it is only five out of fifteen councilors and those are supporters of Hides reforms for Auckland. It's embarressing. This has nothing to do with morality but the fact that Williams does not like Hide and his Auckland reforms. This attack suggests to me that Williams is 'sticking' to those where it hurts.

Come on OR you don’t need to stoop down to this level. You can do better than this. Leave the chorus and become a lead singer. :yes:


31st March 2010, 12:31
and those are supporters of Hides reforms for Auckland.

Really? Ann Hartley, former Labour MP...a Hide supporter?

Williams is a numpty, elected by accident on a single issue and some on the Shore are obviously sick of being embarrassed by him...the cries of "conspiracy" are just a feeble attempt a smokescreen. Jeez, Williams can't even get his story straight the events of the night in question.

31st March 2010, 13:28
'Midway through last year, Mayor Williams was at a Navy function in Devonport with Senior Naval officers. An ambulance was called due to Mr Williams being so intoxicated he was going in and out of consciousness. When thay arrived, Mr Williams assaulted the Amb staff, and needed to be restrained. Top St John Managers stopped the story (and charges) by sweeping it under the carpet so there would be no bad PR. NOT ACCEPTABLE!! He did not apologise but said in a statement that he had been unwell that week and not eaten before drinking "an amount" of alcohol. So its ok to assault paramedics then???'

Footnote: Cannot say where this came from so dont ask.

So Auckland (super)City has Doug Meyers as it's new appointed chairman - someone who makes his millions by promoting products that cause the same affect..........looks like Auckland has a problem........

Good blog by Colin Espiner on the topic...http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/blogs/on-the-house/3524980/Fear-and-loathing-on-the-North-Shore (http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/.http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/blogs/on-the-house/3524980/Fear-and-loathing-on-the-North-Shore)

31st March 2010, 16:09
Really? Ann Hartley, former Labour MP...a Hide supporter?

When you consider that ACT was set up by former labour MP's, note I said 'former' then it is possible if not then perhaps Anne Hartley's opposition to Williiams might, and I say 'might' be just old fashioned 'penis' envy.:spanking:


31st March 2010, 16:24
A new low in KB posts.


got some competition have you