View Full Version : I laughed and I laughed

6th April 2010, 19:56
Before I start, I believe no one was hurt in the making of these photos.

So I went for a pootle on the bike a couple of Sunday mornings ago and saw the aftermath of a minor accident which must have happened overnight by the wetlands near home (See photo one and don't look at photo two yet.)
I couldn't see how the person had finished up there as it's a pretty gentle curve and there were no skidmarks. My speculation included the fact that there is a pub about 600 metres away.

Anyhoo ... I rode and drove past it a couple more times through the day but it was on my fourth pass before I noticed the rego plate ...and burst out laughing. Before you look at photo two consider the boy-racer types with their rego plates like 'CRUISN', 'DRIFTN', 'DRAGGN' etc. You may now open photo two and if your sense of the ironic is like mine, you too may burst out laughing.

6th April 2010, 20:07
Classic! Flick it in to The Herald - they'd love that for their SideSwipe column.....

6th April 2010, 20:08
LOL. Great plate :niceone:

6th April 2010, 20:14
Good one! What a clown... Fancy Parkin there!

6th April 2010, 20:22
That looks just like the time I crashed my car at 160kmh on a straight piece of road when the back end suddenly swung out from underneath me. It's just a shame I don't have a good plate to match.

6th April 2010, 21:30
I laughed till I needed to go to the toilet! That was REALLY funny.

Okey Dokey
7th April 2010, 08:11
Great to start the day with a laugh- thanks for that! :)

7th April 2010, 08:18
It would be wrong of me not to quote the old man......

"that's a funny place to park a car"

Everytime we passed an accident where the car is no-longer on the road.........:rolleyes:

7th April 2010, 09:48
Good one!! :rofl:

7th April 2010, 09:51
I wonder what the line at the bottom of the plate means... best I can tell, it says:

"#1 in stainless on the water"

7th April 2010, 09:51
Sigh. Double post again.

8th April 2010, 12:30
Ha ha ha! Very funny. Hey Sentox, just chill with your posts. If you think you have submitted a post you probably have, just wait a bit and it will show :yes: Double posts are annoying.